Show tn in the early part of march 1863 as engaged by major E to from salt lake to deep creek on the overland stage line it two hundred miles west where said laid major E owned au an exten ranch raising a large amount jain irain and keeping a large nu nuin in i of cattle also some horses which I 1 teased alsed for both saddle and har bar besides this he be kept the hotel carding house bouse at which alu cli the over mail employees boarded it called a home station that chere the drivers change it was a regular Ineal meal station for pass I 1 sra irs to take heir their meals which A n together and in d including the aimen made it cuite quite a busy little e to be so far fd from any settle 4 it I 1 forgot t to state that major kept a generals general store also that vestern Union Telegraph coni com kept a regular office there f engagement was that I 1 should I 1 seed eed to deep dreek creek and take 1 there a bunch of texas beef Ts TB to fort ruby about one hun and ten berf mile farther barthe I 1 r west to 4 j 1 beet beef contract to supply the gov 4 nent troops at that place my ney was wag by horse back all the ad one companion with me from take lake to deep cree creba and was to ae ame additional help from there I 1 not go into the details of the tey y t to D deep P creek though at E el Z lime a lonely 1 ely dreary drea ry road ro ad but 1 2 at once to the events I 1 wish ail ate ie at the time of my arrival f f E s son H was n charge aas sas engaged putting in wheat I 1 indian than farm five miles north imail mail station he was wa imber assisted e white man and a I 1 number of M several of whom could the ox teams and ha hold a plow of my instructions in rep delivering the beef H coni to co break camp and move to tion which was his bis home un lad d assisted me en cn my way cattle the morning after my arrival we mounted our horses and g gathered the steers and during the day ma made de all preparations for a start next morning for fort ruby had engaged three of the best indians to assist which with myself and the white man before mentioned completed our party during the day however we had bad killed a beef for the indians as there were I 1 should think two hundred of them encamped about sixty rods from the station and we had cattle expressly there to kill for them at stated periods by instructions from theu the U S indian agent at salt lake city I 1 could notice that while they were dressing and dividing the beet beef they were cross and wrangling with each other and during that time seemed to be savages in every avery sense of the word however the day passed and morning came for my departure I 1 was up betimes and making my preparations for an early start but my friend 11 in charge was not inclined to rise early that morning and for some reason kept his bed until breakfast time some time before he arose one of the indians whom lie called willow spring jack came to the house and wanted very much to talk with him as he could speak the I 1 than dian language very readily but he would not get up I 1 bel if he had we would have learned something of the indians plans as we had bad both known jack for about three years and were very friendly and quite intimate with him I 1 might state that the time of which I 1 am writing was about a month after the great figlia gut that general had with the indi 12 bear river in which he almost annihilated bear Hear hunters band of red skins the circumstances are familiar to those wh who lived in utah at that time on account of the disaster of that band all the rest in surrounding country were greatly excited and as they had been beld the story by the few survivors who had escaped they had only the indian idea of it and were of course greatly angered against the whites when an indian is injured by a white man their anger is against the whole race and they are ready to take vengeance on all they meet inno centor guilty to return to my story we had bad breakfast saddled and packed our horbes the three indians assisting after which they had bad breakfast at the house but when we were ready to start they were missing about this time the indian chief of the boeh utes captain jim came to the house and said to H are you going to kill us a beef to day he re replied pied 1 I dont know and as we noticed some of the indians leaving the camp in in squads we abbed nhit s hat are you going to do le I 1 IV we e are going to move to another place where there is more wood and grass lie he replied pointing to a some distance to the east near the mountain we asked where the indians were who intended to help drive the cattle ile he said they are at camp I 1 will go and tell them to come but are you kill beef for indian 11 replied may be no hug gan e not certain we watched him bim back to the camp but as no indiana indian came H decided to go and see what was the matter and mounting one of the horses we had saddled for our journey started for the camp no sooner had lie he done this luis when the squads squaws children anti anil old wen men see seemed med to hurriedly leave the camp and go toward the mountain not liking the looks of affairs I 1 mounted my horse and followed when I 1 arrived H was talking to the in dian jack mentioned before on the edge of the camp while it aullie the center wa was 8 a group of armed warriors seeming to be in council among them I 1 was a prominent young warrior whom I 1 well knew and besides liis his I 1 other adornments were three large hawk feathers standing straight up from the back of his head bead to which they were attached J Fi to be continued |