Show JUTI gated rn r a existing between the subjects I 1 ot of the present dyn 1 announced tho hy het leslly ia arop to E T divided into K TWO kingdoms i serious revolt against of a l government in in 1 t chinese t asand and the issue of P in that the rebels declaring the is near I 1 its end have ats donaty rent deal of interest among W I 1 a colony in ill the treaty ports ig news letter C from shanghai r alv upon pon the reported sy inces of china y provinces proy in ma ny ase don it appears that augh the great valley of 0 the of finely written prophecy chinig chi rhin tig end of manchu rule is Cht td it is almost immoss I 1 ser ner who h has as not lived foreia a anderst arld the importance at 91 ven by the gentry to anything written or carefully is v wu ell ii tuch much a doe document aliment does docs not violate the pro probabilities abilities it n cepter as gospel truth it i proal says the chicago prophecy ecy appears to be firmly believed read it U it inase tb who have to have been written by huan aho vho in a vision describes bin sail li of the present govern literary who is skeptical but anyone if see that the author has a in local detail to clinch his bis atcy sketch of the emperors of china weli done but this historical in 1 I to have been writ bt wn on appears rely to lull the suspicions ot of the and to induce him to accept the statements about the com iain odthe of the dynasty the iet declares that the great brov f and I 1 Luei chou are the ait hat will abandon the empire llis ilis china will be divided into kingdoms but this thi will swill not ta tahe ke and nd permanent peace will not lie be ej until the woods are arc cleared 0 mountain and the waters 1 A otiis tas lake are dried up the ES Cs nature of such a prophecy in may ay ten it when it is stated that about forest has been cut off of pure lattain lAn tain while in dry years on one track all over the bed of lotus lake his converted into solid ground iason I 1 n of drought ht may therefore aen by the conspirators with tile the ce that at the two main items of prophecy becy ivill be found fulfilled cunan there is deep feeling q the present dynasty because of hrar vor shown to borei foreigners ners hunau hunan t of a set of fanatics who ill I 1 rejoice to see every european wm out of china in this province occurred the worst outrages on isfan i n missionaries and anyone beying ng up the yan yingtse tse t retains recollections of the showers of its and oh 01 cenita that descended n lis ills houseboat house boat from the neigh ing g tanks banks intercourse with aers seem only to intensify the bilar lar hatred of the european inter ers who they think are encouraged the young emperor and ills his advis the wo worst feature of the situa lis is that the central government 5 not dare to rebuke the insolence tt hunan people this liar has been in repeatedly in recent years but most conspicuous instance was tile the bre to punish chou uan han the author tit e infamous ilanan tracts a against ainest nry which caused all the peril I 1 suffering differing of missionaries in the ass y T inn ur proved p ovad b the author 0 oi these tracts incite PC to murder ur der christian irl ir icia l aties and the very blocks on which IT were printed were found in his isa bu W he escaped on the specious up by the governor chan 1111 1 chu that the man was insane i therefore he beyond the reach of the iia in in the recent massacre two swedish li missionaries the troy of hunan was first insolent procrastinating and finally forced to act cunningly made Pg oats of some of the best native ds of the missionaries lie he then ted on the thoroughness of his t and the impartial punishment t out E everyone everyone recognized the acry cry of the thing but as no bean 11 could follow out an invests tta his report bad to be accepted oi te elaborate protests have hied with the faung li yamen atthe injustice of the proceed any other country than china acts would have resulted inthe in the of the guilty officials but governor of Chang cha and th the oy of hunan are both in office e I 1 complacently defy their foreign c 14 from nunan himan therefore that we hect to see the first uprising A t the present dynasty there eirma rumors of serious trouble 10 lo 0 one tan can ascertain the facts be athe the province is closed to euro und and the few native christians not ti tell ia what they know for fear the th vengeance of the officials lor when mrs green passed through into in an inner office the cashier called out and fraid I 1 I 1 oh by the way mrs green your son bought lliam railroad yesterday did lie he said the lady idy stopping short itow much did he P pay ay for it two million five hundred thousand dollars tile the extravagant extra vacant boyl boy 1 said the fond mother indignantly if I 1 had been there I 1 could have bought it for fifty thousand dollars less that was the only comment she made on the transaction which most people would consider of supreme magnitude the chances are that she was right |