Show provide fuel for winter FROM fro ni the appearance of the coal situation now we think the people would do well to provide themselves with as much wood while it is dry and easy to get as they possibly can as winter will soon be upon us again and then even wood would be far ahead of nothing to burn to us it does not seem possible that the coal situation can improve much for a considerable period of time to come although inside of a few years we believe the coal pro blem will be solved but it ft is is for right ri 0 ht now that we must look out it might mi 0 ht not be a bad idea for our commercial club to investigate how much coal thel e is at the mines at coalville Co alville and if any can be had bad many of our farmers might go with their teams and get a load or two before cold weather sets in they tell us that it is for want of miners that the coal supply is short still this may not be the real cause or it may be tile the cause in some camps but not in all we should not take anything 0 for granted but see for ourselves as much as possible |