Show in mall behall H d humanity my friends have requested me to publish a statement of the methods adopted to recover my health after suffering many years with dyspepsia rheumatism kidney disease nerve exhaustion and sleeplessness during my long illness I 1 received advice and took the remedies of homeopath and eclectic physicians was several months at the I 1 lot hot springs c north of ogden and at the lot hot I 1 springs of arkansas had massage treatment in new york treatment in southern california and salt lake city from all or any of these treatments the results were merely palliative at that time it appeared that I 1 was near the verge of the grave but having rec received dived a correct diagnosis of my case and an acquaintance quaint arice with the potent qualities of FONTYN TEA I 1 adopted a strict diet course as explained in a pamphlet a guide to health enclosed in each package ge of the fort fon tea the diet course lias has been strictly followed and the alie tea taken for years relief from pain soon brought renewed hope I 1 am now enjoying good health rheumatism kidney troubles and sleeplessness havi have all disappeared my physical and mental condition have so improved that I 1 marvel at myself I 1 am well known by hundreds of professional and business men in utah idaho montana and N wyoming many of whom can verify these facts the remark is frequently made to me your case is a remarkable cure JOHN 8 MEREDITH Kays klays ville utah 0 it S al 41 X one city lot one acre with a seven room house outside milk cellar on weg west t side of county road unc one block south of coop cool co op ol store bountiful enquire of JOHN KI K Cit ITZ A tir ift flew w to at 0 o avi toi Q af i t z wd acci at 0 at a ft cr ez ce 51 5 l ace b r e ecce I 1 f y G et K I 1 7 r 1 witwen c cc aie itoi ma ai a i ci cf mcf yie rf frer t nia ni 1 V all orders tilled filled promptly prompts anc ditc zi tC v NI li 11 L A it E it 1 aw 7 1 U W anvy vy R Y ZA aal yal YM y w 6 T R lSE D yc y S c E bountiful importer breeder and chiper of 4 VARIETIES OF HIGH CLASS thoroughbred POULTRY barred plymouth rocks buff cochins white plymouth rocks light brahman Brah mas sly my white plymouth ply month rocks won all the p prizes li es on that variety at the recen POULTRY exhibition held in salt lahe I alie dec 9 0 zo 10 it I 1 have score cat caida ds for my birds with from 85 points people desiring toj to procure eggs from thoroughbred poultry should atrit meat once for prices of eggs and fowls no trouble to answer correspondence never mind sending a stamp either I 1 have nearly 0 acres of land lundin in see sec SS 23 T ann I 1 W aall 1 all enel used with a good wire fence has been used for ft past fire for the laba ten years about one half of it hoi been bullit at sil nl I 1 will sell the same on reasonably easo terms bior a 1 l the ai residence hisrael of israel call ail commission calibo california ania aud and utah fruits and vegetables butter eggs and cheese ORANGES LIMONS BANANAS NUTS DATES als ETC ll 11 ri agents fir the celebrated diamond biado rt lymia ayrshire re and cascade creamery cream cry botter and AA print butter rev kev and clot rr brand f W no 65 S west we temple st SALT CITY P 0 box 1407 OUR 32 1 TO OUR DAVIS COUNTY when you are in iii the city give us its a call at the GLOBE 24 main st S F BALL balla co IF YOU WANT TO SELL ANY LAND b LIST IT WITH C E general agent MAIN st SALT LAKE CITY UTAH now is a lard bard time of the year to get 0 yet inanc money we feel it but for all t that hat we want all to subscribe even though you cannot pay for a few months lee mantle is elected mayor of butte city montana mr mantle 2111 antic was formerly a resident of bountiful geologists would no doubt sa the predominating characteristic icI of the week is wind windA which vIlich they would divide into two classes natural aud and political STOCK TAKEN FOR THE SUMMER cattle 50 acts per month horses I 00 per month reduced prices for large numbers bers and alid also for the season caien tolman griggs briggs fontyn tea and uthe FONTYN REMEDIES it it duns darl bounly it farmers par union LU la ton wm A hyde co C 11 J sheffield casville Kas ville maysville kaysville Kays ville coop co op 1 farmington commercial aug co fairnington Farming tou P 0 11 II at co C bountiful n ti ful dt rz a arzi daue 11 ORIN BUTTE EGGS 65 cazezu cal C t it Hs d 5 AD A 10 all KINDS OF FIRM implements chesterfield Din ghant co FOR SALE house and lot for sate one aar of land 1 ith 7 room house and a store good barn and well situated on oil the main road south of the meeting house at bountiful I 1 davis co for particulars enquire enquin e of JOHN I 1 get your coal at OPERA HOUSE come and set see ofir conr sample book twill be an ail inducement to get yet your name e on our job book |