Show THE MARKETS omaha uvo live stock UNION STOCK YARDS 9 I 1 L march 22 10 I 1 CATTLE cattar estimated roco 1910 head bond ift I 1 1300 to 1610 PO ibs ibis I 1 19 to 1399 1300 ibl aim 10 aid to 1100 lbs ibs 75 choice ens 2 common cows good native feeders common feeds i ors 70 Markota trong estima receipts 1400 head light J in mixed 4 50 heavy 01 50 market strong chicago live ilvo stock STOCK YARDs L I 1 march 23 22 1 tho the market showed strength today cattle boss boas an and d sheep all soiling selling a little higher cattle it e advanced ac hogs bogs ac an and d sheep ac and loc the firm beeline is is wholly due to small email receipts thu the yards wore were emptied early and the close was firm fir in all around CAT TLE estimated receipts receipt a head bead common to extra shi liping steers 3 and am feeders f 76 cows and bulls bulla P 50 HUGS estimated receipts hooi head bead 5 Z 4 M mixed and medium t S ki ah ha 4 8 byh licht g t SM sunell estimated receipts head bead poor to extra au lambs c gi chicago grain and provisions lona WHEAT march slay may july CORIN march 37 jc may june asa aiKe OATs OAT 13 htay soc J june no alc PORK march 1 19 9 min mar SIO 12 july 1032 1 larb march may 3 2 july to im di RIDS RIBS march 0 may july wi st louis ST louis march 23 21 FLOUR weak demand slow patent qa 4 35 3 asu extra fancy lancy fancy sa V auz 71 SSI choice SJ ua 33 35 f family 1 I qa WHEAT AT lom lower mr march 8 ac tl bid april asked may b bekc jc bid uly july bic bid sav c nomina noni inal curn r X haeher and firm march nominal may bid S and firm may US bid PURK PORK standard muss messy tor for old and 10 50 51 for now LARD LAED pruno primo steam SOO sioux city uie alle stock sioux CITY la IA march 2 22 12 BOOS market strong etron ff higher light and mixed 4 ai 45 bulk SS 11 |