Show 1 = I 1f f special Advertisement = = = = I = = LOST Eigbth Wsrd On 2rb of July ht on Horse W ° th Sqcsre OlB L dhssddIe Brooded J Jon b n sbrldle and bt hip blind the t ip R on and W 011 left bp with j Jon L9iTB inounatlOn WI and be aarded r8 Virel South street WANTED neo A Grrt class woman at the oily LaundF others need apply + + JI 33Thir3 WeaS Street STRAYED medium sz3 left Adark red and Cow portion of tail gone broke ton branded horn f F 011 ll i 1016 Fror to d T ees J itfo mat oo BoJ 1016 clt hide Jei 8 Duncan at H B ClWBOn tn frOol depot BOARD AND LODGING men or two young ladies Two young board and lodging at 161 Fifth son have line one Street 8 on street car block West north of D i B G depot Salt Lake CiT Terms moderate SPLENDID CHANCE The finest water power near the centre I of Salt Loke City nOier fails capable I I cf driving a ten or eloven borse power Sale by BOCKROL CuXYUiGS for oaia vj w ForJuly 17th 1884 1884LOST LOST A Diamond Bmg with three settings The Ender will be suitably rewarded + by eavinE this officer office-r FOR RENT I EleeenUy Furnished Rooms with all ajodun conveniences in suites and 72 ingle tt the Thompson Building W Second South street T DEJNTiST J B Keytor lately connected with Dr J R Van Ankle has removed to be BEBAID New Building where he is repsrcd to do all kinds of Dental work I frciian guaranteed E R CLUTE GENERAL TRANSFER fopl ti and from all depot cxperi need Dayinsn satisfaction guaranteed 3is d Jennings Sons Dod Kemingtoj Johnson Lo ES Clute t ACCIDENT i Coal 01 find and gasBwrre cheap Ficreor Litcp store four doot west of Tbttro t DEF ti Ii + T DE-F C 2 cLols Dentist Office opposite a Wlksr Hojre over Senbury x John onf dins store Anesthetics given + Telephone in office HROKEtta UiKTiSMJS N i COD CO-D Office in No 201 Union Block Main street opposite theOverland Hcuse First Floor room No 2 Loans made on Jewelry Diamonds and Watches etc Railroad tickets bought find sold Unredeemed pledges sold at very low ates Business strictly confidential J WOOL GROWERS REFINED SULPHUR I By the Car Load Can tb obhlned from the Sulphur orb atar Cove Crceic 0 tub For information ad dross FERDDICKHRT lyffl tit Lake City Utah ° EiDLETJ RIDEOUT 3 nOU E9HOEING r A 8VECIAL1Y e x55 COMMERCIAL STREET S y Sn CALL AT n r H DINWOODEYS Ten ENTENNIAL REFRIGERATORS IIb 1 BEST WIRE CLOTH e JJligjTT iiiltmmi > 3 k t A Choice Line org or-g CHINA MATTING 6 = g y7fg7iMgMM j g a s A Fine Acsorlmont of RATTAN Chairs l1rn s 111 And a Splendid Lotof Newl Iron Whed at A Bye A R R I G E SAm 5 S-Am COULD AGKNT 1OB end ROCK tSpR NGS ad we i rt D CANYON W e bflr and P16asant Vallev nal alI ROCK sAtYr s-AtYr M S1 fA per tanG tan-G CO WEBEB t l Tadd rrrrirr1 00 per ton 5 50 our DtU BED CANTON ing t y t > 1 60 per ton red 400 nd te a Tet PLEASA1r ALLEY tot l i per ton aYs CAB LOAD LOTSAT YARD forrn egp r1nb + 5800 y ry iw 1 HotelsiHeBtaiirants Etc WHITE HOUSE BUST FAMILY HOTEL Main Street Salt Lake City Rate 315O to tr800 per day Special Bate by the week month AUGUSTUS PODLECH ProDtleior ST JAMES MOTEL MAIN STEEETT A QREENWALD Proprietor FIESTOLABS FAMILY HOTEL 613 THE HETROPOLITAII f Cor West Temple and Third South Streets Salt Lake City New Brick and NowlylFurniahed Large and well ventilated rooms Firstclass ample Rooms for CommercUl Tra colors I RATES S2 and S21O per Day U Special Kate bythe Week BBCH1OL S RYAN GLIFT HOUSES I o soS so-S C EWING Proprietor Main Street Salt Lake City Hates per daY 2 Special rates by week or month P FIRSTSLASSSAWPLE HOOM orrcROUHD FLOOR r ie3 PETERSONS MEAT MARKET I J W WEST BTJTOBEBB SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY Family Trade Solicited SolicitedOrder bj aeM hnl 0 24T7 FIRST SOUTH T OCKHOLT UMMING ft OCKHOL I S UMMING BOCKHOLT I k UMMINGA OOKHOLUMMINI u U OFFICE is THE HERALD BLOCK rM M I Opposite Nor h Con ile1ls1 Hotel I Sail Luke City Utah SEARCHERS OF TiTLES OFS REAL ESIATE And of other Records LOANS NEGOTIATED On Reasonable Terms LEGAL PAPERS Careful Drawn COMP HIES iNCORPORATED Wills Drawn and Probated SETTLEJLENT OF ESTATES Of Deceased Persons tpccully solicited Applications for Divorce and Alimony conducted