Show BASIN BUBBLES the delightful weather we had for some time has very suddenly turned turne d to very cold and frosty weather and the indications are that we will soon have a storm the stake primary were up quite recently and organized a primary association which is in good running order the association will undoubtedly prove a great benefit to the children who are very much interested in the meetings at present we number about forty with the exception of mr charles burnett who is on the sick list the people here are enjoying good health one of the agents of afie ane home range company had the pleasure putting up three abreo ranges in our locality the owners of them all seem to be very well pleased with them only one republican from here attended the grand rally given in ill salt lake last week it was certainly a grard grand affair from the reports given and one that will long be remembered but the grandest event of the season was the wedding of mr al aroi jr of and miss julia reid of tins place on thursday they were united in the holy bonds of matrimony and on friday a grand reception was given at the home of the brides parents mr and mrs M D L reid over one hundred people seated themselves at the sumptuous dinner provided bythe genial host and hostess after all had bad satisfied the inner man with the bounties of mother earth they repaired to the school house where they tripped the light fantastic toe till nearly morning all seemed to enjoy themselves immensely julia made a charming bride arrayed in her orange silk mr and mrs child will reside in Ri verdale for a while at least if they receive all the happiness that their many friends wished them they will certainly lead a happy life we offer congratulations lets see more of the young men follow beddies teddies Tedd Ted dies iea example and make some of our young ladies happy last sunday brother james wood and his wife visited our sunday school and in the afternoon they were present at the meeting also we are always pleased to see broth er wood as he has some good eions to give us whenever he comes the water is again turned out of the canal this time for good as it freezes up nights and is apt to do damage d a baoe this has been an exceptionally dry fall anatoe and the grain dont look as well as we would like to see it but it may come out all right in the spring C W C STEE D november 17 1894 |