Show FURNITURE lam I 1 am still doing business at the old stand dealing in WALL PAPER CHAMBER SUITS CUPBOARDS BEDSTEADS TABLES STANDS and CHAIRS take Tak orders for or anything I 1 got ot in tho the keep fine stove hoards boards E THOMAS BOUNTIFUL I 1 UTAH DAVIS COUNTY BANK farmington UTAH capi tat surplus GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS i percent interest paid on savings deposits deposit compounded quarterly maae drafts agramon aramon drawn on all principal points L aaita can be made in sat salt lake city it at the deseret national bank for credit with this bank YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED A T CLARK PRESIDENT L S HILLS VICE PRESIDENT A L CLARK CASHIER DIRECT DIRECTORS ORSe wayman thomas steed II 11 IH wilcox john walsh DOCTOR GW SHORES I 1 CURE LOCAL AND IMM 1 the th only remedy guaranteed to ilif re catarrh and na completely eradicate tk the ills elsm from the tb blood and system FULL SIZE TRILL TRIAL SIZE ech each full size il package contains contain one on lull full ocl local treatment on full months noc supply of catarrh balm and one on full lyst catarrh Ct rrb blood and stomach pins it if you have catarrh asthma bronchitis may hay fever or tny any complicated affection of ur the atrol bronchial tunes or lungs Doctor shore coupler catarrh cure cun win will tv give instant initial ellit an a compi ana na permanently pt Bently curt cure you it 1 the bowels are constipated take fk one on of dr G W pills pill at a bodul ae it if your reubia roubia t li Is chronic self na deep 4 write dr G W shores personally for his new symptom list md god have hav your cui case dinou i nou and get ft expert advice ins an fn or dr 0 W shores tonic ona isad blood bla cleans and aa the lh blood gi ivi v an hand n W r cures dyspepsia and ait M a xuoi X race pric 1 per cr bome dr ah 0 W shores kidney and a liver car cores cirei all 1 almu ceases of ur the idem liver aad bl odder 1 KT bottle dr 0 W shores abort cough ck cars cum an 11 II coughs coli colds and n bronchial bronch lil affons OB w will toy asniv 11 Lalic croup JI a bottle la in too the house nou large larf if bottles bic dr a 0 W hores mountain af ag oil stops the kal aln in on to for too thach 6 nurlin au cramps or colic use UM it II externally and D in ID I 1 prevents bl cures cum diphtheria H N used gaj in I 1 jm ay k acin ape bottle hinly handy pric me dr CI 0 W sheneal hr pepsin tago tas troys and M remove niev the th ull old round r most when hw tha thy batch ill bre WM il fill price pile Xio kotte dr a 0 W In sarc tores salve if cures cum an lt at of at the aids kl 1118 itaw moves rail 5 u and klick train ur the fu sea PI Is a has D dr 17 0 W lir kersal att anti rill cures side budess backs dilce csc bol katti id 4 ahse famous re mosio 1 4 edity ly tar G W liun aw uk city utah for sale eai by deseret ute live stock co 5 st cross utah amual leuenberger PRACTICAL watchmaker all kinds of welches latches Il and blocki cleared cleaned and repaired promptly and at at loviet cei door morta C w L office BOUNTIFUL UTA UTAH H A A wilsom wiLs jr s anca attorney alow at law mallory AK WILSON VILSON AND WILCOX I 1 gal papers and carefully Cart fully ait a special spada attencio Atten tiou tio to predate practice iAK UTAH REISER C JEWELER watches aiches clocks ft jewelry 1 drieci done and Warra nUd e S st SALT CTT CHARLES PEARSON E 5 ATTORNEY AT LAW office at residence Resi deace bountiful utile also at t S mallm main st salt lake city oo 00 P B approved te cay osy CATARRH me ISO ir LOCAL DISEASE SE mil and 1 mull of and ou CID it uddin sudden climatic the afi 6 1 t remeda 1 which Is I 1 a tied ux rec lcuy Y into nto the noon a B s in edwy bed it gluf es re atone elys tomb a aim is aft ad to tr the th mot moot 11 cue cr for kul cat rr cold la in hoi bead and nd thormal