Show MR BLAINE SIGNS I 1 NO MORE SECRETARY of STATE t I 1 I 1 A curt cart note koto to the I 1 ah tell III it calves an I 1 equally short I 1 4 secretary ot of state slate james 0 blaine on I 1 ath at t 1245 sent edit to prea dent nt ilardi son con his bl resignation of the which he lit hut held over three years at about 2 the president sent cent his acceptance ot of the red lift lion which nas as couched in in as brief and undemonstrative n na 08 ik as tile lie note of mr blaine below arc the notes OF STATE I 1 I 1 I 1 1 C U june julie 4 iya F to the president I 1 respectfully beg leave to submit my resignation of the office vf tit be of 0 ct cl the united states to I 1 wai ed cd by you on tile the fifth of march 1889 1689 the condition of public but Aness sa la in the lh de apartment part ment ot stale me inc in my resignation anly be accepted I 1 have tho the honor to be 6 cry fully v your obedient JA JAMES tes G executive I 1 WASHING washington TOi D C june 4 18 1892 I 1 to the he secretary of state your letter of tills this date tendering your resignation 0 of the office ot of the ic secretary 0 of state elate ol of tile the united states hns has been received the terms on billich you state your tour are such as to 16 C tile no choice but bul to tc cede to your weslei ct at once your resignation la is therefore accepted A very respectfully yours I 1 to ron hon james G blaine to nearly in wahta vin and I 1 throughout the country the like a thunderclap thunder clap there are a number of public men hon ever who claim thit that they expected I 1 it it mr been in conference on friday anil and again Sat saturday imlay with canadian commissioners comi I 1 ners concerning an agreement about the welland and other canals along the boundary I 1 mr air blaine has seen been the president only once knee I 1 this tt eck which was during his half hours attendance at the cabinet meeting friday when lie he made a report concerning lik conference with the canadian and returned return ol to the state department to reume it the appears therefore to have been determined upon bud suddenly denlY I 1 the washington agent ot of the associated press called at mr air blaines residence shortly sifter after the correspondence had bad been made pub lie lic and asked him if he bo would not supplement kupp lement it with an explanation mr blaine smilingly but deliberately replied the correspondence pon dence explains itself and I 1 have not a word to add to it 11 the president HIM as immediately called upon p and asked if 1 lie he was m willing tiling to say anything in regard to it ills his onre though made in an entire coin toy lesy ol of lone and manner was emphatic nothing whatever both the president ident and mr blaine were seemingly in excellent spirits each ot of them after declining to say anything tor for publication about the great event of the day or its upon the situation at minneapolis turning the conversation to other topics the resignation coming comina as it did on the eve ol of the convention Is taken by many to indicate that mr blaines sole object was to tree free himself eo 80 that lie ho might become a candidate before the convention for the nomination many friends of mr air blaine how hoit ever ignore this effect of his action and declare that it was wag caused by personal reasons some borne of which date back some borne time they say that mr blaine has not been treated fairly by tho the president in that he has not been allowed to conduct the business of his office v ith sufficient independence and that the president has usurped not only mr blaines powers but hla his honors concerning reciprocity and tho the chilian and bearing sea negotiations it la Is also stated that some members of the cabinet lave have acted in a very unfriendly way toward mr air blaine because they felt that he be has not taken sufficient vare care to keep out of the presidential race As a result of this the position which he held was unbearable |