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Show by W. V. IeU.-r.ii!i. K AC I ltlt). WOOL KRAI Di. San Francbco, 11 Preparations are being made on an extcu-ivo scale tor an exeur-ion of the 1st r- gt. N. G. C, of California, with M. 11. L. li irr.es, to Alameda on Wediu-day. The intention in-tention is to make this the iaree-t atiair in the line that ever came oil in California. T he wool market has been very seti-libly seti-libly atLc.ed by the scandalous tiauds i in packing which have been so extensively exten-sively practised this season. There are now .-owe G.CHJO bales in store here, 'for tale, and ihe stock is steadily increasing. in-creasing. Some of this has been so adulterated with sand and refuse matter, mat-ter, that dealers refu.-e to make on ; oth-r for it at any price, and packers . will have it left on their hands a total lo.-s. it is now necessary to open and overhaul every bale, in order to ascer- laiu whether the frauds had been practised prac-tised or not. One bale cpe tied here . la-t week contained a rock weighing it) pounds, aud other bales were similar' simi-lar' loaded. The packers of this lot will be indicted for swindling as soon as a grand jury is ready to ael on the case. |