Show I office BEST LEGAL BLANKSmqi f OtPOiSON I IN THE PASTRY IF t e Ft L rte k F I E T AEE USED Vanilla JLccon Orocce etc flavor Cake Crcao Pudcllcc < ct as dcM cstely Qed naturally ns the fruit Croat witch they arc made For Strength and True Fruit Flavor They Stand Alone PREPARES CrTHS Price Caking Powder Cot Chicago III St Louis Mo < MAKERS OF Dr Prices Cream Baking Powder AND Dr Prices Iiupulin Yeast Gems Beit Dry Hop Tenet FOR SALE BY GROCERS WC MAKE DUT ONE QUALITY HOW TO CURE Sffl DISEASES Disfiguring tumors Humiliating Humi-liating Eruptions itching und Burning Tortures I CAM RHEUM or Eczsian Ptoiasfc SALT Head Itfactia or Birth Rumors Ru-mors and every form of Itching Scaly Fimply Scrofulous Inherited Contagious Conta-gious and OOPPlrC lore Disearea of the Blood skin and BeUp with Logs of Hir am posetivoly cntpdby QOTICURA KESOLTINT the new Blood Purifier internally ternallr and CU ICUBA and CtmerahA SOAP the crest Skin Cures arid Beauti Cars externally when ail known remedies reme-dies and the bout physicians fail GREATEST UNEARTH CUTICIIEA REMEDIES Ire the greatest I medicines on earth Had the worat cue Salt Rheum in this o uv ry Jay raathor had it twenty years and in fact died from it I be ievo OUTIOUBA would have esved ber h9 1 My arms breast and hed were covered for three years which nothing relieved or cured until I used the CuTiU8A BEFOLVEHT internally inter-nally and CuiiccBA and GUTICUK4 SOAP externally J W ADAm Newark OGRE O-GRE T BLOOD MEDICINE The half hat not been old as to the great curative powers of the CTJRICUBA REMEDIES I have paid hundreds of dollars for medicine to cure dhea elS of the blood and skin and never found anything any-thing yet to equal the ODIICDBX REMEDIES REME-DIES 21 CHAS A WILLIAMS Providence RI CUR EVERY GASE Your CDTICDRA REMEDIES oatiell ell other medicines I keep for skin disease My customers and patients cay that they have effected a cure in every instance where other medicines have failed H W BBCCKWAY D Franklin Falls N H Bold by all druggists Price CCTICITRA Bfj EEEOLTEHT 1 SOAP 21c POTTER DRUG Axe CHEMICAL Co Boston Mesa Send for How to Cure Skin DIe cases For Sunburn Tan and I BEAU I Y Greasy Skin Blackheads implel8kin Blemichei and Infantile Humor Ute CUTICCKA fcoAp f a real I Beautifiei CITY TAXES for 1881 Board of Equalization To the Tftx Payers of exalt Luke CHI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN l1 that ice City Council of Silt Like City will fit as n Board rf EqlJflliz > iti non n-on Tuesday August 19h 18S4 at 4 oclooe pm in the City flIi I for the purpose of hearing and docrmioinR each complaints as may be made to he assessed as-sessed value of property on the Mists ment Boll for tee year 18S4 Daring its OJEiors the board wilialEo consider petitions peti-tions for remission of taxes for the current cur-rent ye r to an amount not to exceed fl dollars from insane idiotic infirm or indigent persons as the law provides Tax pa era ere hereby reminded that the only means provided by law for the redrew re-drew of grievances in i regard to taxation is by application to this board before the aBOSEment roll for thereat is finally approved ap-proved By order of the CityCouncil BBEEBil WELLS d td Recorder Advertising Cheats It has become EO common to write he beginning of an article > n an elegant interesting in-teresting manner Teen inn it into some advertisement that tee void all tucb I t And simplv call attention to tbe merits of limp Bitters in se plain honest terms as pojEihlo IOTo induce people To give them ono trial 1 wblcm so prove their value that they will cerer ute tutfthFcs else THIS REUEDT favorably noticed in all the papers Religious and secular is Having a large sale and is supplant log all other medicines There is no denying tho virtues of the Hop plant and the proprietors of Hop Hitters have shown great shrewdness shrewd-ness And ability 4 In coJipcundiDR a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every I ones observation Did She Die Nol belingared < and Euffar d along pic iuf away all the time for years she doctors doing her no Rood ClAnd At last was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers