Show < 1 f LEGAL NOTICE ADMINISTRATORS SALE pob2te Court wit hinand for the In Salt Lake County Tern tory of Utah BeFOre Hon E A Smith Judge ihpnsllerof the Estate of Andrav i the m 1 Il Burt deceased tJRstANrroANORDER OF THE PRO pute C Jrt within and for ald County bite td entered In this matter on the 12th male at uot AD 18a4wetho undersigned thY O M torl tf sid Estnte will seller cash jninLtrIOrI sae the fol lowing deacnb d Real At p vailcg ird being in Salt Lake County 1it Retate Utah Terrjtotl at to th wit soulhwe3 corner of the cmmenC of Section 0 T 2 Bonthwest Oft Lake t quarter meridian thence eart 70 rod ig nortb EO rods thence east 10 rods thence oort1l nor fO reds thence wet O rods tK sOllthl63 rods to the placa begin dug coaWaln Z 7 acres ftimmeneinfr at southeast orner of ntbeast quArtet of SeCtion 6 T onthweit bait Lake Airidlan thence WeSt 20 rods thence north 80 SSJ thence east 30 rods thence south 80 rods to place of beginnirff containing 15 acres Alio The coatSwost quarter ot southwest quarter of fiectlonflT 2 southwest SaltLaie meridian containing iO acres AcresAho Soalhat quarter of Sectlin 17 T 9 north 2 irejt Salt Like merid an SItuate lying and being In the County of Bos tlaer Utah Tel chary Alro East lulf of Lot 1 and 2 of Block No 57 and Lt No 4 of Block No 40 Plat C Brigham CIty t1rve1 Bx Bder county Utah Also All of Lot Na 3 cf Block No 40 Plat C Brig him City Survey Box Elder Couty Utah Also Fort shares of tto Capital Stock of the Utah ml Silt Like Canal Company Every person wibhBjr to buy said lard or any cart thereof la hereby quested to pro p03 In wri lag to the Undtril4oed at the office of-fice cf Bcckhot 4 Cummlngj HiEALoMew Balding corn r 01 WeSt Temle and First South street Salt Lake City Bids will be received until 10 ocock am oft le SecoLd day of September AD 1S84 and the tale la subject to the connrmntin by theCourt aKinECirii on delivery of deed = a1t Lake City Aug 14 lS8i i ii 1j1HPTON BRIGHAM Y HAMPTON JOSEPH W BURl a15 Aamlnlstrators of Said Estate I DIVIDEND NO 12 Office of the i Alice Geld and Silver Mining Co Salt Lake City Utah Acgust 13th 1884 j Dividend Yo 12 of 111A ecnls per ehare 01 the can < al tock of the company amounting to 53 000 was declared this day t r the quarter ending August Blat payable at tOe Farmers Lan and Trust Co New York City September 1st Transfer books clote August 5h and reopen September 3rd 1884 4 BB J G BATJJJULD Sec etarj 0 I 11 OF ° j I ha k wA a GCIMMONDS cLc FOCOCIETaR gpj FgAtltnt ° TSRSCOMENDBDbi ALL pay 1 SIANS as a Blood Purifying Lauar It is a aura remedy for Dyspepsia or Chill and Fever and especially for all Kidney and Liver Complaints IT IS THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF TEB AGE This Extract is a pure compound i com-pound of all the choicest Tropical Fruits and put no fzpesely for Medical and Family Use Families and Travelers should alwar be provided with a bottle of IM MON DS EXTRACT OF TROPICAL FRUIT It isgood for Sour Stomach Sea Sicknessand all Stomach Trouble Also l Billiousnes and Dyspepsia Dys-pepsia and sets as a light purgaive No necessity fo taki K a strong Catbartc The best physicians recommend it tc everybody particularly recommended by the faculty for Ladies Comclamts Extracted Ex-tracted frun the following Tropical Fruit Pineapple Orange Mangoes spotilla Bananas Tamarinds MalarIal Diseases of all Kinds Speedily Held to its Powerful Action Nothing Equals it as an Appetiser its tonic properties are grand and it i renews wasted vitality and rejuvenates tra systorn Try it end brooms convinced con-vinced None Rpncne si except my siRna ture is acros the cork corkG G