Show i ii i Erie Philbert l ent a l Divers Diver Suit Which Fr ahles Him to Di Discover cover the M rm id d Kingdom Down at a the Bottom of f the Sea I 1 I i f His Wonderful Adventures I ERIC IN gi HIS NEW DIVERS SUIT STARTS INTO THE SEA I was a very r HEN VJ Me I b be Old his small lie S to be a aben wanted that fro be v I when ben he e V up tP rea for u Ja his di as ks hid bAd Il seen n a I rt harbOr ha or oUter aeY tram f rom I to J ed But he be had seen tI were d arts a of them with their heir peat peati t and tunny suits auit and aDd tropes ropes i t these out esi ot of the sea aM aMM hoisting I M A to them As M air dOwn to pump p umP A t much about abort he be cow cold lad re iced Ii work their theU i p r to invest a stew led tI d Y tal fresh air aire helmet which J Cb would woold make ake m I diver A i aaI 1 boat wu for M tb e It at the back ot of the head to I of oSY ham hamaid h was device kept the lid aid sa an hal bel halt the made of the two sue suet Into bItO 1 sad aDd Dr t w that no aIM tga was wafer aU all alla lOA sta door UDder I a can 0 stay of up um every gf 1 tills ue the of the h e for a teat rest ner r e the test air the rasa used II Ute the Uter would Jaa his rui ra her Matt t sad water w 80 that beRDt he did met lilt x the fed it at all When he be had haJ his patent patt d tt ud he be west to a pat t by tile 1 tea Bea and lIto showed It to ship owners and tile the awes oaken who ho U It ibs 1 very peat ad Woe thing they bad ever seen and aM told him Ida his wu was made HIt Is wu was delighted at tb this wt but ha be was ens more at having gYM a to use a is Ia veD OIL t g IV Ms Be put Oil on bill hie suit adt t the M t day mad ad went Into IRto the sM A peat great crowd or of ofa orp a wane Bathe p d as the leap WM who Heated u as be tM the Geri and that was the rat Jut he be beard Mard ac c voices for a time for tor as tiM the Bond died dieda a Isar In n the roar IOU d cf bO nos he a aIce Ice world tile the au an world Is 18 oaly to tile the divan and aDd Wry very at that lid J wu was well phi wit tom feed ud fend water U ho he hassled is 18 go a long Into the aces sad ad dad out oat all n nm sisal m t tIM e bottom of the e sea Be a toll slag U electric fight t and anel a eu camera ra far lor farIe III Ie wasted to get t many et the tune ha be expected pee d to see Me dawn there The es bottom slanted ted awa away very and aDd was es smooth Oi as a liar a Great a and d end cod and aad d du moan u up to him and dared at Ute the Wg big dae tore Brea of e his helmet probably tar e tW Etc wu oat a kt i of a atile lib tad tile t e era crabs sAt ala li at his feet teet as he be walked along alGae Once m hi a while bIle he be would Dome COllIe to a great mass maae massof of like s 4 green eeD bald growing than his bead and be would tare aide sad travel far tal to pass around it but u a lie k lOt got deeper the ocean door was waa free of weed In III u I 1 crew 4 di xer HI and lid darker darier as ho pre will the tre ed to come a thick toe fog lIt It was atWI daylight for fer the shadows do i f tile the groat t ng C love YO him swept slang tile the bottom as the x d shadows do along g tile tic on as the the bottom 0 of tile the Men a left lad ad Erie conceited a Idea bloc eat retraced his ilia sipa to the chore baay of t the Uto pew who had hadIda expected NN Ida to taU fell aM cam were wen there yet nd and lief when ho netted td out all dd But Bat Cato be also and Ad lo a due where ice bought a wheel and aDd came hack a it itSe St Se si for or a Bei H I rode right into bno tile tbs air ad again sad ill aU the tbt people cheered Th tuna hie tra tn I in ao tut fa that m in a few ha be belar was lar lac troa shore and deep In tile the sumo teb I like a atre streak aU tile ties dories rt away In III terror Mm n It grew so 80 dark that be h o bad to Ie light hit his lamp which seat t tra ra rail fete Iato tile the ahead tn t n plat j I but sir I t rah as black as coal he had bad for ones or er eight hour he be got off