hr bar forer ever of all remedial ma elles it opens and cleanse the I 1 a I 1 hay aye pain ista sod and inam gen sects thi ilia allon beall eai ur t lord 2 pro mein froes re col 1 itom th bede coo of tests in an small cc t tso b mall we V if 46 A yein ox awarded highest honors worlds fair DR I 1 CR mm ia rw I 1 afi cwm ak MOST PERFECT MADE A pure grape cream of tartar powder free from ammonia alum or any other adulterant AD 40 YEARS THE STANDARD for sale one improved excelsior ar capacity iggi ernea burnham Burn liam wood a crew 5 TA N D r yf REV I 1 J thab CIO far I 1 1 I 1 ILL IN 1 ta 0 av 0 ton will una nd one coupon jelde each two ounce bug bag and two coupons coti pona inside ouch each four ounce NOTHING durham bay a ba of ihli I 1 celebrated tobacco and read 1 I 1 I 1 the coupon which gives a list of valuable preveat eat ami alid GENUINE how bow to acet them asp ssp C ES 0 BOUNTIFUL LUMBER BUILDING association incorporated redwood doors give the best satisfaction in this climate we have them in in great quantities and ana all sizes honey sections no I 1 white also comb foundation bee hives and smokers screen doors for aorl 1 each Bring your yur order in early for win window screens combination fence from 45 acts to per er rod square and plat flat fence pickets porch railing posts balusters ba Da lusters in stock lumber from 15 per thousand upwards yard just east of dummy depot bountiful C CORRECT RAILWAY timetables UNION PACIFIC RAIL A 0 ROAD A IY 5 1806 1896 T 1 10 10 OGDEN G D N TO SALT LAKE leave 0 ogdan den 2308 a a m ia p m leave hooper bot fl I 1 a i m leave layton lay ton al 21 a ni G am 44 p p n in in leave fayville Ka ali sib a ma ni zt r 11 3 n p leave learo farmin ton 3 mf am 2 44 US 4 m lcuio 3 47 a m a 6 mpr iam in 1 10 cavo o wi W i cr cro 0 i 3 14 8 ia am ifa 2 aa li m anni arl arrive salt lake 3 af W 9 m 3 10 7 15 p pm to filom SALT LAKE TO leave lavos L avos salt anko 7 w 00 SOO S OO am 4 00 leave woods cro d M 13 a m 4 11 11 im pm p in in lt a kocl loa ma m 4 14 pm m leave 1 farmington f x 24 am aan 4 21 I 1 u lm m leave it 33 a m 4 30 7 30 p in I 1 ca cavo e lay layton toll 8 37 ain 33 7 ja r leave alc al C I 1 hooper 8 41 lama ati i pm p m 4 r arl vc 7 st IOS I OS win n ni 5 00 lj 00 D in poet not stop aloon ft m for or deni adriner er Clil chicag caso liali sn city lat lou bouli and park rork city p ro points flits am for salt sail francisco and c cache ch c valley wo p r m r i tor for denver omalia Clil et chicago caso nan ican sit sita Franch francisco city y st louis butte portland and san GREAT SALT LAKE H S R R A rn IN EFFECT JUL Y 14 1896 FROM FARMINGTON TO SALT LAKE leave farmington and lesoon u DI 11 7 00 1 p ni in leave learn Cen centreville p treville 12 1012 a in 1212 1013 pm genvo bountiful bount fun I 1 10 1010 10 19 a in 1219 10 1011 1019 P pm m leave glo n m 0 28 aa N 10 p ni leave p bee D I 1 cb 1035 am ain I 1 Z 5 aw axi arrero af 45 1045 Sull pm pin I 1 L Lake la k 0 SK 8 45 aki 10 4 a avs m awag 45 bioli I SALT LA LAKE H r TO ra it jIING TOV leave salt lake iao woo p in a m SW 00 leave U abc 1510 dl la 10 p m leave lio bonneville wi hull aix 1118 isa mi 1818 it is s I 1 N p m ici I ci I bountiful a 27 1127 1117 27 p am a ar r ax genvo B 1133 a ms wax 33 1 p m and lagoon stin am csc Cs 51 4 phi 15 atri iril binl itsal iviry er floor bound trip ti ladonn 2 M W ats round rotin I 1 oil to decks inc balli ets ticket hii A nile nt lit do doting it II av W early leac a ger evi teral shoes made blade and repaired I 1 sole shoes arid and hoots boots at tile the ul lowing low prices mens io 50 acts boys IJO y a 40 acts 35 ctol ct a fligl 1141 childrens from 20 els to 30 0 els all liral class leuther leit lier also make leake shoes null noil boots bools to order jens neilson block blaik cast or of coop store Am treville