Show offset TH MD D fc tf tty faff fi M 1 I i jf UTAH OFFICE AT STOCK TAKEN FOR THE SUMMER ER cattle 50 50 acts per horses aioo per reduced prices for large nun numbers ibers and also for the season jaren tolman Eph briggs A few pleasant hours may be spent at W 0 MAJORS SWINGING I 1 AND BOATING I 1 ice cream soda sod water to refresh you ICE lor FOR l OR SALE WANTED four girls to pick strawberries straw berries two or three afternoons each week A GRANT FOUND basket containing contain ig fifty cents worth of sugar owner can obtain it by calling Simeon on putnam FOR SALE forty aclei of land ill fenced near the old kimball Kii ubal prist grist mill clear title seven or eight acres in lucern for further particulars inquire 0 of f israel barlow jr west bountiful NATIONAL UES convention 11 C fraba m aba Kc brasa july 4 1 air pr the of those I 1 I 1 es to visit cinalia a on the above oc cassion the union pacific will sell tickets iii ti an aal 1 reburn at one fare for lie round trip for dates dales ci c sale and or ls or any additional information apply to W y S agent U P system woods cross FOR SALE cheap for cash the bountiful mills 18 to 20 acres ot of land 7 rc rom om brickhouse hrick brick house bouse small store and pleasure resort W D mayor LOST two head of horses one a sorrel sorrel branded ID D on oil left hip and a white spot on forehead the other a buckskin colored mare branded AIR R C on oil left shoulder and with black mane malle and tail anybody giving in information that will lead to their recovery or return to joseph corbett one block east of P 0 will be liberally rewarded niti peoples els convention J neb nab julya for the mccomm of those desiring le sirim to visit vill 1 omalia on it the above cassion Oc thu the union pacific will sell tickets to omalia omaha and ret return urn at one fore fare for th the e round trip for fates dates ot sale an and d limits of tickets or any information apply to toa addition additional pl IV V S i 1 agent U ia r system woods cross 1 tuo iwo anew w lanil kiwe at opera howe sg AMOS HAS pigs again ile he keeps a few athis s home in bountiful and can call go goon on the ridge and get any tito order call and see him if you need a little grunter assy the johnson dran dramatic abic company of 0 salt lale lake will present the comedy 1 LODGE at the bountiful opera house Saturday June 13 do not fail to see it usual prices r Y P S 0 E at now york july ath to loth dorthis for this oc cassion the union pacific lewill will sell tickets to new york city and return at 0 gone lone fare for the round trip for any additional information formation oua apply ap pp clyto to WS agent U P woods cross for sale cheap part of lot half block west of C coop co O op store enquire of ghant or WILLEY at BOUNTIFUL COOP CO OP THE VOL la be A L WN yard two blocks south of coop co op ilore make all kinds of door and W aindow brames F izer file saws do all kinds of shop work at reasonable rates all kinds of Lu lumber niber Moul dings doors windows lVin dows on liand land I 1 or furnished on short notice TH V WE MUM 51 COMMISS MERCHANTS california and utah futach fruits and vegetables 0 butter egge aggi and cheese cheese ORANGES LEMONS BANANAS NUTS DATES FIGS F KS ETC H 11 arn ay r there lie lehr abed diamond diadem bishire 7 vi shire tind cascade cn caile creamery crea merli lower lii iter find AA 11 print huffer rex hex oad and brand butt F W HANSON no 65 S jtb temple st 1 SALT LAKE CITY 1 r 0 box 1407 1 peoples meat market biml dour north of opera llense we have B ditl E E F l PORK HUTTON MUT l OX BA USA GE lin LOaA i A pure hihl CAT visa 3 WArT TEJO JAME jamen JA viea n areia arbukle kl S P RO P TO OU R DAVIS COUNTY F R I 1 D S when ott are in ill th cit give us a call it the G LOBE GLOBE 24 main alain st i S F BALL coi J inn M I 1 hare jost ed n tot tat of d y A 11 II A rl for to corral 0 aral wd and t fence 1 lui LONG 1 extra wide wid hof half length fence j orders pr promptly 0 filled ill ALL STYLES gonos GArRAN rB D first CIAs classa gg 1 H Comp comparison orison A of floods modi and ic with all luiei solicited AL ALBERT alaj ii hi h i i sli 4 fr F f ii bryde for c by 11 beazer UM |