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Show ! I: ,j- , ..(.-- ' h ! ' ' - , EDITOR -- ANI f - - - -- - Monday, WORK AND GOOD t WAGES;'. . for tnn.ltfnmla anil AX!.... The season of harvest' i nearly past and a great many men throughout the Territory will have leisure on hand who have been busily engaged throu-- h the Summer. ; It is advisable now that all who can should proceed .to work' oni the railroad In Weber Canon that the grading there, may be completed at the earliest possible Young will have Uhe grading westward from the mouth of Weber for about one hundred and fifty miles. Now that the weather is fine and cold has not yet set In, is the time to push through the work in the canons; and we hope to see a large increase' of men on it immediately. The work that has been already done on President Young'a . contract haa called forth the encomiums of all who i have seen it. We are gaining a national reputation by our labor on the railroad, and are disabusing the minds of hundreds of thousands who have been falsely Impressed concerning us. f In our grading camps there have been no drunkenness, blasphemous language, )nor any of those disgraceful sights and sounds, which have abounded in. the grading camps farther east. We should take a pride in sustaining this reputa-- 1 tion. And we should do all the work on this second contract as it is being ' dorfc on the first. Besides, it is to our interest to do this.' It is bringing a ready circulating medium into the Territory in the money paid for the work. And if our brethren do the grading they will not bo compelled to sell their grain at a sacrifice as In the 'past. It would almost be cheaper, too, for us to build the road for nothingand make a present of it to the company, than to have our Territory curbed and oar settlements polluted with the scuta, that infest the line east. We would have to pay for police, for, watching and guarding our selves, our families and our property, and in a corrupted element thrown among us, almost if not altogether' as much as the construction of the railroad for thedistancenamed. It is these grading camps that give birth to tho towns along the track, which are the nests of everything vilo and abominable. Tracklayers moving along at the rate of two and threo miles a day, do not stop long enough in one place to make a town; but the graders do. As a people, we have no wish to have any such! towns spring up anywhere in this valley. Let the brethren, therefore, step forward now, push through the work in Weber with increased vigor, and then proceed with the grading!west ward. . Thero is work for all who wish employment, with good wages in cash. Many of thoso.who believed there would not be as good wages made at grading as they thought there should be, have been agreeably disappointed. We hope this work will contiuue to be pushed along with the piri and energy which char acterize our people; and with an in creased and united efibrt. time-pPresde- nt -- j ; 1 . j ; j . I f V. i j' B--- . i 1- -. 1BBi . : - .1: t. 1 lesumomai ubiunr , " j mil. I .1 3r.Srsrf-?-w- ; ; -- , . . ' - , ; ; -- MeIo-trama-Uo -- i i 1 . v- i : to-da-y, 5 ; " rft V 1 . - on thoshoro, carry lnganipa farther otH cncccaslort:inade to Admiral Parraut the land tnan ever before known. The by the Sultan, in permitting the flag United States stores hip JFredonia was ship. Ifranklin, to . pass through tho capsized and all on board were lost. The Dardanelles ana. enter tne uospnoruij ':.:.; JYcdonia had $1,800,000 worth of naval baa given rise to a vast amount of comSUGAR, stores on board. Tho vessel was rolled ment in diplomatic circles here. The over and smashed to atoms. The United report that permission has been denied , 11 TEA, States steamer Waferee was carried half which was extensively circulated a few Tendered by the Patrons the Drama, to a mile Inland and left high and dry; only days ago, waa without foundation,- - the M3w Veteran Actor, one sailor was drowned - Owing to the consent of4he Sultan Was accorded in a COFFEE, great distance from' the sea she never can most gracious manner, as a compliment he reget afloat again. The Peruvian corvette to the AdmiraT and the pountry ' CAXDUES, America was also carried ashore. Thirty presented, ":i '";' On the occasion of his last atfeabance " threo were drownedirom herr .; New York; 11. Advioea from Mexico uuf city. 7 .American merchantman Rosa City to' theStb, say the Pueblo rebellion YEAST POWPEiu. The eminent Tragic Artiste, the 'Lucas been had down; andBovlila, put and English givcra, shlpanccttdr the French. bark Edwards were lost. who surrendered at discretion,' were MISS ANNETTE INCE OYSTERS, The towns Iqnique. Moquega, L rumba condemned to death. t The rebels at Ti and Pisayua were all utterly destroyed. lada and .San Miguel had; been defeated Has kindly voiunteered ner valuable BervIca PEPPER Over six, hundred perished at Iqulque. under Kegrete, JPrie to and Dominique. r anu will appear ia ner great reisonauuaui The American merchants lose heavily; The President had ordered the arrest IEVIRA In ibe Tragic Play of riZABJIQ nearly all being ruined. The towns of and trial of Gen. Calto for the assassina ' RICE, Mr. IiTNE as KOlJxA x . Igarra, San Pahlo and Imantadare in tion of Poloni. ruins; and when) Cotacachi Ortega had issued a manifesto re- MUUE SHOES, stood ia now a lake. The populations of nouncing alll claims to the. Presidency. TUESDAY EVENING, me aoove uamea towns are almost enThe conspirators 'against - J uarez bad Cross Cat and Pit SFJPT KM II JuR 15, 1869. .! tirely destroyed Pamcho, Puellars, and been banished. Cachlguanlo are also destroyed. The A town under a covering of lava, like Will be presented, the Grand dead are so numerous that the surviving Pompeii, had been discovered near una . Piay, In 5 Acts, entitled, XAIES, Inhabitants have been forced to fly from lio. l :l the stench of the putrifying bodies. In The anniversary of the battle between GLASS, Guayaquil the earthquake was felt, but the American and Mexican armies, at no damage was done. Letters from Cherubusa, was celebrated August 20th, PICKS ana IIADL Quito, dated 19th, announce that earth- with great solemnity on the field where continue at intervals took of a few the fight quakes place. hours. The President has issued a proRUBBER BEMlxcj TI10 IeatU of Rolla., clamation to the people to come forward : SPANIARDS and help the sufferers. Misa ANNETTE INCE ELVIRA, Cutlery fc ftftationerjA St. Louis. Several of the directors of H Lindsay J PlzarroM...M..........,......