Show TENDERFOOT S REPORTER GOES NEWS P Presents His Card at the Temple and anUs Is Surprised toBe Turned Away ES INTO SALT LAKE S 5 And Then Goes Fishing For Salt Why He Cant Get Boston Beaus Three Times a Day DayA I A representative of the Gr at East em em Newspaper league thinkIng in the innocence of his heart that he would go out and get some good stories In talt alt Lake City performed the usual act by rushing up to the Mormon temple presenting Ills his card to the usher who dont ush Gentiles within the sacred precincts to any large t and smilingly offered to shed the benIgn influence of his personality nn i the faith and was going rIght in inand Inand and take possession of things as he has accustomed to io b down east cast cr S I Held Up at Temple The guardian of the sacred mysteries was very polite but none non the less finn finnIn In stating that the temple Is closed to other than the good and faithful of the church But I want to describe it for the benefit of eastern readers the league man 1 er 1 No doubt said the Cerberus at the gate Whole families of eastern news 1 1 paper correspondents have been ant mated by the same sam professional ambi ambition ambition tion But you dont recall at the pres present ent moment auy recent detailed do de des s you have read of the tern tem pie do you the smiling sentinel re remarked remarked marked And the league ague man had to acknowledge acknowledge edge he read anything but do dc of the temples exterIor He tried to argue his way inside But ar argument argument has hils no effect on the temple guard and the newspaper tenderfoot Is still wondering wh why the Mormons are exclusive In their ways crI s I Dives s Into Int Salt Lake ake This car for Saltair a rail raU flY iy conductor called out at a street stroet corner orner All the comforts of home with a dash of Coney ISland and At Atlantic Atlantic lantic City added he continued as a areat reat Eastern Newspaper league rep boarded the car A trans transfer fer t i the Snit Salt Lake Los Angeles train and the eastern reporter followed thi th crowd to Saltair Why thIs is just what I am looking fort for he ex d after donning a bathing ani poising like a giant binl hI ji dove doe Into th lake tu t tho hov the crowd hoW expert swIm wim mr Ii it down east He emer Nd on the after a very ery brief and said things His eyes and the salt water taste like it ds j 5 on the Atlantic coast and he got gt intI jn the bath house and put on hi his and people asked him how he liked his experience There were hund Is of people floating on the sur fart face Of r wading In the shallow places hut h he noticed none of them got under atef and then he understood why I i i I 1 Fishing For Por Salt SaIt Mackerel in Salt Lake A guileless s Salt Lake newspaper man manU SUggested U that the might like tu to ath n few salt mackerel Salt mackerel Yes indeed that was t right in his line and he got a boat and l out on the lake where the local If newspaper man told him salt mackerel just swarmed He fished and fished j and got gt never a bite when an insane Patient nt with his rowed out outon on JR the lake and the vIctim ot of mental aberration asked the fisherman what h he was doing Fishing was he reply n How long have you ou been fishing two hour Caught anything No Had e eo eYou 1 No o You had haa better come Into this boat Youre have the man this keeper ought to not me And then it dawned on the journalist that it a very good day for fishing anyway and he rowed to the pier and took the first train for the city elty 11 A I Jj r l Wants Boston B ked Beans S At the Knutsford he be under understand understand S stand why they have Boston baked beans every meal an concluded L Salt Lake City hotel keepers had much to learn and he went down to the of flee fice and asked the clerk why they keep in Ia the swIm with Boston Row How Many Nan Nines But he made the hit of his life when a he was introduced to a prominent Gen Gentile Gentile tile capitalist and took out his note notebook book and asked how many wives he h e had The things a tenderfoot journalist in h a Salt Lake Lak City cant think of would woul f make a big book Perhaps the league C man some of whose adventures are ar e above aboe depleted depicted will write a book about abou t the town and give his impressions of a ta place he dont seem to t know much muc it about I has been known to Occur before and may happen again |