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Show ,B.T W. r. Iftrcrari THK W VU AT PARIS VAXVRES TAKEX. Pa;:-. 14. IheC-.utrai Committee has ordered a getteral search, which is progressing, tor arms a ti i perso ns in-ttnica! in-ttnica! to the covcrnment of the Coui-mu.ie. Coui-mu.ie. Gro.isset. feder.il minister ot to.-eigu srTairs, has i-sued a pretest ...ai-i-c the dec'araticn of Thiers that the Corat-.'june his dtsregarded the pro-vis pro-vis ns of the c-ettvetiiiou ofGeeva v. tt-i regard to explosive bullets, acJ i t torts that the VersaLlists themlves are guilty of the same infraeticrrs. t'otu tuna', aceeuuts say the atwnipt of ti.e Wrsui les foreres to threw a brd e over the tike has Lua Jcpulsed. The 'er$a';isti continue to gain ground in the direction of the Maulot gate. Vaa-vr.-s ts st t II iu possesstori ot rhe itueras. Vt-.-iL-.. 11. The breaching l-atteries are Bo ready to open lire opru the cLeieste of Pari A cucu.ar ly Thiers says the troops have undertaken under-taken to ep-:a trenches in the Beis de Brx-.o-c. attd ccuixsaioatioa ie-tween ie-tween forts Mectrrouga and "3nvTes. is cut. The Lveeuui of the Prince Imperial, in the village of Vauvres is leciipiej and optradjss are Liraueicg a all loiuts ior the aeairerurce o: Paris. Ihe VcKailles forces have oc-enpied oc-enpied fort 'anvres: the federal garrison garri-son escaped by a subterranean passage to jTontronge. Fifty guns, eight mor-tois mor-tois and a few prisoners were captured. |