Show A batul fire in st petersburg A fatal fire occurred at st petersburg on the A blaze was discovered in a three story tenement occupied by a large number of people the flamo flame spread with cicat rapidity anil and nhan ben the occupants of the upper floors boors reached the staircase stair case they found it a roaring mass of flames an all hope of escape was cut oft off in this direction and the panic stricken elen people rushed back to their heir L apartments and many of them jumped from tile the windows some of them were very severely injured the building was gutted and when a search board was made of the ruins it was found that nine of the occupants had been burned to death their bodies were almost unrecognizable fifteen others are missing ol and 01 it Is thought that they are burled beneath the debris the scene about building la is most pathetic the relatives of those missing stand helplessly about crying and wringing their hands bands and refuse all consolation the search for the remaining bodies la is progressing as aa rapidly as possible |