SOUSES Rented and Accounts Collected Col-lected WATER RIGHTS OTHER STOCKS TcrritDrial and County Scrip Marketed J BOCKHOlT CUMMINGS l THE HERALD BLOCK Banking U S DEPO IT Was W-as L DESERET NATIONAL BANK SALT LAKE CITY oY i Paid In Capital 200H000 Surplus 200000 Q S Hfiredge President YnuJeanlnss Vice Fet Peramori Little John Sharp Directors Wm W Kltur LB Dills Cashier Jas T Little Azst Cashier 1 A0 Receives Deposits Payable on Demand Buys and Sells Exchange Now York San Francisco Chicago St Louis Omaha London and Principal Oontt nental Cities Makes Collections Remitting Proceeds Pro-ceeds Promptly COIC cL EA Iq K ERrS SALT LAKR CITY UTAH Transact a General Banking Business Careful attention given to the Ssle of Ores and Bullion We solicit Consignments Con-signments guaranteeing the Highest MarVot Prices Collections made with prompt returns at lowest rates Execute Orders for Purchase or Sale of Stocks and Bonds at New York and San Francisco TIc Sell Escbango and Telographla Transfers on lieailcg ciltles of the United States uiro FmniEh Sight Drafts or Remit Kacils to iionoon Dublin Berlin CopenhnsoD Party btoAkholin acd all other Prominent Points in Europe at Lowest Rates of JExchacge Certificate of Deposit Isruea Payab on Demand AcUve Acconala 1oUcUd COBRE3PONDENTS L11Sr7 TOnRrUlt n r ann Tnol1tv n tiocal Baak Konntza Brothers OHIOAOO Commerslal Rational Bank SAN FHANCISUOFirst National Gold Ban OMAHA Omiha National Bank ST LOUIS States Saving Association iiii JOHS TinoR B H Eonnmni Prealdeat Aut Cashier SIOIsTS SAVUGS I f BANK 1 iKD TRUSf OIPAlV I No 53 EASY TUilPLE STREET DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Pays 5 per cent interest on Savings Deposits MONEY TO LOAN On Approved Securities at Low Rates of Interest SALT LAKE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COfflPANY Td PfERPOflT Superintendent Office and Works One Block South of Utah Central Railway Depot Manufacturer of Stationary and Portable Port-able Steam Engines and Boilers Mining and Hoisting Machinery Saw Mills Shafting Hangers Pulleys etc Boiler and Tank Work of all Kinds Made to Order Castings in Inn Copper and Brass Wrought and Cait Iron Walk for Builders Iron Fronts Columns Lintels Sill Plates Grating etc etc is A MAYNES 00 News Dealers AC > ENER L ItGJ 1i9 7jrILL OPEN 05E OF H1OSE FINE WILL in tho I HERALD NEW BU1LDIKC About MAY FIRST with a care fully esleeto Stock of Pooks Stationery Periodicals Magazines American ant English Newspapers etc Also a choice assortment of Cigar To baccce and a general line of Smokers Articles Will receive subscriptions for all Publications Special attention paid to i orders for English Newspapers i We have the asancy for Enlarging Photographs in Oil or Water Colors and will guarantee firelclass work at reasonable Gguros We solicit a share of pUblic patronage and will endeavor to give general satisfaction satis-faction Orders by JJiail promptly attended to Address P O Box 1074 Salt Lake Oily a8 Miscellaneous Advertising Cheats It has become so common to write the bsRinnir of an article > n an elegant in teresicg manner Teen run it into some advertisament that we avoid all such And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bittera in as plain honest terms as possible To induce people To give them ono trial which so proves tbair value that they will never USD anyLllitg else Tine EEMEDr favorably noticed in all tho papers Religion and secular is Having a large sale and is supplant fog al other medicines There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant and the proprietors of Hop iiittere hve shown great shrewdness shrewd-ness And ability CIn upsundinjr a medicine whose yirtuns ore so palpable ta every = ones observation Did She Die 1 No ibo lingered and suffargd along pin hj8 wy ni the lime for years The doctors doing her no good co And rt lat was cured by this Hop Bitters the napes sav eo much about Indeed Indeed II How thankful we should be for that medicine A Daughters Misery Eleven years our daughter Buffered on n bed of misery From a complication kidnnv liver rheumatic trouble and nervous debility Under the care of the