Show farmington FRACTIONS Et ethelbert belbert L sherman and ella nelson were united in mar ariage by elder george H blood on july president bamberger is again again 0 talking 1 of building both houses at the la lagoon ca oon there are to be a sufficient number built ta accommodate 1000 bathers and they are to be ready by the time the resort opens next season the bottom of the la lake 0 is also to be covered with sand and some now new wells are to be driven to supply y water for the lake elder H S ensign delivered a lecture here thursday evening on japan ile ho and three other sin singers gers had come up from salt lake to sin sing while prof J J daynes formally opened a new vocation that had recently been purchased the remains of the five year old son of mr and mrs harry A bellemy bellamy of salt arke city were buried here friday his death resulted from a very singular accident he fell fell from a fence near his home onto a nail which pierced his brain the doctors operated on him two or three times but were unable to save him A convention of the primary associations of the stake was held here sunday Zina card and edna harker thomas of the general bowd bourd were present wm win N mayfield and wife at tended landed the f funeral of mrs may lay fields brother iu in ogden monday there was a large 0 attendance from all parts of the county at la lagoon oon wednesday ou on pacific islanders day quite a number nu imber of elders from this county have doue missionary work in those hose t islands bishop W W dark clark of montpelier united in marriage harry A seven and miss ma mae e T hoff of that place one day last week john johnson from the saltworks near saltair was fined 15 and costs amounting to 1895 in justice richards court mon day for indecent exposure the offense was committed at iq I lagoon q oon ile he was so well supplied with money that he scarcely missed this amount horace and family were in the county visiting re tho the first of the b but ut haye have since gone to garland Ua rland they recently returned from wisconsin where ma had spent four years studying shudyin g during their from utah mr lost his father and mrs airs her mother mr will teach at the B Y U at provo chehad he had a good djs tio tion u offered him bim to teach at tho the night as a board of equalization the ward has purchased the ille amusement hall from HJ H J field audit and it is expected that inside of another year it will be remodeled mo daled into a modern opera house this will solve the hall question which was talked about considerably last T w winter er the ward recently it sold th the emy building 4 or cr rather tier the ity hall P property and in hen hence 0 d mon money to invest in a hall hal 1 r ke e 3 purchase price was 1750 00 lids fora omy fruit fields ds wisconsin university from which he graduated 0 W warner filed a suit in the district court on tuesday to enjoin the north candon cany on water co john penman james ma land alfred boulton J D trum bo be wm win IV boulton from interfering with certain amounts of i irrigating ari gating and culinary culi nery waters flowing from north canyon |