Show NEURALGIA CAUSES MUCH INSANITY The highest medical authorities of Europe Eu-rope ana America have recently decided that a large percentage of cases of insanity is caused Dy the excruciating pains of neuralgia neu-ralgia of the head and face If any member of your family suffers this tormentor induce in-duce them to try Ballards Snow Liniment One application will afford immediate relief re-lief and you will soon be rid of a dangerous danger-ous and tormenting disease Ballards Snow Jniment is the most penetrating liniment known It positively cures rheumatism rheu-matism lame back contracted muscles old sores corns bunions etc It penetrates pene-trates and opens the pores drawing all poisonous matter to the surface restoring and promoting a natural circulation of the blood through the diseased partsi1 |