beet nhysicians Who gve her disease various name But no relief And now she is restored to us in good health by ai simple a remedy estiop Bitters that we had shunned for years before using ltIB > PAREHXS Father isGetting Well Cl1I1y daughters say How much better fathar is since he aced Hop Bitters He is galling well after his long suffering suf-fering from a disease declared incurable And wa are so glad that ho used your Bitters A LUT of Utica N Y d < < EQUESTRIAN STABLES One and ono half Blocks West of i VFJker Bros on Second Stolh Stray First cites Sadolo H6rsog fur either ladies or gentlemen m20 Ua X FEnocsoir Proprietor JlA CJS BRO SAT S-AT D 0 CALDERS MUSIC PALACE I ThB W match Patent Roller mills Best Grades of ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR BRANDS HIGH PATENT STRAIGHT l Grade all warranted good tu any made I in UtahThe sa The Highest Cash Price paid for Good Wheat Telephone to tho Mills No 103 Office Idaho Bakery No 20 Second South Street E Q HUSLER Prop Y ALL ODDS THE EST EQUIPPED RAILROAD IN THE WORLD Let It DO forever remembered that the CHICAGO 4 NORTHW5TE RAJL AY la the best and shortest route to and from Chicago and Council Bluffs Omaha and that it is preferred by all well posted traveler when passing to or from CALIFORNIA AND COLORADO It also operate the best route and the short line between Chicago and 31 Paul MtnncaDoIis Milwaukee La Crosse Sparta Madison Foil Howard Green Bay wh WInona Ova tones Mckato Mian Cedar Itsptds Des iloinie Webster City Alirena Clinton Mar aballtown Iowa Freeport Elgin Rockford I1U are omongat its gUO local stations on its lines Among a few of the numerous points of us periority enjoyed j by the patrons of this road iglIM 1fi lr gl pLl sll ls ore its DAY COACBES which arc the finest that human art aDd Ingenuity can create its PALATIAL BLEEPING liARS which are models of comfort end elegance its PALACE DRAWING BOOM CADS which are nnwr tsC parsed vg any and its widely oounsur NORTHWESTERN DININO CARS The like ot which are not run by any other road anywhere In hori it ia asserted that it Is TDB BEST EQUIPPED ROAD IN TILE WORLD AU points of interest north northwest and west nf Chicago businesj centrea summer resorts and noted nnntinr and fishing grounds are accessible by the various branches of this road It owns and c ontrols over 5COO miles of road and has over iOO passenger oondacton constantly caries for its millions of patrons Ask your ticket erect for ticket via this route AND do KONB OTHER AU leading ticket agonts sell thorn Jt costa no more to travel on this route that gives first cUss aconsamoJationj than U does to go bj i the poorly equipped roads i for maps descriptive circulara and Bumme retort papers or other information sot obtainable ob-tainable atyonr local ticket officc write to the WL PASS AQT C d N WRY CHIOAQO ILL lea 14 I Railroads Till ITESTABA I RAiLWAY OttHIOn On and after WEDNESDAY JUNE 4Tn S84j The Utah and Nevada Railway Company I Com-pany will run their trains as follows Sundays excepted Standard Mountain Time Leave Salt Lake City 840 am Garfield 1000 to Too 1e 11JO II Arrive at Terminus 1140 II Leave Terminus 100 pm abode 1SO Garfield a30 Arrive Saltliakfl City 315 THE BATHING TRAIN Will leave Salt Lake City Sundays excepted ex-cepted for the Like at 510 pm returning I arrive at 830 n m SUNDAY TRAmS Leave Salt Lake City for Black Bock and Garfield only nt 10 110 m and 480 p m returning re-turning arrive at 2 SO and 800 pm FARE To Blaok Bock and Garfield and re two on all Tralca50a Children between 5 and 10 years of age tar t37 cpoclsl Rates given to Sunday Schools Societies ota No freight rill be received alter i pIIU 8 F Featon W W RITER lea Frt and Pass AzU Oupt SALT lAKE WESTERN RY and On and after THURSDAY MAY 1ST 1884 Trains will run as follows STANDAED MOUNTAIN TIME ° Leave Lehl Junction at 845 a m Cedar Fort aCm 950 IJ Bulb Valley nt 1055 It n Doremns 1145 II I Ironton at 1220pm Arrive at Silver CUT at 1240 II Leave Silver City at 100 pm II lrontoD 130 It Doremns at 225 > Rush Valley at SXO IJ Cedar Fort at 400 tArrlvo at Lohl Junction at S10 > Connects with Utah Central train