SIMMOITDS SEfBlJRY CO Salt Lake Sole Agents for Utah and Idaho kept by hading Druggists and Grocers vo SAWYER Express and Transfer Office Tufts i NH roms Wine Boom n st door tomb of Godba PitMCoa Drug Store Main strest < > Veght Shlcped and Delivered Fiunlturi Moving a Sp cUl Pianos Uoved wIth Care Orders bJ TelsFbone promptly flllefl tE Ezenralon rfarons always la readinsa g > 2i ItO c O C < > lIIf 80 0 t4I g tl = 1 g s jc a d I o etlJ II IV = C2 sy < > liSoic > iii R a i Q no c o = > iIU Li = o c > ig = rz w G = C1c 111 i3 JI = al5 = 1 O ti < I rIR 0 < 8 tl 1QPoIsok JI i IN THE PASTRY IF dLct z AEE uSED Vanilla Lemon Ornnce etc flavor Cake Cream Pntldlnc tc as delicately I deli-cately and naturally as the fruit from which they are made For Strength and True Fruit Flavor They Stand Jone PREPARES DY THE Price Baking Powder Co Chicago Illi St Louis Mo HIKERS OF Dr Prices Cream Baking Powder AND Dr Prices Lnpulin Yeast Gems Beat Dry Hop Teat FOR SALE GROCERS WE ilAKE BUT ONE QUALITY HULBERT BROS RAG CARPS In Great VarietYt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Custom Work a Specialty Country Order promptly Attendo tc Dealers inr CARPET WARP TRUNKS VALISES Call and examine mr TURKISH TIDIES Something New Cheap and Handsome ALSO Towels and Wash iags Busters tc No 27 W First South Street five doors wet of Jennings Sons i15 FRANCE Continental and Colonial Agency Licensed 14 RUE DE CHABRQb PARIS Transacts every Description of Commission Commis-sion Merchant and General Agency Business Purchase of Best Goods and at Minimum Mini-mum Prices See Price List Order quickly filled Careful attention hip Tnoilg All climates suited CONDITIONS Commission of 2J per cent against Bank Draft payable on delivery of Shipping Ship-ping Documents or 5 per cent with half cash balance drawn for with Bills of Lading Suitable Produce taken in payment All Trade anl Cash Discounts conceded con-ceded to purchasers Original Invoices forwarded when requested Liberal Advances made on Consignments Consign-ments The Agency represents Buys and Bells for Firms Every branch of Personal Agency Business transacted Price List on Application KBMITrANCB Direct to YJse ci through a London or Basis 81 All communications x > ill U THE MAhER Continental and ocnViAgency li rCu 05 r Paris France CHEAP EXCURSION TO EUROPE L PplcrMid OrporivnUy ij Vi ths Old Country and 1 cum az r Zicmhs A Special Cieap Fjcnrmo2 nlVi leave Sail Icrka City Saturday nnst Seth 1681for iKGIilND IKEI XI C01Ij4ND PARIS ANTWERP EiMBUPQ anti ROT lEI1DM FARES FOit THE HOUND TRIP BELFAST GI ZP IA TO LIVERPOOL 15 00 or GLASGOW J SiOOUU TO ANTWBRP BAMBURG 1 175 flfl i AM J Q < UUU I PARIS or BOIBBDAM These Special low Rates will entitle each passenger to SECOND CLAitJ accommodations accommoda-tions 6n railroads and steamship with the privilege of returning any time wlthia ala months ibm date starting All whO intend availing thomielves of this splendid opportunity Blioold make early application bt W niil plication Xor tickets to Insure a comtort Dl birth on the steamer As only a limited namVer tickets win b < fold they Should be secured not later than August 20h lor further Information anply to JOHN A MAYNES Ditl7 HEnlU Building Salt Late City POBozYZ JylS i W C MORRIS THE PAINTER i Opposite Old City Meat Market West Temple street ipiK Iau28 Young Men IRead This TUE VOLTAIO BELT Co of Marshall Mar-shall Mich offer to send their celebrated cele-brated ELECTRO VOLTAIC BELT and other ELECTBIC APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days to men young or old afflicted with nervous oebihty loss of vitality and manhood man-hood and all kindred