Show LOCAL NEWS with this thia number we ve commence volume four of the DAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER from all appearances spring is here and the farmer will soon chavelo have to commence rustling again courly superintendent willey is now located in his new office in the CLIPPER building edward I 1 thomas the furniture man mali has furnished mr willeys Wil leys office with necessary furniture eligih clayes son who his has been sick for some time passed away wednesday morDi morning Dg he is about twelve years old cordelia carter left for california the first of uie the week where she expects to spend a few months visiting relatives F D grant west bountiful has a fine block of shade trees consisting of black and white while ash and american elm which lie will sell cheap you will do 10 well to see him before buying elsewhere the enterprising davis county bank has left an all order with willi us for considerable job printing in the way of deposit credit slips etc numbering in all the bank must be doing a 0 bodd business alma alaia hardy tile the photographer went to farmington on wednesday to take some views the academy students were among the victims tiie the academy closes next friday tomorrow tile the good old book says I 1 thel a borer is i worthy of his hire in looking book we over our subscription ind find that there are arc a few of our sub scribers bers to whom we have hired out for two years or over who apparently patently ly sensed the fact that we have labored and should be paid for our services As the question has been asked whether the byron sessions recently co convicted of rape in the first district court was from woodruff we have thou ht it wise to state stat c that lie he is not and further unit that le he is not related to that family of sessions at all A pocket book contain containing him a deseret savings bank book and papers etc was nas found by a peddler james E Master mallerman Mas lerman nian who is on oil his way to california owner can get et same by paying one dollar to finder and costs of advertising paul schmidt is tile the name written on tile the bank book prof brown showed showe d us how to kill chicken mites miles with ilia hia insect ex cx terminator tills this morning tile the professor got a board literally covered with those illg insects jests and spra cd it before a number of spectators among whom was the lion hon david stoker and at the same time offering ten tell cents for each insect that they could find in in ten minutes after the ahe remedy had bad been applied but no one asked the proff prof fessor assor for a reward the hie attendance at the tabernacle sunday rund ay was nearly as large 22 as it vas ivas at conference the sunday before elders eric hogan and daniel moss bloss of south sot th bountiful charles dean of woodruff Woodi tiff slid and mr stewart Slew arl tile young attorney from draper were the speakers tile the old stand island having been removed and the choir placed back of the speakers gave the interior of the tabernacle quite a differ different cut appear appearance wice than heretofore we fee f cc that we have slighted wm win holbrook by not having before mentioned the good example that he has set the men who spend their winter daysie days in the hie stores tile the example was nas in tile way of chopping up tip a pile of wood that one might think would hurn hum a kiln of brick but as the pieces fire are much ahoi shelter ter than llian those used for that purpose it is evident that it lias has lian cut cul for his wife to burn in the stove this sin niner and the she will have to ustle rustle to convert it into ashes before next fall in tile the summer salimer when the loafers are being scolded by their wives because they have nothing to burn mr holbrooks wife will be good natured and will be complimenting herself as having one of the best bus husbands bands in ill town in iii the hie issue of jau jan 1894 we published that a certain had called at our office and stated staled that the bountiful mountain lee ice co had shut off the entire stream flowing in 1 mill ill creek from friday morning to tile following monday noon all and that I 1 this had bad been done contrad ar to an order city council aft after er tins this article had appeared mr eric hogan of the lie said ice company called on oil us slid and stated staled that he had ill been put in a bad light 0 by tile the report that we published as lie was in charge of tile poll pond in question at the time and liml had not violi violit ted cd tile order of tile city council cOull cil that it was on oil account of cold weather that the water did not reach further down clown than the mill pond he said that we had several cold spells tills this winter whiter when the water woul dent run ron past the mill mr 0 arises a good name ame very highly 0 and felt very much hurt to have it appear that lie had broken his word both tile and mr hoan 0 are arc honorable honor abc men we think the mistake hy by not investigating the hie mailer in the first place |