Show 1 CEO A LOWE SALT LAKE CITY AND OGDEN 7 3 UTAH AUJSJXT FOR THE SCHUTTLER FARM FREIGHT WACO SAND S-AND DEALER IK BUCaus ROAD CARTS dL SPRING WAGONS A Large Assortment of Elegant and Serviceable VehIcles which will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES idlj b l Sweepstakes and Minnesota Chief THRESHING MACHINES 0 BUCKEYE HAND PUMPS CIDER MILLS CORN 8HELLERS d HAY CUTTER VNCrfNES SAW MILLS FLOUR MILLS TURBINE WHEELS KNOWLES STEAM PUMPBDEDE RICK HAY PRESSES d HOISTING ENGINES WM JENNINGS SONSs S WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS tLND GROCERIES SALT LAEE CITY apr H DINWOODEY Dealer in all > inds of FURNITURE CARPETS WALL PAPER 0 a j CLOSEn Y + 2 r e f TILE nOE1 B D LOUNGE SIMPLE AND PRACTICAL Saving Bought the Patent for the Territory I anuMakino them Plain Neatland Cheap also in the very Richest Style GALL AND SEE FOB YOURSELF I H DINWOODEYS 1238 to 1244 First South Street Salt Lake City ap29 Ii 0 Centennial Watch and Chain 900 Elgin Silver Case Watch Stem Winder 1250 Waltham Silver Case Watch Stem Winder 1250 OTHKH RELIABLE WATCHES AND GOLD and SILVER JEWELRY At the USUAL LOW BIARQIH QUA RABTEE0 8 Y E J Swaner a Co 1 BEING entirely vegetable no particular par-ticular care is required while using Dr Pierces Pleasant Purgative Pellets They operate without disturbance to the constitution diet or occupation For sick headache couttipation impure blood dizziness dizzi-ness sour eructations from the stomach bad taste in mouth bilious attacks pain in region of kidneys internal fever bloated feeling about tomach rush of blood to head take Dr Pierces Pellets By druggists drug-gists c Di Lr VAN Wis September 24 1878 GENTsI have taken not quite one bottle of the Hop Hitters 1 was a feeble old man of 78 when I got it Today I am as active and feel as well as I did at SO I see a great many Ii that need such a D medicine DOYOE USE < J Rr TRADE NIAR K GEORGE L CLARK OLE AGENT late BEST and MOST POPULAR Sewing Thread of Modern Times 3EVFARS3 OF I53ITA1IOKM A Complete Assortment I FOB BALE BY3 Z C M I Branches and Dealers Everywhere In NOOLbL Having secured for the present the large building lately occupied by Z C M I Produce Department better bet-ter known as the Old City Meat Market I am prepared to continue the purchaso of WOOL Call and see me H B CLAWSON Doncarian i tm Rb rk Binn 11 < > r IN cadCoiytue2Ft t n vr i iir quality limn iCCinl exueSlfr < > lu y H 1J tn rsent Us or Fluid IM i Col ir am Durix biiitj C rcuHr < 5 f rcc ivison Blakeman Taylor Co W Y NOTICE BF GRANT HAS THIS DAY sold to Henry B Prout bia entire interest in the Forwarding and Commis Mon busiLOfs heretofore carripd on IIt Milford Beaver County Utah by Grant Brothers Tile firm cf Grant Brothers has this day been dissolved by mutual consent and the business of said firm will hereafter bn curried on bv Henry B Prout and Heber J Grant under the firm name and atylo of put Grant who will be responsible for all debts due or to become due from said firm of Grant Brother and will collect all debts due to tho said firm H1 GHANT B F GRANT August 101883 a17 DIVIDEND NO2 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF the Crescent Mining Company Notice is given that a dividend of 5 conta per share on the capital stock of the company will be paid at the office of W S McCornick treasurer on the Sit day Acgust1883 Stock transfer book will be closed at 8 oclock p m on Auguft 25tb and be opened September 1st 1883 and dividends will be paid to 1h1se who are holder as appears by the book of the company on the evening of the 25ib 0 L HAISEB t3ecy 1O3 OOOCIGARS Of Imported HENRY CLAY BRAND Also Ten Barrels of SEVEN YEAR OLD WHISKY Gall and Sample at THE CAPITOL c v WHITING JOHN I WOOD jyM Proprietors THOMSON SHUETIJFF DEXTER Livery Sale B and M Stalls Ect of old Post office All orders Promptly Attended toP to-P 0 Box 1130 WASATCH ILLS Of 1881 Best Brands of FLOUR always on hand end for Bale in quant ties large or small at bottom prices Highest Uasn rmcej paid for ferWit W EC 3S A T I Offlm d Idsfco Bfikery Second South Street GJEOJRGE H 31Li afllLOHS COUGH and Con aumption Cure is sold by us on a naranteo It cures consumption