Show l LITEST TELEwBAMS I THE KNIGHTS A Big Time at the Bay San Francisco 20The grand procession of Knights Templar which took place this afternoon IB admitted to be an unqualified success suc-cess The entire population of San Francisco and 70000 strangers have declared it so There was cheering throughout the entire route of what is the best represented if not the most numerous conclave ever held in this or any other country To the people of this city it is eminently emin-ently gratifying They have spared no pains or expense to return the compliment extended the representatives represent-atives of this coast to the Chicago Chi-cago conclave As early as eight oclock this morning crowds began gathering in the streets along which the procession would pass and by 9 oclock Market street was rendered impassable except the roadway which by police orders had been ordered to be cleared for the passage of the Knights At 930 the commanderies began to arrive taking up the positions assigned them at 10 oclock all had arrived and at that hour the scene presented pre-sented from the gallery at the Baldwin Bald-win hotel was one net readily tob3 forgotten by those toan Francisciana who had the good fortune to witness wit-ness it On one side was a mass of decorations extending as far as the triumphal arch on the other were 4000 richly clad knights representing represent-ing every state and territory in the United States To the old California pioneer it was something beyond realization His mind reverted to the sand hills and he was dazed At balfpllBt 10 the order was given to moye forward a platoon of mounted police spurred their hores on a clear way followed by a detachment de-tachment of police en foot The first I commandery to lead off was Cal fornii JTo 1 the silver embroidered velvet cloaks and plumed bats with richly caparisoned black horses attracting marked attention atten-tion following them were the Golden Gol-den Gate and uaklaad commander ies Grand Master Governor George C Perkins riding a milk white charger specially presented to him for the occasion by Judge Dennison of Sacramento following accompanied accom-panied by his staff Next in order came various commanderies of California Oregon Washington Territoy Nevada and Arizona each preceded by their respective bands These eompletEd the three first divisions after wbich up to ten divisions came the commander ies of States east of the Rocky Mountains Among the latter particularly remarked from the smallness of their numbers and their pluck In coming were the Arkansas Demolays of Jfort Smith Washington Hol of Hartford Damascus NO2 of Jacksonville Jackson-ville Flu and Gyrene No 8 of Middleton Conn The approach of the Lyon Heay band of Chicago with their striking uniform made every one ask Who are these Knights coming They were the St Bern ards of Chicago who by the Knights of this coast are held in especial esteem They elicited long and hearty cheers The tenth and last division was composed of the grand encampment of the United States led by Wm Knox past grand commander com-mander of California The Royal Hawaiian band selected by the grand commandery of this state as the official orchestra of the conclave I immediately preceded the Boston commanderywhich acted as a special I escort to the Grand UnitejJ States t Dean She Boatomans were highly complimented on their excellent appearance as proved by marching I character and marked precision Following them onua white charger came the prominent jigure of Conclave Con-clave Grand Sir Dean accompanied by a numerous and brilliant staff The procession terminated with Dew De-w itt Clinton comm i1dery Virginia City mounted on black horses and acting as grand guard of honor to the Grand Encampment It is not invidious to say that the Virginians < Nev merited the compliments paid them On dress horses and accoutrements it was acknowledged ac-knowledged that they bure off the honors ot the day The Knights first proceeded to the pavilion where addresses were delivered de-livered by Governor Stoneman ex Governor Perkins the mayor of the city and others then marched to Vanness Avenue where they were reviewed by the grand master after which the march through the city began it occupied an hour in passing a given point as near as can be determined 3780 Knights took part representing 360 com manderies from fortysix states and territories in fact every state and territory in the United States I |