Show low rates till in effect to eastern points via 0 in o P garanflo J r 0 o western ern ry rt rf member avi G vis ie noted for me ele ganco ol of eaas III fret feea chiki i a 11 1 W lt P lil 1 hi jil wi y 1 r 1 r E iiii 1 al 11 ia if S 1 t ic t ca i dijt 1 ri 1 U ni ifil ll 11 j je i 7 v ich ILKA if f A AND N 1 R ati li Q attl S 1 aj LA L A 13 IX T L I 1 AC nu CAKL ND I 1 S t i D il L tr lii li i ii li er sale sal cliel lie liew eto mix mi i ti T 11 i 00 a kl ii il 11 ait i loffini 1 11 laiful ir if uny any unu ua iia found it i ajl jos auer mould ju bu grull tu lu lear of li it MARSHALS LIARS ITALIS SALE pursuant to an order of sale to me directed by the third judicial district court of tle the territory of utah litah I 1 shall expose lose at public sale at the front aront door ol of the he county court house in the city of farmington county of 0 davis and territory of utah on the third day of april 1801 1891 at twelve af all ail the right title litle claim and ini interest erest of maggie B thompson and tames james thompson her husband olid aud tho iha utah slaughtering company a of in and to the following follow ng afi real estate situated lying and being in davis county territory of utah and described as follows to wit fifteen 15 acres of lot twelve 12 in in section tour four 4 township one 1 north of range one 1 west of salt lake me meridian aidian being bounded on the west by the jerdan river and on the east cast by section three 3 in said township and ran range 0 o the same being all 0 of f said lot twelve 12 except three 3 acres on the south sid side e of said lot twelve 12 together with all a teni ments hereditaments privileges an and 11 appurtenances thereunto belonging to be sold as the property of maggie 1 D thompson and james thompson her husband at the suit of H P mason terms of sale CASIL CASH nat NI brigham U S marshal by johnb john B cummack Cum muck deputy marshal dated at salt lake City March isavei ver person pers ning kill 1111 that is de cie pendant alit upon upon the public fo for r patronage patro liage should not fail to have at least an it inch card in the where it can call be read by mere than two wo persons per solis each wc week ck remember it vill doiy cost 5 oo 00 per year when paid pa 1 l in iii 0 FIRST GLASS CLASS WORK NO DELAYS BARGAINS in second hand bicycles A W CAINE co 02 62 W 2nd and south st SALT LAKI LAKE CITY DO 00 YOU KEEP BEES if so 19 you will it ill want hives hires I 1 lean can sell you the simplicity IMPROVED HIVE in n the he flat ready to nail vp up at almost lumber p ices ONE GHE POUND SECTIONS awag ga yia SMOKERS and nil it kinds of flee supplies licit send fw fir price val al and order at over ard SAVE 0 YOUR afef m inconvenience AND lly addre Ali liw FRED POU p f I 1 r Uli w biml CUB 1593 1033 CEW A afi collection Collect magnia lon acen of t FLOWER SEEDS tv 11 barc f 1 K 4 varieties I 1 r and kell able av LADIK W WORLD 0 6 jw to re caa or ud th family iku devoted to boemi ladof fy f y work k artl atlo b aam dep depto decoration to 11 t tc 1 to I 1 d t alili ht 1 churning budke adl cpr wo lalo aben it ual t cot tabia w now afke the oi w ir 12 cema 1 i maj the he ladled world 7 or attoe e and d to e ch w will alm wid d ff 11 free 4 repaid a I larff jw md d mayn few col lection mon or of choice flower acl tw M award 4 Inc ladlar Paiit im phlox D adim conw id stocky doubli inala in naj R Rm embr abst l w yf N cufr cz 1 ila I nth n th od a this bur ati ot f chelc put t up by 11 firel clu sd HOOK if nj d t finh aad nt bl N no ady can kotord f f to nil min this ibis wondrus rul apo W tery y ab aba ny fi ur ab alu of money rat your ud d yon I 1 pr l 1 I both d and d if yon TO not 0 our u a old id aad ad nel fellable lable publishing bow b by au th h 0 BW ap pr IV b bt md 4 1 M 0 1 from pl plied karob lm drax tu pw fay beani A aad beautiful ja iari ft f ran 4 if duj nj f 1 k th d r jad aj A mr N C ba D N wt t if conj j f frida abw A aj f or mif ami j L ian fd jh afat f to 64 y M J kayu brooklyn NY N y mr itra I 1 enry ward ft a nulu od cand ach rik mir fails ajit do not coo chenu if annu today to day I 1 nl pat U on baz six dj 1 mal for SM 11 OFFERS OFFER W 47 mad U 1 aboa b and d q lal M paper d 11 A ir M aa au 9 w will app I 1 wa coil r t coill 11 tb ib n T kt of i gatej j Ubi iford kwet pew peon arm l 3 dath i ilg in 1 K