Show AD YIN CONGRESS of the Delib 0 The 0P ell erR hOll fEREA DIXG OF THE IESSAGE Claude Delegate Yfliy m The lawson CaseThe 11e CaJnel Capital Doings Theatres dence of THE HERALD corlespon ia 1 SpeetA WASllI G TOx Dec 7th 1S31 ed since the meeting seek bas Pas > tu A ree for the short session It of Cpngressit eventful and it has not been an baS routine characteristic of Th e old o ne carried Ambling of Congress was e 11 reap There was a deal of handshaking out on the back a little jocular I sl lalIII11 g expectorating and a t some profaiiity I of smoke The roll call of den good oTseall the above refers to the HIJuse the h how Souseshowed a quorum though 10 7was House discovered by any member that jt called considering the iii his name was nacgSant and interminable clatter kept ce < ant throughout 1iO tu to answer up lgis a conundrum which the present the outside has yet to have felloW oil him On the desks of some solved I for member were elegant floral offerings memo the size and costliness due to the par h the member was held which in w f alitv and the taste of the fair admirer whose been The red tape have een gift it may preceding the reception of the Presi through with that dents message gone document presented to the House bv one of the Presidents private secre owhen com taries when its reading was menced It took two ablebodied and soundlunged clerks to get through the reading but they did it and despite the noise and clatter of the members a fellow outside could oc casionalv hear a word and sometimes during a temporary lull in the Representative Repre-sentative racket or because of a spasmodic spas-modic a faIt on 0the affrighted air by the reader one could guess with considerable con-siderable accuracy at the context of a whole sentence Not to exceed five members of the House listened to the jeadmg throughout I Ie rest were i doin Heaven knows what It was admItte to be a most able production Whether there is any significance between this declaration and the decided inattention of the members it might be a little indelicate I delicate to base any presumption upon The reference to polygamy though endorsed en-dorsed or rather recommended bv that gathering of gentlemen who with heroic J fortitude did in one yearprovide a test oath for Utah voters with a marriage relation I clause in it and drawn each a salary of 3000 failed to herd the House members togetheras a hen gathereth her Jittle chicks and startling force was lost in a tumultous mixture of laughter hand spattingwhIch is a signal that a page is wantedgood natured discussion discus-sion and the smoke of the solacing weed 1 will do the members credit to say that they listened attentively to one thing the prayer fiy the chaplain and he managed to do a little solid i supplicating in a Spencerian thats what my friend terms it voice thatwould grace Congress in another i an-other capacity The contrast with the opening in the Senate chamber was marked by the absence of unusual levity and a decorum de-corum that seems befitting grayed locks were there remain locks enough to I show that the frost of age has touched and silvered them The message there attracted a little more attention perhaps per-haps but the remarks that apply to the effect it produced upon the House in a general way apply also to the sentiment it produced in the more sage and digni fied branch of the National Legislature One of the principal topics of conversation con-versation in the House among members was the numerous changes resulting from the last contest Many familiar faces will be missed in the Congress that meets in 18S5 and many men whose absence will bi mined are placed on the retired list The retirement is volun tary with some involuntary with others while still others state they have been cut adrift by fraud and treachery Representatiye Hardy of New York declares he was sold out by the county Democracy while Representative Fof lett I of CincinnatI gave character to his I charges of fraud by the introduction of the resolutions impeaching United States duct Marshal Lot Wright for his con nnninn during the October elections in Cincinnati Ui The Debate on this resolu tion tIn place on the second day of the n meeting and was lively and interesting Ex to an unusual degree while itlasted Exspeaker Keifer who has been given an evidence of the gratitude of his coun try for his srLkr alleged corruptions while speaker in being relieved from the onerous duties of the representing one of Ohio districts in the next Congress assumed the lead for the Republicans and was backed by Hiscock of New York and Reed of Maine S S Cox gave Keifer a settler and Converse Regan and Follett made some telling hits at their antagonists It evi was evi dent from the moderate tone of the Republicans that the opposition had the butt end of the discussion While this wasgoing on in the House the Senate was doing some excellent talking on the deprivation of Indians of their lands by usurpers and the settle ment in a like illegal manner of the public domain The subject was brought Maxey Vest of Missouri and Dawes Maxey Beck and others in dulged Referring for a brief