Show Loveliness as a Fine Art 1 Every lady who has used I GiiENNs SULPHUR SCAT will admit that the improvement of the I r complexion should be clastd among i j 1 the Fine Arte Though she may be t piet the midday of youth yet like a i z faded picture retouched with its I original tints she blooms anew ti 1 tnder the influence of this rejuvenating jk S I rejuven-ating soap It has too a rare and 1 delicate odor far superior to moat of the sickly perfumes of the day and l j a distinguished chemist pronounces 1 it harmelcss Beware of counterfeits 5 coun-terfeits See that I C NCBITTEN L TON > Proprietor is prmtsd on S each packet without which none S S isganuine Sold alldrnggiats at J j 25 cents three cakes 60 cents 1 I cHILLS IXBTAKTANEOTJB HAm DYEIs also a wonderworker It civcff to gray hair of an undesirable l Lt j color a most perfect and brilliant blackor crown tint is safe sure and t I cbeap S s J r EGJBLzNKSMcst approved 1 ap-proved r sthls office I J A costly plate class window in the Commerce Block was broken yesterday by the awning being blown down by the gale l LOM aboct S200 AYERS Ague ure iu a powerful tonic bitter comp sed wholly of vegetable substances Its action is peculiar nrompt and powerful breaking up the chill curing the ever and expelling the poison from the syetsa yet leaving no harmful or unpleasant effect unon the patient pa-tient SnffereM from chills and fever who have used quinine as a remedy will appreciate this f Sannb3r Burton Gar 1i1llI r HAVE OPENED THBIB FURNITURE STORE I IN THE I OLD OMITUIION BUILDS Oppotite Z C M 1 with a Most Ce = pet tok ol I ImportEd and Homa Made FURNITURE We also MAKDFACIDBE Ml Kind ot SPRING BEDS AND MATrRESSE PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY S GRAND CONCERT ilL DE GIVEn 3r TIlE CELFBBATED ABHS Mis s leal t i1 Stevens Al THE ViLKBR OPERA HOUSH Saturday Evcn nJ JUUUJI twJj ASSISTED DY UelNrS Velbe OIJeu Vltn S PrRIC VFHzel BordnnJi B 3 KROU3E CondacW TIchae will ba on Isle 3Ioad j Au1 S 18 h at Calders iluiio Pa ace S Choice teas for Subscriber r TICKETS 1 EACH f 0 |