also repair harness meals for 15 16 cents you YOH can get 9 4 gap flop meal qt at ifill valley notise louse for 14 1 cents anil and beds for 25 nd ad 50 cents everything is neat and alli homelike liomel ikc hoard board and lodging by the lie day 75 cents and by the wet wik k 31 aiss esq proprietor opposite southwest roner coner of the temple block salt sail lake city dressmaking and millinery mrs airs dorn dora LI lion oil fashionable and millinery parlors one door north opera house bountiful satisfaction guaranteed J jai 31 azano zane geo gcoy I 1 MOYLE ZANE ZAKE AND COSTIGAN ATTORNEYS AND COUN counsellors AT LAW rooms 7 to it 14 aceret national nil bank dida SALT LAKE CITY MISS SUSIE STAHLE dress making all the latest styls stylo and terms very verv reasonable parlor on oil southeast east corner of opera hone nock mock boun will MADSE BROTHERS photographers yo 2 18 commercial street SALT LAKE CITY gadney r D F y W DARKE ATTORNEY AT LAW rooms 41 1 arid and 47 hooper block SAIT LASS LAKS ityl citi warned wanted A middle aged woman must UR un stand cooking cooked g and house keeping no washing arid and a good home and wage to lo the right person call on or I 1 address mrs W 0 lee east bountiful ill mother sessions house to the gardeners dont forget that you can buy arid and have repaired everything in the cane anil fill willow line fancy chairs carriages and G K E 1 south opposite theatre salt bait lake 1111 1 CRY city X KESLER E YOUNG DENTISTS Vi PArc are now visiting davis county modern dental work crowns bridge work and plates Ani esthetic administered for painless extracting money oney to loan money to loan on first class farms apply direct arid and save sub a agents arents commissions EUGENE attorney at law no commercial bloc r SALT LAKY LAKE ciry cirr UTAH for your protection catarrh cures or tonics for catarrh in liquid form to be tal taken en internally usually contain either cither mercury or iodide of potassa polma or both m aich ar are 0 injurious i 1 jurt if too long taken catan h is ft local loca net a blood disease caused by sudden budden change t to cold or samp damp weather lt it starts iu in the nasal lim sages affect affecting ili eyes cars care anil and throat cold in the bead bea Y causes excess c flow bow of mucus and if repeat repeatedly edi y neglected the results of catarrh will follow severe pain in the head a roaring sound ja in the ears bad breath and oftentimes an offen offensive sive disc charge barge the remedy should be quick to allay inflammation and limit heal the nc elys cream balm is the acknowledged cure for these troubles and contains no mercury nor any injurious dru drug price GO co cents abatti SYL VB PM CYCLES I 1 BOOT 3 9 B RUN EASY IU 23 lb narca bl udde aum L t feltl or cf the tag u x v lu 0 tryde tall highest AWARD daiil FAZI ladies STI ill lin sf nt ladies llla e 1 I 1 for 1 rider lifton THC OLD RELIABLE OVERLAND CYCLES MODEL H SYLPH 22 LOS C l for sio ill ih rider highest grade cycles at popular prices A iloah 1 L reliable aud wheela ON SPECIAL AL BARGAIN CYCLES b belll 1 1 0 new AT CUT atlo 24 1 a boyhand noy BoYa And nl girls we inace extraordinary prices from which we 2 afi G in 1 n youths ani so ao allow lattal alb t to 1 f you at one 28 in men mann ill 6 and larke d n 0 ai 1 or nr r ano etri alm rl it ie will py pay sy you to lo write u WK overland scorcher SS li ila HM A no yo 0 o I 1 11 1 5 rall T r P I 1 stab in it IW IVA caf coord overland coraier cor cier z 1 11 2 A 01 nol ol 2 ta 1 0 rd linn I 1 ant lana special B orgain lists free frea no 13 acmon achue 21 inch boys boya ij UR SUPERIOR inducements brini us orders froni rom every state slate territory and larg city in th the united state as well as train many countries ROUSE BOUSE HAZARD COW ara 81 aph od 3 5 2 W orlan cyon ST PEORIA I 1 A t ILL f |