and aDd laid door up a a bed 0 of art stele t tt he be glett unC be felt quite rated ted for ler as say dav and night were all an the earns dove don there he bother about It ItiC iC rt lull far than lie he bad bael tc al wp p befort He ate tole ilia A l re ut and then hL fear t Riding RII C as fut feat u he be tor lor he be sigh to Pt get tp Isle die s t before fore I gars aft went nt on on and aDd i us it ws all aD down do bit IdIL he be beCo 1 I d Co very err than he had ever io ne e o Once In ID a be Mee up ahead a peat t dark would tU out Oat to IN he earns aa all an d aM sea e td bet bat he dicta t to ua examine of If fem thell I It lie be ws sg train one Int I of Uk tbs however aril that dIat be Mir the s d d be beon be pi i a approached and he kd fed Dod view or of her der sa Qt bat the cae she him hta ai he a darted Lt Later r be away In III a aright t allot en ether a and then ti a en Witt hang of green cree sad alii T 4 kY 7 did taut Dot osee bint aDd he got near to toOf ham Of Ida his wars aware awan t the WIle When they tit did ate ded I in an anh treat alarm alan tot fW 1 h Ce ado t 1 brit a lle ibey had as Bier Erie Eric l wu t m 1 1 a fee lIe he lIei heI hei i I i he could do nothing and h e kept n at Id his wy Soon BooD be found that dud lie he was going sad lie he bid to harder banter After ACter It gK pr Ute the firm was waa up he WU was nearer to the surface ada lIe He began to as ng sea towers and new ot of isles all 11 bout about Mal and aDd what It ft really U daylight Itc t he found that dIat he 11 was tm differ qt sort rt ot of sea otter where tits tile ground was all iii cultivated as she and and ADd en enclosed closed with Ie fence made of shills lie He wondered who had done all this aiM aDd t his open to see aee if there weld arty allY bot Then sud deNy he on a hilt ahead of tam tama a all 8 ay open Hero He ro Is t to It cud n There was no nobody body viti aDd It certainty seemed as asIf asI If I It had bael bas long ago forsaken as tM the watts wan were WeN eo covered with JI H and aDd shells while eels and and nd ala clones were aU all bou Be want OIl on and soon espied dd an aD another 0 other Mr and aDd a much larger house up to whit lie he reek slow slowly Jot JUlit as ho reached It out eat came a beau whose e golden hair swept abut her bar form fona late a ruddy mist Her deep blue eyes as hiDe blue as the sea ea Itself opened wide in mingled fear and b meet Meat as sot stopped stopp and aDd stared at t him Soo wu was tOO frightened to run away 17 and andl M Me l nIe e juna quickly from his bin bicycle hv her hand ud and said aid Dont be frightened M my pretty mer aId I 1 wm wt fl tot hart you yeu I 1 am oily a aboy boy and aad I have Just t some to te see Me down wn hue bore In the thebe cows The be Jd who wu was ealy a child trembled a UttIe Wt but aim tried to smile e as slue J leaked into Jato the what and AIM taw aw that he was DIre UN a monkey and lid net Mt seine her ber rid sea cluster code Je to devour devoar her for ter teran there are an many suck sadI Sa In the deep ocean Di De Iron lire here Red asked Rite looking at the lite garden that spread all sham t tile the beautiful bare hoUM that was of red NIl ud sad white coral eoral Yes Ya Ute the little mermaid replied I IU am U the w at tile the and aDd tills this Is wr palace father Is out hunting now BOW my 1111 mother the Q Queen Is at hemeS WIll yea corr In III sad see pert l should De be ted reputed Brie ter of he Ka is see the tIte laMs crt of a sermons JaG hoe lbs ilia led him IdIa in and called tM the Queen TIle The of ec the See aee wu was eesa mars than the for its walk lJ I Inlaid with great pear pearls that the lOut white stars Some or of then them sae as big vas eggs and lisle ErIc wondered what the they might t be worth to for lieu he ha Sr hard beard of SlICk each pearls Hen Nara sal aD there a great at diamond a sapphire or er as aa ase I I e rM olios out oat among tile the white I Ii pawls i or am opal alag a aeye lag