Show COUNTY BUSINESS DAY ThY Matters of Slight Importance Consid Considered erd ered Yesterday The county commissioners held a 4 short session yest yesterday at which prin unimportant routine matters 3 were considered In response to a request of the tele telephone phone company the commissioners rep resenting the committee on control of a f the city and county building were des to confer wih with the city mem ber bers of the committee and the member of the board of education on the proposition of the telephone company to es as a branch exchange in the cit r and county building for the purpose of o f facilitating telephone S in every room thrOughout the I and al all over the lines The county attorney rendered an as a opinion to the effect that the municipality paly is lable liable for the expense of burial buria 1 of indIgent persons dying within the tb e city limits and that the county must mus t bear such expense when public charges charge 5 die elsewhere In the county The request of the Washington Wahington Rock Roc k company for the reestablishment of c f te the government corners for section 12 1 i township 1 south range 1 east wa wa 2 referred to the county attorney |