Show > w t AS TICK REC0RD SHOWS Ii l fh Ixiv ejtf tie the dally fog b8k n vot8 to still further obscure tire factsdevSd ed t In the election case uni ± Q substitute for them certain cer-tain vikgire suspicions and indirect cnarges agalnst some persons ye unknown un-known calling that volfome of misf t1i eC9 c The burifen of the whole mass of clo dinc Js ihet some judges of election elec-tion 1n Sanpe Wi coufity still nlaintain the correctness of their > cqunt and protest against any doubt being cast upon t1 accuracy of their returns We will not at present undertake to J inquire Into the truth of the pretense that those gentlemen said what the dally perverter prints as their language lan-guage > Cbecaise that doesnt matter just noV We 4iae traced up other i of its statements purporiing to have been made by gentlemea iron other precincts and found them to be fabrications I fab-rications with very little foundation in truth < 1 But whatever may be claimed either I for or by snybodr respecting these re turns as the c record has been invoked in-voked to the record Set us go The Santfete returns ere those now in ques lion The argument that the Com mifcslon must take them as they are lnilliSIOn because persons who mafle them up claim they are correct They have been introduced In court1 and here they are < hot i i 1 ho-t l i PRE < I STt tdltI rnrf j g 4 < 1 Chester 4 4 48 18 i Ephram 3T9 148 312 7 Fairviw H 231 2 2I 10 Favetfe 49 jQI 49 1 Fountain Green 14ti147 14 6 1 GunmSO1 t 2522 252 a Manu lV I 462 466 r 461 5 May11eld u 4621466 i3 1 lIilbiun V 40 40 lo Moroni a 23i2ll 231 6 M unt Pleasant L 49S507 500 9 Sprhil 205 206 205 1 Sterling 56 06 j Th1stl i 23 zi I vales 1 62 62t 1 I Totald screpanclez 14 I Of course they liave been published t before EyeD the paper that keeps pegging aay eey day d editorially I to mate the public Selieve they were all right printed them in the reports of Utah Commission proceedings thus virtually proving tife folly and falsity fal-sity of its own utterances Observe Only five out of the fifteen precincts in Sanpete county furnished exactly ccurate returns In each of the other ten precincts the books the i tally sheets ana the lists showed discrepancies dis-crepancies the total of which is 441 We do not cite this as anything exceptional ex-ceptional with Sanpete Similar errors occurred in other counties But as they were ill most cases insufficient in-sufficient to affect the result to any candidate they were accepted as the law requires What theCommission proceeded to do then was this In case where the discrepancies would in their opinion opin-ion affect the result of the election to any candidate they went to the ballot boxes to determine the rights of the candidates as the statute provides Before the canvass the Commission as we have stated several limes consulted con-sulted four attorneys two of whom were Republicans and two were Democrats Demo-crats They all agreed that the returns I re-turns comprehended not only the t tally sheets but the poll books and the lists as well The two Republican attorneys I I torneys who thus advised them are now of counsel for the petitioners who I contend to the exact contrary I The record as it now stands shows that the returns from the precincts I pre-cincts in Sanpete contain discrepancies The only way to solve the question of i who has been elected from that county I is to make a recount of the ballots i All the attempts to confuse the matter I mat-ter whether in court or in the newspapers news-papers only make that point clearer If the ballots are not to be counted to determine the question it will remain re-main in doubt The Commission proceeded pro-ceeded as it directs If they have not the authority to do so then the intent of the law Will fail The record in this matter is made up by the returns i re-turns They are dead against the Tribunes Tri-bunes foggy fiction |