moment to the changes in the new Congress it well to state that rCUi may be i u omi T of Utah will be the only delegate Came in the next Congress who has ever been in that n body before Changes have been made in with every Territory save Utah perhaps the exception of Idaho all the other Delegates did not strive for the renomination Singisernot only wanted nomination but got it and a as a sort of chromo to nation accompany the nomi the he received a got left from people It is not known that the chromo so prostrated him that he could Dot h get around but certain it is that l Is seat in the House has not vet been 1 Warmed by him this session The Swt im court martia1 hac attracted a great deal of attention hereboh from E the official position of the defend ant an d the character of the court Sitting In the case There IDemDers are thirteen s of it and rank of those in the aggregate has had composing the court it of few equals It may be a ofadd tbonal source interest to the 3 OUr Territory people of to know that Lieutenant R W Young of Utah is associate counsel for the prosecution Major Garland who is judge advocate having requested that the young lawyersoldier be delegated to assist hiii in the case I Jeff Chandler is the heavy weight for the prosecution while General Gros vener and Judge fcjhalleberger defend Swaim The placing ofthe capstone and allu minum tip on the Washington monument monu-ment was accomplished 217 oclock on Saturday It rained throughout through-out the whole day and it is i stated that the wind blew at the rate of fifty miles an hour past those who were at the top of the shaft Not a great many persons were allowed to go to the top and it is doubtful if of the 10 000 pair of eyes supposed to have been leveled at the shaft from different parts of Washington Washing-ton at 2 oclock the possessors thereof were suffering the ugunv of envy at the lot of those who looked like specks at a height of over 550 feet Ill take a solemn declaration that the possessor of one pair cri eagle orbs never in his uses less use-s career felt more free from the pangs caused by the consciousness of lowly position than when gazing heavenward and seeing his fellow creatures high in air exposed to the hurrying wiid and the dreary rain and half hidden amid the fast flying clouds The papers tell us the operation was a big success and I am prepared to accept ac-cept the declaration without question If thoe who saw it were satisfied that ought to ttleit At the moment the a u binum tip was adjutEd the American Ameri-can flag was unfurled and as it spread out in the breeze the roar of cannon broke forth and the echoes crackled and rang about time top of the shaft Twentyone guns were fired Subsequently Subse-quently the flag was run to the top of the pole and there floated in the breeze GOO feet above the earth higher so far as available information teaches than the flag of this or any other nation has ever been reared The monument was commenced in 1847 the year after the Pioneers planted themselves in Utah It was carried on for a time by public suoscription and reared to a height of 174 feet when patronage failing fail-ing work was suspended About six yearc ago Congress took the matter in charge and it has been pushed ahead as far as statedto a height of 550 feet There remains yet two years work to be done The base is to be designed and finished and the interior to be completed complet-ed It is to be dedicated on the 21st or 23d of February the 22d coming on Sunday Visitors are not yet allowed togo to-go up yet and it IS uncertain when they will be allowed to The social world is once more going its usual round and three theatres besides be-sides museums are running daily while there are innumerable fairs and like charitable shows in progres Gen Logan had a reception the other night and appears in his seat in the Senate daily as though he could stand and would interpose no serious objections objec-tions to another term Twenty ears inCongress Blaine came to the city the other day very gently was met by his son at the depot and taken to his home It does not appear as yet that he has formed any cabinet for President Cleveland If Mr Blaine is true to republican re-publican instincts he will speedily remedy reme-dy this oversight on his part By the way speaking of Elaines workTwenty years inCongress one of the papers had something like the following Jim Blaine is in good health and will progress pro-gress with his book as per his agreement agree-ment with the publishers May he live to write Twenty Years out of Con gree Delicate wasnt it and kind John T Raymond has just had a successful suc-cessful week here at Albaughs new Opera House and a fine place it is though unfinished Minnie Palmer is billed to begin a weeks engagement tonight She is fresh from the other side of the pond Among other oppositions she will have to play against Joseph Jefferson who appears in three pieces during the week The appeal in the habeas corpus case of Rudger Clawson has been filed in the Supreme Court which is now in session When the motion to bring the case up will be made cannot be stated as yet WANDERER |