Show DAVID JAfnES 7CO Plumbers Tinners Gas and Steam Fitters Cal and examine onr Stock ofjj Gas Fixtures Garden Hose Lawn Sprinklers filter Filters Pumps Hydrants Street dashers Bath Tubs Water Closets etc 4 Igor PLUMBINC CASFIT j TUC AND STEAMHEA r2C j Roofing Guttering etc 1 Done in all its Branches 3 NO v 67 l ain streets Telephono Communication at Office or Residence F Aterba Bro GREAT lLEARANCE SALE I < < IER Z ET OASHI lua Mft SiMUEL H AUERBAOH having gone East to buy FaltSock 1 and in order to make room for same we cttr our entire stock in all of our l1merous dep rttnentg rt REATL t RL UCED PRICES H t 1 Black Grenadines RlTJic reduced from 15c Iron Grenadine at 25c reduced from 65c 2yard wide Grenadines I1t 25s reduced from 75o tAll II t-All Silk Grenadines the finest ever shown west of Chicago at 175 200 and 225 worth 20 par cent more A Splenaid lot ct Foslaid Silks at 6tTc reduced from 85 Back and Colored Gros Grain Silks at 110 reduced from 165 All Wool double wide Nuns Veilings at 40c and 50c reduced from 55s and 65o A lot of Colored French Nun Veiling slightly Imperfect at 25c reduced re-duced from 45c Bentiful Paris Brocades at 52 75 reduced from 350 Genuine French Challis Brocades at 75c reduced from 110 Half Woolen Buntings in navv and black at 74c reduced from I5c BARGAINS in American Dese Goods Gingham datteens Zephyr Cloths all kinds of White Goods Flannels dies Cloth Bathing Materials and Bathing Suite Curtains Curtain Note Tidies Ma eille3 Qailta at prices to tempt pur huel8 150 Lace Trimmed Silk Parasol t S3 75 reduced from 3 75 OUR LADES UNDERWEAR Childrens White Dresses L3dies Dressing Sacks Wnita Skirts and Gauze underwear must attract buyers at present Low Prices 300 Ladies Silk and Cashmere Dolmans Raglans Shoulder Capss Uhtere Jackets and Embroidered Fichus AT IiBS THAN COST OUR LADIES AND CHILDRENS HOSIERY STOCK IB too large We offer real bjilliant Lisle Thread Hose at 50 cents worth 150 and childrens full regular Hoe at 33J worth 55cts A lot of children Nos 16 and 18 Merino Vests at 20 cents each Remnants of Dress Good Embroinerieg Laces and Odds and Ends in Cor etF Buttons Buckles Ladies and Childroas Ha a I Flowers Plumes Tips Ribbons Rib-bons etc etc at half price OTXR SHOE DEPARTMENT I Is closing out Borne lines of goods very low We warrant every pair sold I OUR CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Offers some Rare Bargains in Suits Made to Order Cloths CaEaitneres and Tellers Trimmings Genie Boys and Childrens Suits HaU of Latest Styles Boots Gaiters Gents Tnderwear Socks Scarfs Gloves Ec f Carpets Carpet Remnants Linoleums Hals 3 Rugs and Shades at Lowest Prices quoted in this city Oar Goods are New Choice and Stylish ani we are in Ernest in Closing Out Our Entire Stock to make roam tar ha Livgaji aid Fi33 Fall Stock e9 I imported by us WHOLESALE BUYERS will find Real Bargains in our Jobbing Stock 1 We are Never Undersold IL ESTABLISHED 1864 WE FILL ALUORDERS AT REDUCED PRICES e F AUERBACH BRO His Intuitions How facts do knock sentiment oat of lime I was walking a fen evenings even-ings ago With a young friend of mine who is madly in love with a beautiful young lady I dont think shes pretty bat he dots and I never con radict a man on that subject It is not cafo When a man is very fond of f a woman he may know in his bent she is not perfect but he will hit hia friend on the nose if he dares to tell him so Tnia otyla of telling tM truth about people to save your friends from mistake and griet ia all nOnFeme If a man is gone on a woman hes gone It is no nee Hen uever find out anything or believe anything against her until she hakes him and then hell find out and believe everything Hcnaver here is nothing against this young lady I am speaking of Sao is my friends ideal and he looked up at her window as we passed There is my charmer 1 know she is sleeping quietly in that ohanM her I feel it It is the silver line Did you ever feel about Eomebody that you instinctively knew her presence I could walk past this house and tell every time whether she is there or not Ahl Then he sighed deeply I happened happen-ed to