Show TIlE EIGHT TfflXG The Peoples party county and precinct committees and officers of the political clubs met on Friday evening and as announced in Saturdays HERALD adopted resolutions that the Peoples party should be dissolved Every rightthinking man no matter what his party politics may be will applaud the committees for this action declaring it was the proper course to take Whether or not there was ever real occasion or necessity for two such parties as have existed here so many years Peoples and thoLiberal there is certainly no occasion for them today to-day and no shadow of reasonable excuse for the continuance of either can be presented pre-sented That which the Liberal party was formed to ceinbat has ceased to exist and nobody thinks for a moment that it will ever return That which called the Peoples Peo-ples party into being the necessity for self protection against united opposition has passed away Those who through all these years have been banded together in an unceasing assault upon the Peoples party having accomplished all they set out to gain feel that the contest is over and the end has come hence the absence of any other than an excuse based on malice vindictiveness vin-dictiveness and downright cussedness for continuing the assault There longer beinJ an organized and influential opposition opposi-tion to those who composed the Peoples party why should that party perpetuate itself I is threatened by nobody and cannot can-not find even windmills to fight The central cen-tral committee has evidently made a careful care-ful intelligent survey of the situation and the result is the declaration of disbandment disband-ment While we know that intelligent and thoughtful nonMormons regardless of politics will say in their hearts that this was the thing to do we as sincerely believe be-lieve that the rank and file of the Peoples party will heartily coincide with the action that has been taken and be glad oi the opportunity op-portunity which it affords for getting rid of an organization whose mission has ended What Chairman RICHARDS and his associates as-sociates have done have made it impossible that the Liberal party can continue an influential I in-fluential factor in our political affairs The Liberal party was organized for the purpose pur-pose of combatting the People and there no longer being a Peoples party the Liberals Lib-erals have only the air to fight They may try to keep up the organization by creating false issues and setting up scarecrows to assault and demolish but all they do will be idle effort a waste of energy which shculd be devoted to a better I beter purpose Having nothing to combat dry rot will soon set in and the Liberal party will necessarily go to speedy and certain decay Were it not for a handful of schemers and malcontents who stand at tho head the dissolution dis-solution would have been announced the moment that the Peoples party was dissolved dis-solved That would have been good politics and it would have saved the Liberal following follow-ing some annoyance in future for the predictment into which that following is in danger of being lead will be at least unpleasant un-pleasant |