Show oJit p o < bJ GltEAiFO A UtiIIL GUtffIS1 l i V fTv y < r t I sf t Wonderful Team Play by the J H c f f CfiicagoJiSen P t r lli llli1 i OUBOYSLELltN IiESSON 1 > < 1BEy PitYl5DGtLLANTLY Vl1 COtLD QT 5 CGRE r 1ty tTli ireWas KofctJieEaiHtes Suggestion Sugges-tion oV Brutality JDnrlngr the Un V1atire Gaiae TherJRc iilt WRS 52 to v iu Faroe oiitkeiVis > iiors 1 Tvv ri I Lilll i I i crow L of 700people yesterday witnessed wit-nessed the Ibestcgaiheiaf 91t1Jal eser playetl here despite thefact ttfet it was so onesided The crankwas In hte glory and will talk l drdays to come > of nothing but interference t hot tackles backs and punts The groundscould not have been in I Worse condition The eeveral inchtefe of mow which has 14ifc eiyfallen had partially par-tially melted P1 1ifgthe exposition field a sea of slush and mud This may countfor the large score 62 to 0 as the compact mass plays of the visitors bad telling effect The Chicago team outweighed their opponents several pounds to the man There is no excuse to be roads for the defeat as it was caused by quick snappy play and superior knowledge of football For the Y ML C A Taylor was the bright and shining light and his tackling tack-ling was better thanany other manson mans-on the field Stage complimented Mm on his end play and all round work To tell of the good players on the Chicago team would be to make a catalogue of the imfmbers of the team Tha men opposed each other as fol lows l Y M C A Chicago Reading Center Wyant Abell Right Guard Allen Capt Axton Left Guard Rulkoetfer Moore Right Tackle Roby Barker Left Tackle Black Latimer Right End Lamay Taylor Left End Yunt Cross Capt Quarter Henig Rasmussen Right Half NIcholb Mcintyre LeftTHalf Gairy Peaibody Full Coy Doyle Subs Tooker Allen Peabody was far ahead of the opl posing full back In punting The summary of the game is as fol lows Y M C A got the ball and the south goal with the wind in their favor fa-vor Peab6dy lifted the pigskin far down inlto Chicago territory Iamay caught the ball and was soon tackled After tacklp buck the ball was fum bled by Chicago but a Windy City man fell on it A crisscross netted a good gain An old chestnut was now sprung on the Salt Lake people but the Y Jr C A was on ito it and spoiled the chance for gain The end cut it out beyond the line and a feint was made to pass it to a half but it was thrown over his head to the end The ends were next tried but unsuccess fully In fact at no time in the game could they get around the Y M C As ends Old War Horse Allen was given the ball and distinguished himself him-self by making a touchdown He failed fail-ed to kick goal Peabody again kicked kick-ed off Nichols fumbled and was tack led without gain After < a < tackle buck the ball was fumbled and Barker fell on it thus giving the Y M C A possession pos-session of the ball for the first time The Salt Lakers now held their breath and wondered what the local men would do McIntyre vas sent around the end for a good gain Rasmussen wa tackled by Ruby who broke through Peabody was called on to punt and sent the ball thirty yards toward Chicagos goal line Barker brought down Coy who caught it After a tackle back buck the hall was fumbled and Cross fell on it The next three plays were broken up before they were well started and Peabody landed his instep on the pigskin for forty yards and Taylor caught Nich old after a short run Chicago held the ball until it had made a second touch clown which was accomplished by hard mass bucking the tackle being the point of attack Coy made the touch down and Captain Allen failed to kick goal Y II C A kicked off and Taylor brought Allen to the earth after he had caught the kick After a few more bucks Laitimei broke through and fell on the ball which Hering fumbled A enscross from Mclntyre to Rasmussen TlRttlPfl tpn varrls Y tVif > hpsit rmln 5 Ion the Y M C A Fide for the day It was the old story of Y M C A failing to gain and Peabody Pea-body punting the ball down the field The ball was again fumbled by Chicago and Axton dropped on the ball Reading Read-ing was disabled and Doyle took his place When time was called at the end of the first half the score stood IS to 0 in favor of the lads from the Windy City After a ten minutes intermission Allen Al-len kicked off for Chicago Latimer caught the ball and was thrown into the slush after a good run Mrlntyre gains around the end Mort Allen who had been substituted for Rasmussen made a short gain Peabody again punting and the ball was carried back a few yards by Hering who was tackled by Cross Mass plays and bucks followed each other with amazing amaz-ing frequency The rest of the game was but a repetition of what had preceded pre-ceded Chicago bucked the Y M C A down the field and after several plays would score a touchdown Allen semi occasionally kicked goal The final score was 520 It is unnecessary to state in whose favor The game was a perfectly clean one and the brutality often read about was entirely absent A stimulated interest in modern football will be the immediate immedi-ate effect and even though no more football as played this year the plays worked yesterday will be stored away in the players minds and brought oat for use next season At the close of the game the Chicago team took cabs for the Sanitarium They paid a just tribute to excellence of our great bathing institution by pronouncing the bath the finest they had ever taken l |