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Show ;TRUOKEBj ! I j AND I ! i I SALT LAKE I 1 j j ILumberYard! c ; One JJioek boutli of i f i u.G. PASSENGER DEFOT.j ! i t I - j Lumber ! i Of all widths and lengths. j ! Utah Comiiiou $32.o0 per M Truckee " rough.... 40.00 " Truckee 2d clear, " ....50.00 " Truckee 1st " " .... 00.00 " TRUCKEE SHINGLES j 14. jO per M. j L A T II S, i : J 1 !A No. 1, clear sugar pine dxl; inch,-! inch,-! Four feet lengths, .7. W )ier M. i I I jj:iSja valley J i j Sugar I'ine. Clear Sca-tined I j i 't 1 Imouldings J I jFLOOKIHG,! ! CEILING. SIDIK3, j kxtua wiiu:, I i ! Rustic and Moulded Battens. j j Sif., Kx.'., j iDOORS, DOORS i i S II., l A- 35. H., j j With and without Kcdwood l'unels. Sasli Doors,! ! j (Single and loub'c j I I f ii it jAll sizes eoiisiaiuly on hand. Kxll'ii1 sizes made promptly to order. ( W. PSKfillURST, ' 1 IVsnirivitM-. L .-Barley, Flour, Uuitcr & Egys.f- I iTruth is Mighty and will Prevail! 1 j THE FLORENCE j NOISELESS brain iciiisb j Are 'the Best in the WorJd. j Read tlie Figures! I i'rom tho mental pabulum furnished by riral agents. a I-'irst Sum in Simple Multiplication Four thousand a week fc, I twenty-five years makes half a million (?) Second Exaww.k Number on the plate, 4?0,tjXl. Everybody katjw, 4-iis0,000 is over half a million (?) 3 Kxtruc-t from Circulars leut out by Rival Ageat I i "Total sales of Florence up to close of 157, lO.OCO." s I The number ou which we have paid a royalty up ro Oct. 1st, is 751.0;,, Swhich leaves 09,000 as the number sold from the close of 1867 up to that date 1 3.j months being about 2,090 pes month. There being 300 months in ij lyears, wt .figure even if half-a-million have been sold, it would be but 6 li'ER month, thus showing that the FLOHENCK is the ' '' I LEADING SEWING MACHINE OF THE AVORLD. I We do not claim rclrihiltiy for the above figures, they art thttiipflf mathematical deductions from tht source indicated, 1 n Iff litre i a Florence Family dewing Machine within a thousand not. e?of all Lske C'ily. tliat Is not giving entire satisfaction, we will lfl. gformtd of II, attend to It, free of any cnarge. 1 Laiijilon, the In vent o r of t lie Florence, bad on the table before him . Smotlel of the Singer, Grover di. Baker, Wheeler 4t Wilson, and Hovre snd nvallerl himself of all tliat was good In them For t he ne of t he s'bort Isp'i oniljlnatlon Patents-' we pay a royalty on every Machine made b. th. r'lorcuce teewlug Machine Company. Discarding the Straight Xeedll because it punches soft or fine work iu,, g lietecd, and adopting the C'cbvud Xekdle on account of the peeulUr vmies! s,"iiotion, enabling it to enter the cloth at an acute angle, which enables us to sew g:he sottet woolens and finest gauze without damaging the feed. Discarding a "take up'' which requires Extra Spiral Sprirni to be s-nt em s .vith every machine, v.e have adopted a Positive lloiiox cot subject to stiy -uci irregular action. I Discarding even the complicated folding cover which gives way ia the lim;.; I'ifler a few months use, and becomes an intolerable nuUance, we'have adopted E.he new, unique and beautiful design whicn renders our fi.milv favorite! as orrj-'2 orrj-'2 nental as they are useful. fi a Although other companies ha.l lifteea years theusri in laying their Maehii 3 oefore tbe public. ITHE FLORENCE appi-antr to the front rahk, aud became universally acknowledged as The Bet ii'OR Kamii.t 1'"K, principally through its long 'eries of triaaaph. beginnics; : f tie Pennsylvania siate fr'air in l!-'.. mid continuing up to tbe Kentucky saa ! Fair of lson, and tue ilihibition of the Ayrshire Agricultural Society it At:, ...thiiid, tile same year, during which time tee i'Luf! F. N"CK was swarded t:; jrir-t Premium over ail competitors at ovr.K yop.TV L'our.y, District. S:t:e, National and I nternational Kxnibttioi.s : among these the SEVEREST TIiI n o which Sewing Maehin's were ever subiectel in this country were at the Axe:-i. Axe:-i. can Institute lairs, held in New YorK. October fvj, and September, l?o7, ar.i J it the Middlesci: itechanics' Association, Lowell, Mass.. and the Ms-vls.