iroll d lh sawn annn 1 III Hiom te fiwel 1 P acu ai the 1 I P pot 11 1 1 II 11 J f hi bl bulut 10 flown daw U ir h Vf volel lel w mch kb w lufus L ineal L and mot bb hu h U ah taj y to dluhi of t 1 6 fl feet and d pod nr for ahm abr monah 3 k pro cf frymit bl bloomi a th tb aniol 9 brilliant 1 lapa lT ff il pa kieff I 1 u F i 1 pi t 11 lb pt ii IER U all ln I 1 ll 11 i U I 1 amr crip wy liKi I 1 pk pr v will wed 11 th tho die for 61 uno one r floar nh abiva air of clr tl t lulow sa noil MI jilly ihrl arai rrai add A if moo ILL 01 A CU CO 27 iak now york scientific american agency for I 1 wa for I 1 I 1 M j t V CAVEATS 0 TRADE MARKS X DESIGN PATENTS COPY copyrights etc etca i form for op ma ion and free fra write to MUNN A CU CO etl BROACH Y copac olda ariyana lor for securing la in amerlia ti ur ditcu t out ont by br is 1 before ij j ab nb by a it OL CC klac freo free ot of arzo in i n ano tn e cifu L cre of ant balen filc paper ja the th 1 no lo 10 wil lioci i our lt it keehl Wee lily SUII S a tar 3 P lilla auldren 0 alumn ibi I 1 CO ve U now york lott city VICTORS are standard value the standard price of victor Di bicycles cycles is 13 i 2500 00 no deviation and victor riders are arc guaranteed against cut rates during tho the current year OVERMAN WHEEL CO BOSTON philadelphia DETROIT NEW YORK CHICAGO DENVER SAN FRANCISCO i MA U X aw N ati al LINZ y l vy T l 1 P if 0 3 o has a large and well ted stock of gents W i and childrens Chil drenis which they are selling at bottom prices they also carry a large stock of GROCERIES HARDWARE OILS PAINT WOOD FIBER TUBS PAILS WASHERS WRINGERS 01 OIL CLOIN LINOLEUM DRY GOODS f NO ND NOTIONS kaoo Sa OO GRAHAM FLOUR BRAND AW alib SHORTS GRAIN CHICKEN FEED ETC we are selling best family flour high pat i it bran and shorts mixed BRAN AND FLOUR IN quantities AT A BIG DISCOUNT 75 i CHICAGO LIQUOR HOUSE ak FRED S HADRA proprietor 44 and 46 east bast ast 1st south auth st SALT LAKE CITY UTAH laae laa 3 mso agents for ST LOUIS bottle anda B C BOHEMIAN beers NO CHARGE FOR JUGS WITH GALLON ORDERS bountiful lumber and building CARRY THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN IM DAVIS DATIS COUNTY shi p d if you von are in needon f I 1 of any description OR SHINGLES LATH FLOORING SASH DOORS LOCKS BUTTS SCREWS NAILS OR GLASS OF ANY AMY SIZE COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE HATE AND GET OUR OCR PRICES remember you will not be asked to buy unless prices suit you we have a superior combination fence at the regular price L S HEYWOOD mgr THOMAS nat bedroom suits antenne on 0 oak ak reduced from to 30 i pr on i n n 29 i 11 2800 J 35 25 wall paper carpets feather mattresses felt carpet lining linoleum blinds etc GOODS DELIVERED IN THE THREE BOUNTIFUL SAND AND CEN TREVILLE FREE you y I 1 ou are respectfully invited to examine examine my my stock and ana PRICES north room opera house block MAIN STREET BOUNTIFUL FIFTY TWO awo NOVELS FOR 50 CENTS we have made arrangements with one the largest book publishing co in this antry whereby we can make this liberal affer send us our regular years in of 0 MOU for this the semiweekly semi weekly herald id extra and se me will send scud I 1 to 0 ur address uv bat er septime rover cover each cek kontola one 0 a saries ol 01 C ao novels easu a car ar can call avail ilian nes at i 1 i is race by remitting full I 1 crills nj advance ind and 50 cents extra H lavels are jat wails by the est authors and were with great ale and attention ilvy iley are afe just the i luay lur ya runie vil vail yourself your seif of at atoo on R 5 W wi laako oil I 1 m lir rid only siard S 0 11 1 I i 11 y dittli j 11 order ur r ait imp ilu IL 11 11 i 1 cu co tali bill lake city stock wanted wanted Ifor horses ses must weigh 1000 also good sheep address interstate stock exchange company omaha nebraska please mention the CLIPPER who wants A small homo home in bountiful I 1 will sell the portion of lot where the lumber lumberyard y ard is now located it is the most desirable desirable location in town for a smal I 1 home lamoni call N so ty two aado in oil a etelca atties and blocs I 1 easiest A r world as nr 0 cut I 1 moat accurate hobt compact 0 luid boef a modern no for sale by sal all dwall la uma fl f L cataio cues mailed freo by tho the mara II arlin piro firo arms co 1 NEW KEW havey CONN COITO IT USA NG rik |