Show Engli mlis perfidy carls july ig 19 A funeral service was held today for tile the late marquis de mores at mont mitre matre eduart delivered the funeral oration in the course of which he denounced Eng english libil perfidy as being responsible ica corthe th e murder of tile the marquis mar quig some dit disturbance ensued and there were shouts of down with england and down with the jews it was warp announced at the time of the departure of the Alar marquis quis ie de mores blares for the soudan that he went to consult cont lill the arab lenders leaders there and that he intended to assist them as far as possible in placing 0 obstacles in the way of the british expedition up the nile but lie he was murdered by his escort before he fie got very fa far r south of tripoli al brumont Dr who delivered the I 1 funeral uner oration today Is the editor of tile the libre parole and lit in 1892 during the anti semitic campaign tile the marquis de I 1 mores fought two duels which grew out of his taking the part of 11 1 1 brumont Dr the due duc dorleans sent a wreath today |