troubles Also for rheumatism neuralgia paralysis paraly-sis and many other disease Complete Com-plete restoration to health vigor and manhood guaranteed No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free OS M lEfts f t Jfi1 M JIr2L ft bltT ffS The Feeble Grow Strong When Hosts tiers Stomach Bitters Is med to promote aesimllatum of the food and enrich the blood Inalq gestion the chief obstacle to an acquisition of strength by the weak is an ailment which infallibly succumbs suc-cumbs to the action of this peerless corrective Loss of flesh and appetite appe-tite failure to sleep and growing evidence of premature decay are speedily counteracted by the great invigorant which braces up the physical phy-sical energies and fortifies the constitution con-stitution against disease For sale I by all Druggists and Dealer generally t I i A OARD To alt who are snflering from errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weakuew early decay loss of manhood < etc I will send a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CHARGE This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America Bend selfaddressed envelope to BUY JOSEPH T MMEf Station D Ntw York S119 5 0 1 I J I 01 l 11 II II 1 jfJ t I q I tIN t-IN CASH J CIVEN AWAY I Premlnm Smokers of Bladorells Genuine J1J jt1 50 4 5j 53 Bull Durham SmoMusTobacco will receive Premiums as follows on I 1 I S50O terms and conditions hero specified f 400 450 Dst PREMIUM 5 000 J 1 i S33O 2d S21000 iU t I rI I 275 300 3d H 1000 I I t r iJ 250 2 other Premiums as Seroahovra g f 1 4 I l The 25 pemiums rill be awarded I 3 1 j 225 December 22 ISSL 1st Premium I 200 Boca to the person from whom we ro h I 1 I r 175 ceivo thelarsest nuniberof our empty k i t I I f I i 1 a tobacco burs rnor to Dee < 13 2d will lit f 11I I s1O bo Riven fortha neit largest number In h 1 4 I t 125 and ttraa In ta ordsr of tho number tI r t > 100 of empty baa received from each I I If op to the tventrfive Buccessful con j I I 90 testoata Each ba must bear our I 80 original Bull Durham label U S I I II t 70 Revenus Ptamp and Caution Notice I I ep Da s mast bo done np securely in a rlij h 60 packasre with name and address of I t 50 tender and number of bags contained S l i 40 contain-ed plainlr marked on the outside J I jrlij I and must bo sent charges prepaid to c Vi j I 3O IJIncku Durlinm Tobacco i 1 I J i I1 11 20 Co DmiHAir If C Every tenuina i I e I 10 package ha1 picture of Bull I I Boo our next announcement i j 1 f I tVI i I 1 V I THE LIVER AND ITS FUNClIOilSfl t j IIHf I j f 1 tT has b cOlD AweUMtabllshed fcctthaUhl O I N1 iaI larger portion ot diseases to which ths humaa I I 1 family Is subject arise in tho first place from l I hh II l n 3 eome aeransement of th Liver This organ f I f r1 I j meth f Is not only tho largest bnt at tha Bams time ona of cp 1 I thi most Important The Tenons blood on Its re i 1 1 I 1 t t Ii I turn to the heart passes through this organ and t In Its passage the imparitlesas also tha secretions c I J5 j j i which ore necessary for digestion as well as for a I tCl cathartlo to assist in the renewal of waste material iH I II i b rial c are eliminated Frorathlsitljeasilyseea Ic I hyt i that the liver liable to get ont of order to a I I i greater or less extent and when this it is gf rflutl occurs I I > gI I impossible for It to properly falnlits office of removing k re-moving all objectionable matter from the blood Ii bntaUowslt to pass through carrjtnewithlttba 1 t JJ 1 glslJlhaslth poisons of which it Bhoold have been relieved I I I j I With Irapure DBBFSH RMAHfr 1 L Ii blood thowhole j i I j I I tern becomes aSect PRICKLY ASH a can