Show Mysterious Affair Philadelphia 1A startling story that the crew of the schooner Julia BakEr from Now York for Port au Prince had mutined killed Captain Jehn Lewis and been selling the cargo in the West Indieshf lea tee owners of the vessel Warner Merritt to send the following dispatch dis-patch by telegraph to day llTo the collector of customs Key WeBtWe have reason to believe that Captain Lewis of the schooner Julia Baker has been murdered and that tbe person calling himself Lewis is an imoostor Kindly acertain what has been going on Why the vessel deviated devi-ated from her course What has become of her cargo and all particulars par-ticulars Things appear very mys terioua and demand a sharp investigation in-vestigation Telegraph full par tculars quickly Signed WABNEK i MERRITT KEYWEST FLA Aug 1 1884 Warner e Mei rift Philadelphia Tte master assigns no reason for deviating from his course He has noted a protest claiming his foremast had sprung and the ship leaking a survey has been held today to-day he recommended the discharge of cargo The original manifest ia lost lumber is washed overbnara and a portion of the flour missing Ihe masters statement JB rambling and conflicting tend dtscripion ot original to Capt Lewis We have taken possession of the vessel and are awaiting your further mstruc tions Signed RAMON ALVKREZ It is 63d the Julia Baker has teen cruisiog in Vest Indian waters se 1 ing cargo principally Hour at rates much below nmket price Contain Lewis waaatout forty years of age rather tall and stout ntid the des de-s of the piesent commander is altogether ffareat Albert Mer rttt of the firm o Warner Merritt expressed the opinion that mutiny occurred en board the schooner aLd that a fight took place In which Captain Lewis was killsfi and that the crew seeing they were in for it determined to sell the cargo and escape Werner Mer ritt have later receive a dispatch from the collector at Key West statLg that the captain and four men of the schooner Julh Baker hive bcea arres ed |