Show JOHNSONS FORMER HAS THE MAN MA TO Th EIT H I San Francisco Sept 1 George Little Jack Johnsons Joltn nI former Cormer manager r re refuses fuses rusell to stay out of or the fight tight game gamp He Ue now wants to see Johnson licked lIked I and says a he ho has hall a man who ho can turn Uie UP trick If It he will take proper care c re of or orI himself This Thin Is Ferguson the Boston He heavyweight who ho has halt fought rought I a n in lot of ot f c w i l well welt nit all a lot of ol Door poor ones ons I Sandy Sand has hu been In tin ti habit of oC let letting letting ting Ung his hili training go 0 by b the boards when matched for a fight right and has entered the Uie ring hog fat and a d as 1 far out of or shape as a young man moo could be beLittle beI Little I now has lias Ferguson under his wing Ing and ho bo says the Bostonian lies JIBS seen lIn th the error of ot his ways and is ready tead to te make a name for himself On 11 account Little Utile Is Js willing to bark back Ferguson son lion for tor an as much money mone as Johnson wants to bet on the tile battle To show ho that he h moans monn business 8 Little las Jal post rost posted ed od 2100 a an a R with a man In New York Thin money Is I to go gJ g for tor appearance of or Ferguson end and as a apart apart apart part of a with Johnson In Incase case cose no Ito side aide bet Is wanted the tho money Is III for appearance only Little Lit 11 realizes that It will be b a Q mighty hard Job j b to to get Johns Johnsn n 11 ls t hIp ran Ian an lost st now ansi and f n HIt T ut irn Al AI i and Bill IIII Lang In ta i Kill f t t t r i 1 can cana 3 a at a si 81 silo Jo liet let I he wants want It t T r Ierg will fph r h fr t tUI r rJ J r I tm II UI 1 little will win let IEt i s 5 min Jot t six lx I rounds round or to a 11 finish b with any ray raty W in tho ht he i t I three mentioned anti and will Kauf Kaufman I man and Lang special Inducements to t fight right By ny whipping these the men mn LIUIo LIt Io Is sure Bure lie lae will be able to force for Jn tOn son to give his III man a chance chane e at the title |