Show county court notes con coulty 11 ty court met in adjourned session on november 1699 at 10 a 1 in james doulton boulton asked for reli relief of from taxes on account of having his house destroyed by fire and havinga having a horse die the house was assessed at and the horse 10 40 an appropriation of 1 oa 05 was made that being being the county tax on oil said house the petition of S S howard askin asking 0 to be reimbursed reimburse d for i interest paid in redemption of real estate sold in the name of IV 0 B allen alien for taxes in tile the year 1899 it is ordered that the petition be not granted for the hie reason that the commissioners have no jurisdiction to g grant rant the r relief eliof prayed for and the clerk cleric is s to advise mr air howard accordingly 0 A comin communication un leation from william watt constable of layton pr precinct 0 in relation to sale of estraya was presented and clerk in instructed to ask the constable for an all itemized report of the sales n made lade 0 giving givin the day of sale saie amount sold for cost of impounding damage t etc and the supplies on each animal sold an ali appropriation of was made to william garlic on account of infirmity to enable him to pay his taxes the claim of james warren supervisor for for work on roads Ns was as audited and all allowed the attorney reported he be had drafted an all ordinance in relation to stock running 0 at large on the streets and ill highways of davis county the ordinance was taken up and considered read the requisite number of times and on roll call was passed the following being the voto vote on its passage 0 aye commissioners parker an and d holbrook no commissioner kershaw the petition of john A webster for relief from taxes on account of high valuations valuation was kasnot k not granted ranted for the reason that tho the commissioners cannot legally a grant the petition adjourned to dec ath 1899 at 10 a in |