Show I 1 JACK DEMPSEY MAKES DEBUT AS AN ACTOR Declares He Ie Will Till Whip T p Jess and Not Take Twenty Rounds By Ii Union town Pa Feb 12 12 Tack Demp- Demp eoy soy made maele his debut as an an actor with a burlesque company compan hero lure toa today and de declared de- de dared clare incidentally Ill whip Jess Willard Villard whenever and wherever or the fight takes and it wont won't tak take me twenty rounds round to do it either cither Ill I'll whip him because I never nover yet et have seen Boen a man I couldn't hurt and because I never yet ot have o hurt a no aman aman noman man as ns I could When I go up against this big Willard I know I Ishall Ishall shall have hn to put everything I havo into the wallops but hut after r I have slammed a few tew heay heavy ones Into him 1 I Ikno kno know big Jess Jes will be ready for Cor the finishing punch B n. n Universal Service Chicago o l Fob Feb ob l 12 The Thc The Demp Willard-Demp- De oey cey heavyweight ht championship fight will not be bo held at Camp Grant Co Col Charles II If Barth commandant at nt Camp Grant to today a refused to permit permit permit per per- mit the tho big bl mill to be held at tho the cantonment cantonment cantonment can can- arena arona Ho Jo explained his re refusal refusal refusal re- re was based on the fact that the tho laws of oC Illinois prohibit prize fights l KANSAS S WI VI CAMP Dos Des Moines la ra Fob 12 Unerring basket baRket shooting and dazzling teamwork teamwork team team- work b by the Kansas Agricultural college college col col- lege five caused the defeat of ot Drake Drako university 13 43 to 24 in a a. Missouri valley valley valley val val- ley conference basketball game here tonight Cent Center r Jennings was the Aggles Ag Ag- gies' gies star |