say so much about I Indeed Indeed dow thankful we should be for that medicine A Daughters Misery Eleven years our daughter suffered one bed of misery 1 From a complication of kidnfty liver rheumatic trouble and nervous debility Under the care of the bestphy ic 1ne Who give her disease various names Bat no relief And now she is restored to us in good heath b > a > simple a remedy as Hop Bitters that we had shunned for years before using iLTna PABSHTS Father isGetting Well liMy daughters say Bow much better father is since housed ho-used Hop Bitters Bo is getting well after his long suffering suf-fering from adicese declared incurable I And we are so glad that he used your Bitters A LALY of Utica N Y PURE MALT NOT ACID i Vineg EAT E-AT I tllWRti G R BROOKS I ALSO A OHOIOE STOCK fAMILY GROCERIES Luthber Yard A2TD I PLANING MILL HALF BTjOCT EAST OF DEPOT Lumber > D ol8 Lath t Mhc Shingle 9onlding Gel lng Frames Flooring Picket 8tard vat Ev ILr tIc beef 1 We gfels Giants eye 4t Bills promptly Filled Aiders GOllTh tors I dtIuIaCthrt 1 anisr ROIBIC > Af1nRUOn Late JLattiner Taylor < 5s Cut Cu-t hoxovy t fai e Mrs ffl G LAPHAM CLOAKS AND SUITS 42 First Sonlh Street W SALT LAKE UTAH fE Established 1867 Sol Agent ftr WcCalls Bazar Pattern Catalogue and Queen free on appUcatloa The Bazar Dressmaker with over TOO tiles tiatloiu C bJ mall I DH WAFNERs COBAUNE CORSETS Boop Bustle Sattecn and Felt Sorts et Orders by Ml Specially Attended ton to-n MRS M OLAPHAM Bait Lake Dtab = = I i g j N u J Z0Q 1tr 0 = M 5 I SALT fAKE CITY > AH 25tb 1881 I I Z UM 2 > t GETLEaiENWlth great pleasure I rtccmnicrd ww i Wrought Iron Hangers by far the Best COtkirg Tt Mil that know of andaa an Economizer ofJFuel its j Boiler nan e tachmentand Heater in lay tIpenenceoftfuTtYfiveleara fustyfiQetesta I have never found anything to equal it Tears Yours truly HENRY GROW Nineteenth WardSalt Like City SALT LAKE CITY Hay 8th hsi Z 0 M 1 GENTLEMEN I take great pleasure in recommending the Miller Wrought Iron Range as fceing decidedly the liSt Range in the Market It requires very little fuel o person can work around it without fcoiiing or scorchiug I he dress the heat seems concentrated within so that the kitchen ia not heated even during the warmest wEather the dampers nrZ are arranged to perfection so that tho heat may be regulated desired the Waterback is EO protected that it does not weS out as in other Ranges at the same time it heats the water wonderfully and we are never withe ut plenty of water in the bath room the Oven bakes perfetly and ia very largo in the opinion of my housekeeper who is a very competent woman of twenty years experience this Range IB unequsll and Ehouid be called the Kitchen Treasure o Sincerely MRS DR WHITE SANDY Salt Lake County Aj rll 19th 1834 Z 0 Institution GENTLEMEN take great pleasure m giving a Testimonial Testi-monial in regard to the merits Qf the W jler Wrought Iron Range which I purchased fromyouj is the best have eve used in all respectp the ceoBingand coofeingandbakingqualities are excellent ex-cellent the Hot Vater Apparatus ia 6pJendid4aBdasnn economizer fueljhavo nevenseen ih equal In fact it is perfect In every t particular I Respectfully 3 ours HARH il DRIGGS Sandy Utah SAT LAKE CITY April 21811854 H r Ol1f1mtltution CM Institution GENTLEMEN Replying to yours of 19th inst will say that I take great pleasure in saying n word in favor or the Miller Wrought Iron Range have had one in constant use for one year and it has proved satisfactory every particular Its general Cooking ana Baking qualities are all that can be desired and as au Economizer of Fuel I believe it has ntl equal since using it we Lave bad ever ready a constant supply of Hot Water in all parts of the house J would not exchange it for any Range I have ever examined Very respectfully yours M R EOWLF Z C M R u e 9 a m 71 > > 7 < L IiI Ii-I l P Wo MADSEN 00 OE AOEN iiI 14P g UiJH 68 Main Street Salt Lake City PWMADSEW MECUWitflHCSj JmlWINDER JH i a y der yt < u We are selling FINE BUGGIES at the CUT KATE TOE THIRTY DAYS and at Pifcts Janging at Si J 8125 8175S200 250 800 and 3utf at STiDEBAKER BKANCB y c SALT LAKBCITY |