eye up the shadows i and ami tables Men about in III fa list wu was of paid ha tM the whole laisee and a au wu waa as splendid that It took tM the boys It away n TIle TM aIM amm tad boo wu was 1 tit t ia to bee the lit littie tie wan m Mr her mothers alarm The Queen was a very V aBor Sa and she tic ae quite cordially The twig shoat ab t tac this ma pace ac wa was the gash fact tIt inside of m ubo the hat Ie thre wu was no water r After Aft you open doorway It won maL wi with air Jest jIt like Igo a on land lad aaa nd that p Eric hugely until the eM Princess said id tt that the howl boe Was kept R with nice fresh air air by multitudes of at t were going r ing vp U to the tho surface the with ar and bringing It bo W Jt dl sea lei rn true tM i try sod down those a tIdD and hash wb while those descending looked exactly tike balloons ous about to burst He his sr at helmet b when lie be found there was ot of sir r to 10 toSS p OL OLi i S SS Bathe and then the l princess fell in lore bit him directly for fer BrIe Erto was a very nice alee looking boy hie took Wa him into Jato al It u the rooms of tie palace and showed him the wonderful wick which k It was tilled There were atra pearls pearl that tooled lute animals or bur s large a of red coral and bea rare ran shone all sorts aorta of things that came from the countless ships that for thousands of years yean ba e Hen been sinking to t the e bottom of the sea and aDd collected by generations of from old ekI galleons weapons from Vikings for or dragons as their skis ShiH were ed and aDd from Greek or Roman triremes or slips golden vases out t of wrecked galleys and modern things from vessels of today things that tbt the mermen d dDt bat bat which b because they wore we strange the the treasured such as clocks opera Opel sl glasses ee tomato toto Cans caDS trumpets trumpet tel co ee pets com compasses compasses passes and ad the like Hife He M cis ne he ring King While they were thus thu the King KlAg cants came home aid 4 wu was very ry much pleased to see Erie lit ifs was familiar with the ape ap of then having ott often gone to the tho thos airfare s of of tJ the ass and watched wat ell the flaher men Me or sailors lIoN on 01 ship but he be had al always 1 Wa ways been bee rather Rr afraid tra of ef th them as all mermen merman are aN wen was delighted with all that he saw and when the King asked him hi t to remain with them ho he readily agreed He that the with which t these people are an provided and whack you have seen in ail n pictures of menu mermaids was only a sort t of t outside dress and lid that It was always w when 1 Indoors G that thU they tIte looked jest like human beings with legs hp exactly like ours ears Many Ma oe tv see He the boy and aad for days th If ce teas 8 died aIled with curious some of them diem condos on great sea drawn by It dozens of sea bonne from rom t r around oat Ute the ether chic aide of oC tile the w world They asked alt all manner of q ab tM people MOtIle on OD laud and Rd some of them e even said they would like t to accept cf and visit emit him film OIL oa shore More Aar took teak lain Jaba eat cut to te see her hec garden gardeR wb s she 8 spent t most of leer Iter time Ume It was sit laid out t with every egery Bind of sea plant yet IM ever rein of oc and lots hate that nobody OR on laRd head knows about There were rows of shoat ripe and aDd seta sea pickles ready for lor pickling t beds of eem II et ec an ail colors sea u hula by the hundred anti and many a 3 beenu U fill fbi dower wt that Brio Bala did not while hUe sea hovered n la in It Is lovely a garden sales Milt Erie Ene Yes the Princes replied It would M be perfect If It were net Bet for t the seaweeds 50 Jt It keeps me busY then They grow grew so much mach faster than tb ue Rowers Jowers Then too I 1 have trouble with the ice pigs that will persist In coming in and rooting up nil all my mi b best t pia plants Why net keep a up sear the wall or several or of asked BrIe c s s a I THE