S aiq bY z O 1cL L Drml Store ra FAu bachBro y Announce their great CLEARANCE SALE OF SU M ER C3 O O 13 SIn S-In all the Departments of their Mammoth Establishment as FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS We shall offer all Summer Goods at Greatly deduced Prices some at Cost and some Below Cost AT NET PRICES ONLY I Black and Colored Silks reduced from 125 to SI 00 Black and Colored Silks reduced from 1 50 to 1 25 Black and Colored Silks reduced from 2 00 to 1 70 Black and Colored Silks reduced from 3 00 to 2 50 Satin Rhadame reduced from 2 00 to 150 Satin Rliadame reduced from 2 50 to 190 Check Surah Silks reduced from 1 25 to 100 Check Surah Silks reduced from 150 to 1 25 Watered Silk reduced from 2 00 to 160 Satins Moiree reduced from 2 30 to 3 1 flfi CASHMBHE1S And all French Dress Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices Double Wide Nuns Veilings m all Fashionable Shades reduced from S 70 to S 50 Elegant Plaids reduced from 2 00 to 125 Silk Dotted Nuns Veilings reduced from 150 to 1 00 French Satteens the best selection in the city reduced from 60 to 40 2yard wide Grenadine reduced from 50 to 25 Lawns reduced from I6to 12J Lawns reduced from 10 to 8 Ladies Dolmans from 30 00 to 22 50 1 Ladies Dolmans from 20 00 to 15 00 i Ladies Dolmans from 15 10 to 12 00 Ladles Dolmans from 10 00 to 7 50 Ladies Jerseys from 10 00 to 7 00 Ladies Jerseys from C 00 to 3 76 Ladies Jerseys from 4 00 to 3 00 0 Ladies and Misses Stockings Ladies Lace Collars Ties Ruch ings etc reduced 20 per cent A Few Silk Shawl Fichus in Black and Cream at 810 positively worth 15 Ladies Cloth in Light Shade reduced from 3 00 to 81 00 Ladies Cloth in Light Shade reduced from 150 to 1 30 Seers ckers in Light Shade reduced from 35 to 20 < Seersuckers in Light Shade reduced from 20 to 15 0 In our SHOE DEPARTMENT We offer many Single Pairs aud such lines as we do not care to duplicate at very Low Prices They must be sold to make room J Corsets Ladies Muslin and Gauze Underwear Childrens Slips and Dresses etc greatly reduced Our Table Cloths Curtains Towels Napkins and other White Goods must be Closed Out to make room for New Stock 0 OUR CLOTHINC DilPARTMENT IB offering many Real Bargains in Gents and Boys Summer Suits Felt Straw and Solar Hate Boys Waists White and Percale Shirts Gents Halt Hose and Handkerchiefs Jewelry etc I One Hundred White Jacquard and Marseilles Quiltsat 8125 w 1758250 up to S 50 much below regular Prices Carpet and Linoleum Remnants Sofa Rugs Footstools f Shades etc etc at prices worthy the attention of all Considering the lateness of the season we are safe In saying that our Assortment in every line of Good is the Most Complete and that Our Prices will be found the Lowest ever made on the same classes of Goods Merchants Hotel Keepers and other Wholesale Buyers will find many Bargains in every Jepartment of our Immense Jobbing Stock Orders will receive Prompt Attention and Beduced Prices WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD ESTABLISHED 1364 < F ftUERBACK BRO 0 s cP tS = tSE lir b 14 i E I a bn = I I C I ctS enc en-c I = i O Afa = = C t7 C > L + en < bO ctS c s c C e CQ l L efJ 1t Er = < crt i h t tJ w I om H t 0 3 r = c CO t II CJ d I en i2 t enc r IIIaIf co O a s JII 0 t c be 4D toE 11I tS I = = 33 = C Q 1 C Q c Q C m rIJ > EE = a 1 6 4 r t C Q c = c E 0 0 0 a = cD c > t M 1 of 9 lY3 i Q S I t = N L Ni ia Avers Gung 3lId fcuiky Flaws < a Cube slriHiy rsnii lhit1I Ping Plows e JPlaaae Jr JuHivatin < < brad Need DrIlls old Sickle Grhiders ley Barbed Wire baling > Wire and Ties Wag < DJI Timber and JSardwaod l Lumber m rents and Wagon Covers i Boline Fish B rot J and Abbot Road Carts For Sale by the JHt w LOVJELL WAGOt COMPANY A Salt Lake City and Ogden Utah Correspondence solicited and satisfaction guaranteed t THE UNIVERSIn OF DENVERt I i ENTEBS i UPON ITS FOURTH YEAR WITH THE MOST FLATTERING 4 l prospects It offers both sexes unsurpassed advantages in the regular and special departments of study including thorough courses in BUSINESS MUSIO ART and MEDICINE Ita Bearding Department is unequalled in the SUte F Send for dcswSptive circular tr10 DAVID H MOORE CHANCELLOR i |