leavln Bait lake at 730 a m IConuects with Utah Central tral arriving at Salt Late at 630 p m W W BITER irar21 Bunt F Crowton Son HUBBER ROOFiNG I = s e n gSElt uonFiNQ purr ON nv TH R EnBBBU iJnq XH f haTB or sola by the tqoere also a kinds of MtTAL KOOPIKG repaired ahi painted with SLATS ROOFIMC PAINT FrrIUiG Also PLUMBING anti GASFITIIKG Steno Pipes and Boilers covered to eave fuel 1 F CEOWTOM 3 KOW t No 12 E Third South St P 0 Box 956 SALT LAKE CITY jell Dr F STHRIAET SPECIALIST former Partner o DR dIJTTJE SAIi FRANCISCO No 261 Main Hi app Overland House in Union Block Room No 1 First floor Csn ba consulted daily from tr oclock to 12 oclock am and from 2 to ki oclock pm Sundays from 10 am to i pm He has had twentyfive years experience ex-perience in tho special treatment of al Venereal Sexual andChronic Diseases and guarantees to euro all mine Diseases Syphilitic or Mercurial Affections Af-fections of the Throat Skin or Bones NEHVOCB DEBILITY Impotency and Lost Manhood exhausted Vitality Seminal Weakness S ermator rho3a Paralyeund all the terrible effects of BolfAbueo youthful follies and ex cesses in maturer years Nocturnal Emission EmIS-sion the eecta of which are various maddening and destructive to both body and mind and unless cured will er minate fatally The presence of the disease cauioa a continual consciousness of a glow and gradual decay of all the power of body aud mind with loss of manly power and vigor defective memory mem-ory heart affections loss of sight noises in the head and ears confusion of ideas aversion to tcciety excessive prostration trembling of the hands and limb consumption con-sumption marasmus and ultimate derangement de-rangement of the mind Tho will power becomes so weak that tho person seems to lose control of himself and cannot look one square in the face It also causes Dyspeptic and Indigestion with Hear i and Kidner Disease I Tapeworm Expelled In 25 Hours PILES Treated and Cured Bnccesstally jj Consultation at the office is TEEE and Invited Thorough examination and advice ad-vice including analysis of urine 8 Como at oncedo ot put it dl All correspondence alt icily confidential J Wg SIMPSON A New Invoice ot PUNCH LED A3 AND OBELISK CIGARS i Whsiws trill sell to the Trade at the very Lowest Figures A Full Line Celcimi ers General Snppllfs r > Miscellaneous MARK HcKIfflffllNS 4 > LIVERY FEED STABLES 4 Own The Nos FInest Bar01chIS JIll Carrlagea III v 2m lL Sad 20 lliln SL n 0 r t lilt r ffiE TAR Mess s 1 OlJiee No HI Man slret drat deer north oC 1 Barratt BrtlB Tlepl101Jo No U2 Package I waya In Tranter readln and S Mov gtlauros Or cana and Furniture a SPecWb Have the finest tournhauol Wagon that a was ever brought to this cecntrt Are prepired for any sited parties BSreM8 will fd ° well l ° call on the Slat Express Orders by Teephona receive tiOJJ exempt alien t J H EDGERLY JJ1B Sole Proprietor t fta STANDARD VARNISH WORKS r D R03EKBERC it SONS t NIJaV yORK cmcoe Stannard Carriage 8roishflSf < os Sale bv SEARS LIDDLE Salt Lake City Utah aul HENRY WAGER k err SALT ZAZE CITY s l OAUFOBSIA BREWERY k lager Beer Ale and Porter t fir Wholesale Q11 Betil F fecond South Street Threo aoors cast from Main Street 1 1t t MiTT M-iTT DRUG STOR j + w o t it c SDIITlr c II I PYOPIaI7tTOR5 a t Corner Biota and Second South Stream r OLD 2LEPHAWT OOKKER J s PE IIIPTIO PH MACi Pure Drugs i P tent Medicines Toilet Articles AND rVEnYTllrG romm IN A FIRSTCLASS DRUG STORE t ° REBORlPTIOaa FILLS At All Honrs of the Del cr Night by Competent Pharmacists 1 WHOLESALE ORDERS Priced as low as any Droz sa use In th Te ritory teEADGrAnTEn t FOE 1 FOROND DIAMONDS I i WAICH I I CF4yKf LAND L-AND 4 SIr VERW ARE f 1 JOSLINPARJ 150 East Temple St SALT LAKE o + O i i Orders by MAil will receive Prompt Attea lios HEW LUiUEER YARD j i EJ SELLS At the I I I4oDe 1 Lumber Ysr Of AKMSaliONQ i BAQIS2 1 1 S FIRST SOUTH CTfIELC 1 Opposite 14th Ward Mooting Honor i 1 Cera at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER OF ALLSGBADES t 1 I CcmlsUng part of Flooring boa tJac i Roofing Calllnr Pi JteM Lath SWielo Ucirtlng Joilt Doom Window 1rnom 1 tc which wlllba said cheap t I t |