Show Beware a Treasury Raid OT T citizens of Utah h will agree that the burden bur of taxation upon MOST MO M the he home owner is already as great as can cnn be he borne hornet Any further increase c in I the lie load lond under winch which the people are already staggering ta would be In sheer foll folly It is literally and actually impossible that t. t the Legislature shall arrange c for greater expenditures aur during Jl the next two luo years than thau during luring the biennium just ended unless s sour sources c of revenue lie bo found other than taxation of homes unless 5 the thc inequalities of the pre present ent tax system be he removed h by by- some sonic method that will Anil prove its ils efficacy before the appropriation bill is framed Measures Ie fo providing for the expenditure of money have been leen cheerfully cheerfully cheerfully cheer cheer- fully nn and carelessly ly tin own into the hopper daily since the legislative ve session opened If the tho authors of this legislation spend svend any time orr worrying worrying worry worry- ing about t the h possible source of Jibe thie funds t they hey arc are trying to spend their demeanor or performances do Jo not hot indicate it A subscriber with witha a a. fondness for fot useless information writ writes s to us that the thc bills hills already introduced provide for the expenditure of more money annually animally than was paid into the slate state treasury from all sources la last t year car care We e h have he e not verified this hi statement but hut consider it il altogether probable for such snell is the way of or l Legislatures Economy sh should be the watchword of or the present session While the thc impossibility of furthering man many splendid projects is regrettable the o overburdened taxpayer cr can pay no more than ihan he lie can he lie has hason n not t only reached t the hc limit of his en endurance urance but his temper 11 also 0 gives gins indications indi of being heing unable to bear further strain Everybody with an an idea has lies written it into a proposed law and has created a commission lOn lOnto to carry it into effect said commission sion drawing draving salary and expenses from the state treasury ind indeed cd so many nany commissions are suggested that it is becoming a positive r reflection upon unc ones one's s 's mentality and ana attainments to fail of membership in in at nt least one of them Nor are are- all nIl the proposed measures worthy even cn if the time stale could spend the money Among those that should be hc defeated cel is a proposed statute increasing the salary 1 of the supreme court reporter from 2100 to a year If there be he an office in the state that is nearer nominal that calls for le less 5 exertion on ott the flue part put of tho the incumbent or one in which the he duties arc so close non existent we have failed to hear of it Most of the supreme court reporters reporter's work is is done lone by the jud judges es themselves es el and the thc remainder l by the time publisher of the reports Months pass in which the time reporters reporter's duties ditties are confined to tearing pages Jan languidly from a pamphlet nn and mailing them to the publishing firm that produces the Pacific Of all 11 the official positions in inthe inthe the time state that should remain in seclusion and anxiously avoid Z legislative notice on any pretext the supreme court reporter is eh chief ef that tha- office should count itself fortunate if it is allowed to exist at its present salary It ii is little more titan than a sinecure Other OIlier measures are arc pending that are no more deserving of approval al than ihan is is this some gome of them would be he without logical use even if the treasury was bulging bulging- with an excess s of funds others have hwe praiseworthy objects but the they contemplate the thc expenditure of funds which the thc state does not have Unusual precautions wilt will ilL he be necessary during this session to prevent ent the approval of appropriations that will increase taxation taxation taxation tax tax- a tt result that no political party that anticipates a future in in Utah hares darc risk PS r-A r pa 1 1 |