Show UTAH STATE NEWS S W sanderson has baa be been en appointed postmaster at fairview fai arview general miles I 1 ties has promised to visit fort douglas next summer the pot fico at richfield has been rinsed raised to the presidential cla class senator kearns has recommended the appointment of B 13 B hey wood of 0 salt lake to succeed united states marshall glen miller the salt lake board of education has purchased the ON old university ground and buil buildings din fro from in the state land boa board rd for andge stewart in the district court a salt lake has affirmed the validity ot of the ordinance prohibiting women from entering saloons at night representative sutherland lias has recommended the appoint appointment meriL of nelson B I 1 marietta of the utah battery to a lieutenancy in the regular army george washington tb the e colored do dog catcher of salt lake has been arrested charged with selling dogs and shipping them out of the state stale instead of impounding them salt lake has risen two inches since the close cloie of the bathing season it Is ia hoped late snows and spring rains will raise the water enough to make bathing good tor for next season the he compulsory education law is to bo be strictly enforced in salt lake by superintendent christensen Chris lensen and the board of 0 education during the remainder of the school year miss alice M johnson of springville Spring ville a niece of the wife of lord roberts the famous english general died fit at salt lake last week where she underwent oa an operation for appendicitis congrak congressional dional delegation believes the military commission which looks after military posts throughout the country will provide for extensive improvements at fort douglas one hundred and twenty three cases casee of smallpox have developed in utah county within sixty days das past and 11 of these are arc in benjamin district the remaining four at clinton cinton this breaks the iho utah record con congressman ressman sutherland has in produced trod a revolution appropriating forthe for the establish establishment munt of a fish culture station in ul th ih at some point to be chosen hy by the i st etues tt es corn coin missioner of 0 fish and 0 no rit borscs are arc brin bein i i tired to equip two batteries it at lo 10 l ni 1 Hii ulas and artillery paraded i w li it picturesque feature of the fort it 1 I 1 loit or I 1 aill ill br be madi 10 billip iii ip one ini i 1 n 1 i i N ith illi black hoise hoi 1101 se anti anil aai urilla uril aclei ln i iiii q the of i t I 1 ake county Ellow that onu anc foi fm i f alln I 1 genera gwenera county ti t Ls a i irvi 1 li the support or of ir asai lit in at it t vear was S a co more then ill iti 1 ious ous the tol 1 e 1 li in laim d that I 1 i p pi I 1 tree has lit n found in acrivi ii in n 1 ork i anyon at the butt bum tit t 1 i i ot if thi the alree is eSt estimated maLed at sove seve it f fit fart it while axi feet beet from its ifrain root tit 1 1111 ol 01 has been cut off by TaK a gulch it 1 is 20 0 feet in dia diameter moter E bl bi ane who arof religion noa and was par pardoned pardon donet mi ow i if the utah ar in 11 fo i hore he was serving a tarm for bin bill lir aar shot and Ben banoul 1 il I 1 kansas inas in as city last week banle vv 11 ile evit ei iii d in robbing a residence rea idenie frank shurtleff shut tied thi ill 10 year old boy who was convicted of kit killing lino mrs jane wilson at solidify Soli El olida dif awat summer by shooting into her bousa while on a caloust ca irith boys of his age has had ili ha simi nee nce suspended dui dm ilg 11 good behavior hamilton fi amilton park a hydar old salt lake lage boy HIS as last lasi w it k shot in the I 1 head clr lv a companion ho wai wa handling a as small maHir fit rifle rin ill wound is not serious but bad the nall arlid arird in its cour a cr ol 01 an itch it il would nave have caud cau can rd d the llie loo of an eye it if not cot th life of the lad the e state of ui th ill it expected t to 0 rats toward tho ihu Mcl fc Kinle linde found abich ts la less than seven levitlis of a cent per capita january 29 is the clad da iiii it for tlona and school children will bo be given tin an opportunity to contribute moses thatcher Tha leher and a number of chicago people art an in mexico inspecting a coffe conlu and rubber plantation which they expect to purchase the plantation contains 7 acres has coffee tro tn a s and rubber trees and about i 1000 acres 0 of sugar sugar cane the century company a minneapolis concern ts is considering a proposition to develop the ae wax mines near coton if it undertakes the development the company will mine crite a product found only at colton which is used for or insul lalion lation wax candles and tile the like fire supposed to have been of incendiary origin was discovered to io mrs whiles vili taa millinery store at springville Spring ville last week justin judit in time to prevent a disastrous conflagration the lobs losa was about bully fully covered by insurance su rance |