Show = A Etc Mexican Conspiracy the special from St Loup 15A City Mexico to the GlobeDemo against crat says The c mspiracy ditcov red there em government President a plot to depose 1I bracfB Jose in his place Gonzales and put Maria Igleaiag and to assassinate General Diaz and a Headers of what party in known as the Tuxtepec pM i in widespread is said to be The plot Pueblo the States of Vera Cruz Moneloa and Quaretaro and that deal of anxiety A there H a great numbsr of siresta were made in the City of Mex co during the week embracing several prominent persons sonsllmon thorn F anciaco iUJia sons minister of finance Kcirdo ex I or the federal dis Romimz ezjndeeof trict Gegori Pervz Jordon a promInent prom-inent lawyer General Felt sno Chaverro Colonel Jose Maria Rod Do Versa Aaguaun DEvas riguez MenclczA AmbroBio Domiugnez Augustiue Ramon Juarez Miguel Carral I also the I Salcedo l and Vitiol The latter has a wife of Jordon ffice in which a smal printing sina found number of posters was large ready for circaiation inciting the people to revolt against the vresent povemnienrand in favor of lulesiai No explanation is given but othir arrests are expected to be betaken made and active measures will taken to defeat the plot |