Show I ICARD CARb INDEX OF 1 GIRLS CHARGED AGAINST HOTE Investigator Tells of System h by hy y Which Commercial al Vice rice Thrived T. T Use v o of or t a Index system at th the o toy lioN Ilot hotel J. J by which the names ant an am d telephone numbers of ot certain girls were wert e kept for ready reference last summer was described b by lUchard Price Investigator loves for the department of or Jus Justice at tho trial be bere re United States District Dis Judge Tillman Tiliman D. D John Johnson on yesterday yesterday yester da day of or George Gcorge Brown Hrs hIrs Georg e Brown Mrs 1118 Mabel Mahel TIac Tracy and anti Mrs I EdIth Lopez Jointly charged with conducting conducting con con- ducting n. n hou house e of Ill fame within a 1 prescribed area arca surrounding a military I post The cards Vero used the witness explained ex cx to secure sec feminine compan company y for or men a Occasionally tho the Investigator swore Brown Drown the proprietor called other hotels hotels hotels ho ho- Tho namis of oC tho the Virginia an and d du Stewart hotels were mentioned The Thu dd u witness said hi his Information came from Crom Mrs Brown whom he said declared declare d sho alto did lirE not ap approve ovo of or tho the way In i n which her hem husband ran tho the hotel On O no nn n one occasion Mrs Irs Drown Brown according t to o tho tue In Investigator told l him It was Impossible Im- Im Im tm possible to io conduct the hotel profitably Y without girls A charge chargo of 50 O cents ever every time a girl gir l entered a room was exacted exadell J by th the e proprietor Da Dave Dae e Gershon special a agent agen ent t for tho the department of ot Justice testified d he had bad been Informed by Mrs Trac Tracy y and Mrs rs Lopez They made matlo tho the disclosure disclosure dis dis- closure at th the cite Jail he said followIng following follow follow- ing trig their arrest at tho thio hotel hold August 24 24 1918 1018 Brown Drown ur urged ed them to live lIvo at th the e hotel the tho witness testified ho was told and had promised them generous earnInGs earn earn- ings lags How the Roy hotel was raided according according ac ac- cording to a n. prearranged plan was WItS de do descrIbed described de- de scribed by Sergt W W. M M- Grogham a an n operative of ot the bureau fJ of cat In Intelligence Intelligence In- In lie He and another operative ho he testified went to tho the hotel th tho th is night or or- August 24 and were assigned d rooms with the understanding that th tho u proprietor would turn furnish Ish them compan company com corn pany pan The place placa was wa then thon raided an and d operatives and girls he lie declared d were e found round in tho the rO rooms Witnesses were put ut under cross examination examination ex cx ex- ex bv by Russell G G. Schuller at attorney at- at attorney torno torney for tho the defendants The Tho hearIn hoar hear In ing it is expected will be concluded conclude d toda today a |