BITTERS I I 1 i 1 properly 1ts The result of I 1 function unleeeltis i of stud rears I I I 1 oiperlmnt Bnpplled with CUBE medical II i I research I j BLOOD to maintain I d ractice a R in of Dr I Its strength 6 i3 fr i Llverb comes nlI originator and I ihl 1mportlntnnd its success I I when one wherever t i I has e feel used Umif I I i t fln ncientanxr i I I r antyforlts I 1U4 1 i 41 I J stlpated tatlves and I 1I1th1enden that clan i 1 fi crtoP1les mm remedies I 1 Headache BIT PJKRS can have I t I I but affect 9ickStom acb8flow af-fect One that r t il I I fe1 CORES Is by their I EBlen tTTt S violent action arupt1ons AUDISEASESOEIHB ac-tion to de I k I l I fSkinetc rang end fli G d hs he7111a7bo Lj1 weaken tha jt system I I Lt KIDNEY I Itv PrlthlAab C n remedy sa STOMACH lttttra acts i i keontred to sie i directly oa J I haaistnatre AND the Liver i li II 111 relievIng Kidneys tI L jJa It f BOWEISJ Stomach I I tlone and Bowels I I sr5 Ita a mild i s Ii R yet eHeeW i I cl anner i1 etrenBth t I id is as nod VlrOr ALLDRUG6ISTS pleasant i 1 t fiJ complaints For aD the Ti 5 Utt 11511 5 anycordlal the taste ns t I WI I f ift i a JI oCth1sklnd and is 01 I I PHI CE1COllAR easllrtakeo h medicine bychlldrea ilJ = that equals as adults i ft PRICKLY ASH BITTERS ia a medicine tt n of rare merit and not aa intoxicating beverage I and being purely vegetable In its composite can ba I i 4 cl I usedstaUtimeawithbeneucialresulta It is not I 1 l 0 claimed as a cureall bat derangements of II I 1 I nl = r the organs mentioned It Is a specific and asa I as-a BLOOD PURIFIER ranks above ell other preparations ll F 1 pre-parations AstcyonrdroggUt foritandgivaita I it I Int 4 1 air trial If he has noae on nanda > thatltb9 or q I j dered for yon j t PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO f I l I hi I w I I BOIiBJKOEEIETOBS ii rl I 1QAti I ST LOUIS AND KANSAS CITY MO i r I I I 1 i I 1 IWIlr TUTT l 1JjS I f 111 t PILLS B ii i il i f f 11 I I I I tf TORPID BOWELS i d DISORDERED and MALARIA LIVER PI I L1 From these sources arise ttree fonrtns ot h I p I j 1 it ho diseases of the human race These I t l Ji1 i 1 tymptomaintheaththOtrCXLoteflCOL58of J i4 11 tl ppctlte Bowels costive BIek fend q t xcbe zounesa nicer CUUJJKJ avenlon ta I H f exertion of holly or mind > Eructation I 10 ot foods Irritability ot temper LOW I I I t 1 e iplrlts A feclinR of having neglected I I Iff at tlio tome antr Dlzziness lutterlngl1tthQ HeartHots before the eycsWglily red brine CONSTIPATION and dc I Hand the use ota remedy that acts directly antho Liver AsallvcimcdlclneTUTTS b r i ILLS have no equal Their action on tho W is Kidneys and SiJn i3 also prompt removing I I Impurities tlirorgh these three ° scav I t Aj l I sngera of the system producing appe I 1 1 r Ute sound digestion regular stoOlS a clear r 3klnandavlgorou3tiody UTT SILL a j I Ll q t cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere II Jlt 1 ttl with dally work and are perfect 3 lt ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA t SolaeTerrwlieroaTc ltaiurrayStNY TU11S AIR DYE a GRAY UnIt OR W msKEaa changed instantly l 1 in-stantly to aGLOsST BLACK bya single application 1 I ap-plication of this DYE Sold by Drugsisu Jl 4atl or Bent by express on receipt of SI v i 6i oJe8in K 44 Murray Strect Nevr York f 5J flJTTS EAUiiL OF USEFUL RECttPTS FHEfc I = h L AuruzwCoLLna Jaomt310B17S i SALT LAKE CITY E EI BREWERY 4 I t1 TO OTJJX PATRONS 4 I I WE ARE NOW SBLLINQ OUR 1 FAVOBIT BEER 1 IS FOUR EIQHT GALLON KEGS AT 175 350 EACH i I ITo the Family Trad e Orders will be promptly attended to lDd delivery made to any I art of the city UORITZA CULLEN ProptleHes |