Show S LOSS A chri ing alcon att city touched for million b liy r fire wis april BO 20 property worth j i was swept away by the most disastrous conflagration iii the his ansi tory of I 1 Len osba anil and lial hal it not been for timely imely aid of firemen from other places the lest best part of tho the city would have bren ben destroyed flames broke out at 3 in the not th western wire mattress companas comp anys works A stron strong east cast wind wits was blowing and the blaze avrich which started in the engine room quickly spread to the main building a structural tura feet and five stories high and i I 1 within ten tell minutes from the first stroke of tile the alarm bell the entire structure was a glowing furnace the Ken oslin crib company s works lijoi adjoining ning i were caught in alie irresistible abble raili null of wind swept flame and soon lay a liepp of smoking ruins A narrow wooden trai tramway nAvay connected tile the building 0 with agrall a 1 ramo 3 warehouse o feet to the so south and despite the efforts of the local fire do de part parti ment nent it too was soon a see thing aln ng illa macj of flames which driven by the wind swept westward toward tin the great piles iles of wi lumber stretched cliA anav awny in hi unbroken lines to wisconsin street lot of fec distant the main li building ii liling henrly feet in length len tl took tire fire aril sent preat great sheets of alaine aaros a the alie narrow roadway into the clone cloe lo packed ackell piles ol 01 or hard liard wood beyond at AtS 8 oclo k it 11 steamer arrived rived from harvard Harvar dand and of one ic from wauregan waukegan Wm kogan kegan and joined pibby ill in the fight the flames spread tp reid to bild wins coal yard ind and to lie III souther linan lumber at ard dand ind lie lic lichel A tel up lip every thing in their gieir path |