-.i ! tu-titute, in At each of these Fairs mschiucs were tftted for frem three to jive wecksi, by the be-t judges in tne country, aud by them the Mrs: preniiir. 3-jold MeOals were awarded tne ELOKEN CK y'iactiincs. j ''.e" consider the rapidly acquired popularity of the FLORENCE, t-3 t-3 'riginaiiy ir.ad" it is not surjin-ing that the t.o-t of warm friends of the Machine 1 '' ;c cboub.1 be loud in their praiso of the improvements incorporated into fl.ncir tavorite a-s it now i?. Xho encomiums of our patrons are gratifving in the X -xtreine, and their judgment mu-t be accepted ast faitnf-jl ar.d bene-;," aiordt; Jiio-e prup,t-ing to purchase a suthci. nt re.tson lor inTostieaticg the merits of tht 1 r L iE CE before buying a machine of any other make. The mechanical construction of the ELO HENCE, devised as it U ou the jim-ij jim-ij .tlet atul uiot positive scienuiic principie-s. uipe::sit:g with cogs, catns. Ac, ar.j a .troved by tue -nverest t-s:s for year, enables us to oi araxtke the purchassr 1-1'nt it will WEAK TWICE AS LONG as anv o-.iUr Suutilc Machine in ti- niii ket, without requirins a duplication of par:-. gj S e guarantee the FLORENCE will ew ecry:iiitig needed iu a fauiilr. Vein the ticavie-t to the lightest iaoric. "5 It does more work, and more kinds of uork, ttiau any other machine.' J Its motions are all po-iiive ; there are no springs to get out of order, aod it-implicit- enables tho most inexperienced to operate il witn the esse of an expert. il does not require Cner thread on tho under than on the upper side, and will J-t'' aero-a the hcavie-i seams, or lrom one to more thicknesses of cloth, withoE 3 'hange of needle, ten-u :i, or stitch, or breaking thread. 3 It u.-i s less thread than any other machine, ij The needle i easily adjt..-u-d. 1 It rm light and qu;e'..y. THE FLORENGE SEWING MACHINE lS T11K ONLY .MACUINK THAT CAN SKW IN MOKK THAN 0-Vh' IHUKCITON, HAVING A UKVKUSIBI.K FKKD. ,lt Is the only Machine that make, four kinds of. Ill, I,, three of whirb ij o'lher.0" "" ",ir " ''. and are lro.,srr aud more ela.llc lhaa aar i, Sit lin. an Improved l.r, ,-,. m.klnic anv width of hem. and easily S nK. d.o.M d exclusively l.y I he e loreuce C ompany, fit v. Ill hem anything ,) make perfect corners. I" VrnVtUi""' CO"'"' ,,r1'1. ck.. quilt., hind., aalher., c, wltao" l make, a Kall.erand scivs It toa baud at one si.rr.llsn perfectly (aaf-i (aaf-i nun led 111 t hisi. 1 ' lit I. the only Klnehlne havln a sel f-ad In st ln shuttle tcslou-a frss' ' l'a".'ri"V"1"'"1 ". rendering It easy to do good ork Jit fnsleus the end ofa senm better and quicker than a .eam-tre.s ca. (FLORENCE MANUHCTUHING MACHINE I Tho l-'loronoo I'.nopany ha ing bought Miutm', I'ltnt, r jillaking Machines thai arc destined to super-ode- all otlu.ra for all kind- '-' hVV tntl light niiimila.'liiring in cloth and leather: -implo o onp o t .lurabh'. hi- jninning mul n, q liable to dorangeinent. The piv.-rut A,;ent of tho Tloreneo C-mpaiiv i- a druggist bv pr jlinvini: mil a year a experience on the M .ehines.'origiuallv co.umcn, ed Maeliines nfler I wo hours' in-t met ion, ami tl,a public are 'a-unvl (hat . rrs r.,-,.,,-,,,,,., are , 0-iMitil to tiie man igetueiu of tiu E1.01U1NCK i ;'.uld ihoeiy of "To your tent. O Israeli" exeragiiu be .unde.l. '' '' enlleman who has epen,l,-,l half,, lu'e-tim,. lenriung to . Ills mi. hir.o- T. l1!'8 perleot iltlpistment ' n.it K. I'ouiitl niuong the e i:iii ie'.leucr- of ion. I1"1-' ihe people w ho p,, - a iinichine. ho-e niecl, ni- ,. lv.lUii-e siu h ' piniph ol eiin-inoennir -kill to manage them, VNjU l, imb-e.l I'.. ruinate. I'er the betiell, ,.f 111,-,- w ll, lia e hisiiv lime rt 1 1 iM' an er.Oit! g I te'ir est Ji.il-m..;., wo beg loaxo t.. slate ihal, during I he aeseine ef t ha-. "nil"'''' -either in Ihe -eltlemems or elsewhere, our ,.-!nbl,sh,oer.l will be in chsrge el Mr. ,1 i. 'til tee. who i. lolly e.-mpetrnl ,i give itiHtnieti.,,,, i (, .,, t 1 e l-'l renO. CHAS. S. HAMMER, Geivl Agent, i 1 '1V'"!'le Mil, opp.. he v.,, ),,, , ,.,., I N A Is'V I.AKi: ( iiv, IT AH |