Show I 1 J TEMPLE TR BERNAGLE according to the white pine nev news mrs at C lewis leis lias has sold bold her hei two ranches in white river valley tc t the mormon church for and expects to move with her family tc oregon the purchasers will no doubt colonize tile the property the denver deaver republican publican Ite says Moir maimon tion church organization of 0 hig 19 horn basin IV wyoming is having a survey made for a big irrigation ditch tc be taken from the koshone Sho ho honc shone river near eagle s nest and ami run 1 1111 to McCull agli 1 l peak cast of cody the ditch will be thirty milts long and will irrigate acres of land the church will settle mormon families on the re claimed land there are 1000 cople in the dozen doen settlements which make tip the alberta colony it i 1 not composed entirely ol of cormons mormons Mor mons as some may suppose for ten per cent of tile population are non mormons cormons the alberta country extends front from mount view sixteen miles west of Card hardston cardston ston tile largest settlement to forty miles east of that point the altitude is about feet the land is excellent for grain and cattle ittle et winter feadin feeding beaw being unnecessary and a fifty mile canal is now dov under construction st bt to be supplied with witte water r from the st mary s river tile the immigration is steady ard avd some time alberta will be illicitly inhabited wide latitude is allowed olli cers in enforcing law and bribery doesn doean t go in that country BS as olli cert hold office for life and are considered above corruption apostle brigham young at the tabernacle last sunday Su said lie was much pleased with the being made by the saints in disseminating their religion throughout the world and thought that tile interest manifested therein at the pi cheat time was largely due to lite alic opposition made against it apostle young said he be had recently ta talked I 1 iced with many strangers in the east cast who were ere surprised that the lat ter day saints believed in god and one man said that lie thought the religion of tile the mormons cormons was wiped out when hen the congress of the united states legis against n ainest polygamy lie Ife expressed 7 the belief bel let that the saints have greater ii light lit than any sect of modern times but they show less wisdom than others the speaker denounced the cry for money which is abroad in the land apostle young said he be had recently been obliged to spend several weeks in in chicago which lie he considered a great calamity and the continual cry was v as money money money and he was va not accustomed to that cry ili dr talmage said it had bad been fashionable in the past to d decry aery mormonism siu because it had biad had a bad name and a tiling thing that has n a bad name is seldom spoken of in any otho other r berinti terms than those of reproach lind and denunciation n lie said that it is tile the fashion in the world today to go lai largely Irely by names and am scarcely su arcely ever to look beneath the surface that our bits of 0 knowledge knowledg eare are tied lied up tip in packages and the package labeled mormonism has ever been in ill repute with many lint dr talmage ebaid said it was becoming popular for people to investigate the religion rel ision of the latter day saints and lie he cited instances of where lie ho bas recently spoken ky by ic quest at the university of edinburgh and at cornell upon the subject of moi alot monism |