Show MAYOR BRANSFORD T TAS IS CHOSEN AS VICTIM American Amer can Party Crowd C tow Wants ants Him aria to Run for or Congress But His HI is s Honor Is s Unwilling rn Mayer layer John Jobs 8 E Bransford Is III to be e run rua for Congress on the th Anier r lean leaa arty 7 At least I efforts to te that end ead are now new being made 41 hut but Mayor Bransford declares he has bAc had hatI enough and will not Bet take a awhirl whirl w hirl at al other ether 8 Mr nee In addition to which Mayor laTOr Bransford I Iun still un ha h to Is a Democrat a aRC and hi is not Met overly anxious to te he be thus t strongly as an a American patty party candidate hIt u T ta is rather early eart la I lath tile the game pale gut Mt a au IT number u of oC candidates have h an aa announced I the In the th American party for tor the Ua county count election and oth er ers ens are arc being belag el seen seas by It party manag managers ers or to get their names RA out eat t jn Ja time U fur for fora fura a su mP ap p on 0 the floor of eC the county eon con convention replies lI On on OR September 14 94 In 1 ease case Mayor Branford will not run for Con Congress gress It Is I likely that Thomas Weir will again agam 81 be in the flew field as a on two previous occasions For Fer justice JuaU or of f the supreme bench the names mea of or O ti en n lilies un and Ad John A Street have been n mentioned There re ar are quite Ue a number or of Amer American A Amerlean r lean ican party workers work erA out after aCt the nom nomination nomination Itlen for fer constable In Salt Lake Among AI these there are ara George P Tinges now nowa a s patrolman on the police pollee force to who ho Is III busy 1 booting boosting his ht game Tom Fow Fowler Fowler ler 11 J K g II Griffith and Frank Jordan For Justice of oC the peace Dana Smith who formerly held Id the tit office and Harry liar S 8 Harper are making a play pitt for forthe forthe the Choice hOlce Iee A J 1 Charon Is I again a ln out for the of et office floe fice no of or sheriff and ltd this time tI has h Joe h and IMI O Q F Morrison M as a tanta tant t in ln the tM rae race P f r Thomas 8 Homer P I R It 11 ItCe Ce C r and aad Chas Claar Charles W lV Lawre Lawr nee ee are nl air y making themselves known and will ow fight It out in the t con COD convent content vent tent n a with Lawrence Laurence holding a atra astra tra stra Jle kohl held en on th the nomination a at t this early rl stage ta e though thou much maeh may 1 happen before fol e th the convention date dat Frank Swenson hn formerly city ctt treas treasurer tr treasurer a aur ur Is la out t for the th nomination as all county treasurer tra r and none nODe others othen kayo haTe yet t been announced J K X famous an as a county count chairman F 1 J Leonard and an Dominick Buren Bur the latter trout from have hae announced themselves for Cor the offices of r county For clerk auditor assessor auditor and aM surveyor no names have bave yet been announced but good party workers have hav their eyes eY lf on these t and will probe probably probably ably Rbi come out In the open within n s afew few days fla In the statement nt that they Ute are aren In n the tIM race rate |