find out next morning that the young lady in question bad been more than a week at Monterey SILVER LAKE HOUSE BIG COTTONWOOD CANON 0 Ibis popular reort is now open Com upland spend a short season with us W S BRIGHTON Prop 511950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY lremlams Smokers of BlackweHs Genuine 10 4tor3 Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco mil receive Premiums as follows on 500 terms and conditions here specified 450 1st PREMIUM 5000 35O 00 2d U 2000 300 3d t 1000 275 22 other Prcmiuns as shown 25O The ffi premiums will be awarded 225 December 2 1884 1st Premium 200 goes to the person fromwhomwe ro ceiveUislargest numberof our empty 176 tobacco bags prior toDee15 SdwiU 15O bal Riven for tha next number nnndthnsfintthheorrdderot 125 nnd thus in tha order of tho number of empty bare received from each 100 to the turentyflvo successful con 90 tesbrats Each bat must bear our SO original Ball Durham label U S Revenua stamp and Caution Notice 7O Bays must be done up securely a 60 pactaso with name and address of 5O eender and number of bags contained contain-ed plainly marked on the outside 40 and must be ent charges prepaid 30 lilnclctvella Durhain Tobacco 20 Co DUEIUII N C Everyjrenuino package hag picture of Bull 10 Sec our next announcement CHEAP EXCURSION TO EUROPE A Suicidal ortuntS fo T i ° wtir Old Country end Uavmi k t Months Special Cheap rscntsjoa 1 111 leavo alL al-L ke City Ssturday nguat lath 1581 fm tNGLoND IBEIiND aCOTLaND PARIS ANTWERP IHMUURG and ROT lElWAI FARES FOR THE HOUND TRIP TO LIVERPOOL or GLASGOW BELFA5TJ J 155 00 10 ANTWERP HAMBURG 1 G1 < < < 7K QO PARIS or KOIERDAM j qJ these Special Low Rates will entitle each saenger to SECOND CLASS accommodations accommoda-tions en railroada and iteam hipp with too prlyllCBO or returning any tIme within sir months Zoom date of starting All f wno intend availing themrolres of this splendllopportnnlty Bhonld make early application ap-plication for tickets to Insure a comfortaDW birth on the steamer As only hti I nuenter of ticket trill be told they should bo secured not inter than August Mh 1 or further information apply to JOHN A ilATNES Mentt HEEALD Budding Salt Late city P 0 Bolt YZ f yl0 BOLIVAR ROBERTS W A NELDEN I 11 a s ROBERTS NElDEN l f Wholesa DRUGGIS Sand Retail IH We cany full line of 1 I I 1 Drug Medicines Paints Oil Varnishes Brushes 1 t I 1 Combs Fancy Goods Dye Stuffs I Assayers Efiatsrials Mill Supplies Scales > I I iiI Balance Weights OisorF Tobaccoes South eta Write for Prices or send J r us a trial order Anylbinp ooderod not in Etock will be u furnUhtd at bottom prices rl No 220 S Malta Street opposite Post Office 1 t4 I Boca LAGER BEER 1 4 r THE BEST LAGER BEER ON THE COAST ± EOUAL TO ANY EASTERN BEER Now on Sale Dy Pt 3 1L II FJ FG dc C C > e I 7 lit SOLE AGENTS m 0 Irders for our Bottled Beer by the Single Dozen or the Case Vg Beer by the Single Keg or Car Load Lots promptly filed and at current prices I 0 t I f g ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SQLICSTED a tt 1 0 OFPICENo MaIn Street WAREHOUSE 256 and 258 S Third West l I TELEPHONE 03 117 and 317 mil Noble Wood Co tall The only Excl sive Wholesale aid Retail HAT CAP11LOE I AND fUR HOUSf li IN SALT LAKE CITY 3 i FT Manufacturers of Ladies Misses and Childrens c LO e SIn S-In Sealskin Silk Plush end Cloth 0 SOLE AGEKFS for YOUMASTS CELEBRATED I i r r9w ITOIRIEC E ATS The most popular Hat worn ti t i CORNER SECOND sOOTH AND WEST TEMPLE SfREETd a 11 HOWARD SEBREE GO I I t Simplest Strongest and Light Draft made CHAMPION LightCord BINDER I Lightest J Strongest Simplest and beet made Binders in the market BJ1 I FAR11 AND SPRING WAGON Carriages and Buggies k CHA HBI HKESTHfe A IttCHIIL t Champion Hew BalLJoint Mower t SELPR4KERS DROPPERS AND SINGLE + REAPERS t 1 The Chfimpion Machines are mdn of better materialj will loatjlange t I i and take less repairs than any Machsnes made 1 TIGER SELFDUMP HAY RAKE t The only perfect Salf13ump Hay Rake made 1 r HOWARD SEBR E COMPANY f i 1 Salt Lake Citv I AND OGDEN UTAH SHOSHONE CALDWELL MODNTAI I marl HOME AND WEISER CITY IDAHO JS |