Show IDAHO LEGISLATURE Four Bills Introduced Locating a State School of Mines BOISE Ida Feb 6SpecialIn the senate today the house bill allowing the town of Lewiston to issue bonds was de passed In the house the general fiency bill calling for 5390240 was presented pre-sented One item of 2365160 is for expenses ex-penses of the state military during the Coeur D Alene riots last summer A bill was introduced to locate the school of mines at Salmon City Lemfai county As there are now four school of mines bills before the house One at Coeur DAlene hotse city one at Osborne one at Silvey City and one in a Lemhi county town a lively fight is expected when the measures come up Neills senate bill increasing the per diem of witnesses in district courts to two dollars Bassetts liquor bill which provides pro-vides local option features and requires grocers druggists and others who sell liquor at all to take out a retail license Mitchams senate bill requiring the board of trustees of all cities to publish quarterly quar-terly reports showing receipts and dis bursments and Andersons bill appropriating ating 55000 to improve the capital building build-ing and grounds were passed |