FIGHT IN THE P PRINCESS GARDEN Th ts a grand Idea she replied I will ask father to lend me one for ter he has bas a whole kennel or of them which he keeps for hunting the In the coral forest They went Indoors to ask for the dog dogAsh flab Ash The King XIng was sitting Jg on hIs throne or of coral listening to the complaint of a amerman amerman merman whose oyster bed h had d been slept In by somebody and was all mu mussed d up The KIng called In speCIal policeman who wore a big starfish as s a badge and aDd told hIm to find the merman woo who had bad gone to sleep In anthers oyster bed with his sea boots on Then he to late his daughters request and told her to go to the kennels and pick out all the dogfish she wanted but he sald she would nave have to feed them herself They went and got ten or of them and chained them to tho sea sea wan wall of Ute tie gar garden garden den but when she was feeding them a whole flock fiock of came pouring over and they went fortne for the dog biscuits and there ws a tight I Itell tell tail you You could have heard the squalling and barking to far seven even mike and aDd the way the fur and scales flew was a tight The wa water water ter was full fult of pieces of catfish and M for se several l acres but the dot dogs won While they were were so that no ao one thought of see eee the oN old and n foxy y yIe sea Ie pigs stole Into the tack back garden and just ate a Whole cartload of sea cabbages eab a s and aDd rooted up half bait the H sea piton orchard kard It was only Dilly when wilen a little sea He urchin who to sold newspapers cried OUt that tat the pt pigs were dc ered and aad driven away To reward re n warn ward the sea soo urchin the ICing XIng bought ht every copy or of The Deep Sea Pounding which was the name or of the ppe be sold oId Tle next day tl ay all rent hunting mounted on splendid sea e horses that w went t like hike the wind The dogfish were let lace and aRd before long had roused a see sea lien Ion whICh had captured a sea Mill cow and was eating It In a little grove groe of seaweed The h u Xing wing prom promptly Uy galloped up and with ORe one blow ot of his JHa swordfish blade laid him out Then Theil they hunted for s sea wolves until dark chasing them over hills and down dow v valleys ll ys for miles millIS while the water rang I with howls and aDd barks Brie Bric told the King g that he had bad seen SeeD barks en the sea but had bad never beard them before under underwater water J 3 In ID the evening they returned home lighted all the tite way by great fet ft fishes bes who were tore Ilk like slowworm glowworms flatly ly larger for the deep sea Is filled wl with such which really light up the darkest places pieces Uk Ilk so many big g electric lamps In the the palace itself at nl night ht they 1 ept In glass glus bOwls bewis many sunfish and to light the monte for the other fish were tar far t too hag and fierce to keep Indoors The household catfish used to dip Into t the e bowls and catch the others when they d a juSt as land cats wOL wIIL rI LIf was s so 80 pleasant down there In Mor Mer bat Eric forgot all about time and ed and stayed for he loved the little as well as she loved Javed him He helped elp d her In the garden went with her to drive home the sea cows In the evening When the flying fish were swiftly flying home In great flocks to roost under the eaves ot of the palaces in the nests of white pearly mud he bossed the sawfish as they sawed the firewood every morning he dug holes boles to plant the bean poles for the young sea beans gathered posIes ot of all the wondrous flowers for the Queen taught the Kings drummers new tunes tones to play on the resounding helped la In the shearing ring of the sheepshead In the autumn gathered pearls ant and coral via vis visIted the ancient Wrecks strewn upon the ocean bottom and collected curious tress treas treasure tire ure explored the deep dark caves with his hie ele electric lamp to their verY depths hunted uJ ted the |