&lr Mr J C Graham the South Pacific Railroad met here Almagro.....i... Mr J A Thompson Valrerde when last night, the unfinished portion 8 W Darke Davilla Li ELDREDGE & CUWSOH. CONTRAST. STRIKING A of the Missouri division of the road was .Mr J B Kelly, Oomtz.,.,.,m.M..u ., Mr v Aiiwoon Toole, August 31, 18C8 put under contract. They will proceed d240 2w ......... Mr C jM lonelson i Officer to the Indian Territory to negotiate for Editor Evening iveirst-Und- er .the Sentinel B Kelly Mr J land to put into e fleet measures for the title: "News, from the country of the Officers, Soldiers, etc. speedy construction of ttfe Atlantic and Mormons," Xa Solidafiiel a monthly PERUVIANS : Pacific Railroad to San Francisco via philosophical periodical of Paris, has TrT T T. A. I,YXE nr. .! IlUli. ." 1 JlcKenflrf Mr the thirty-flft- h Alonzo parallel, Aucrust. issue of its in published A La.1 Ivn.. who h&a klnrilv volunteered Tennessee Tho deWashington. legisla among several other; items, a Mr G M Ottlneer this occasion :o:tive committee telegraphed Governor of the last mass meeting in the HighforPriestMr J M Uardle ception Brownlow this evening, that the Pre- new Tabernacle, and a few words! on Oroiembo....! Mr J E llyd Mr J E Evans sident will sustain the civil authorities. the death of our lamented president Old Man....... i... . E D Crowther Mr Orano i Orders have been issued to tho depart- Heber C. Kimball. Then it says: D. STUART ..Mis3 DellleClawson BotTodm. SON, ment commandsr to sustain and aid the "Another incident worthy to be men Officer..... Mr II Haines ; Mr R Matthews Soldier civil authorities, and a sufficient force tioned: last Sabbath, Mr. A. Usher, A Ktoelt 61 Adams i... will bo furnished to accomplish such presbyterlan minister and superintend Cora Irge of the Sun. Matrons, Priests, Virgins purpose. The committee received from ent of instruction of Nevada, has preach Warriors, etc., etc the Secretary of War a copy of the or- ed in tho new Tabernacle to a very nuders sent to Gen. Thomas. merous auditory. The Sunday schools DANCES, Sailor's Hornpipe, Gen. Sherman called upon the Secre- of the city attended in a body that reIn the character of an American Tar, tary ef War to furnish an additional ligious meeting. The hew Tabernacle MISS CXlVE. TEA, regiment of cavalry for service against remains at the disposal of every foreign the Indians. It is understood that tho Speaker, who only asks for it. That exTo conclude with the laughter prevoklng j irarco 01 5th cavalry, commanded by General traordinary toleration contrasts most COFFEE, Emery, have been ordered to report to forcibly with the following fact." White. fflrs. AH, Gen. Sherman for that purpose. " Brigham Young, junior, spent late.Mr D McKenzle Surratt was here yesterday, consult- ly nearly two months in your splendid Major Pepper..... .Mr J C Graham Brown.... SPICES, ing with his counsel relative to his metropolis, aa the Utah) delegate to the Frank .Mr P Martzetts White Peter 1 occurs on the 21st, he will general exhibition of Paris,! having ap Widow White-- .. trial, which ...Mrs Powrini . . TOI5ACCO. ...... ... -- .. probably only be tried on an indictment plied to Mr. Duruy, your Minister of Mrs White .......... Miss Alexander v for conspiracy. Instruction and Public tWorship, to ask Kitty Clover...... . New Orleans. Tho Republican de- the privilege of delivering, a few con OPEN at o'clock, Performanct monstration progressed with- fereuces on the'' colonization of Utah, commences punctually7$ at 8. ' Which we offer to live Pabic out any disturbance. Three companies and on our emigration, his Excellency of infantry were stationed at the Cus- was not so good as to honor him with A. KJEKSIIAW, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, tom House, and other troops were dis- an answer. Seven years ago, I was in and Founder Brass different in Builder, of the city. formed bv your Prefect of the nolice. nmp posed quarters At Greatly Uedncedi Prices. A strong body of police also accom- and by order of Mr. Blllault, then your No. 8f, North Third St.,letween Olive and ST. JLOUI3, one tho hour. Tjocust, Ma, panied procession Only Minister or interior, that notxmly Keeps constantly on hand, a general assortthree white clubs were in the procession, the privilege the of preaching the Gospel ment Stone or Pipes, .Lead, Iron, Pumps and numbering three hundred, all told. A publicly in .b ranee was denied to me. WoodofPipes; Brass Globe Valves, also. Fancetta, conbut that I was also forbidden to attend Steam Cocks; all kinds Brass Castings and finprominent feature was a wagon me mjr Kiiy anu tonuiry work for Mills. Factories. Machinery, etc. taining negro women dressed in white the Mormon meetings in 'Paris, under ished 5 especially invited to rail nnd exnmitftand for from Cisterns Also Wells, Pumps and decorated with flowers, represent- the penalty of a judicial prosecution. and upwards; Piping for Pumps, from Socts. to No. 8, oar Stoek. foot. Good large ing the States. The. whites generally You must confess tnat your state mln 60cts. perWell use for and house remained in their houses and were com- isters are extremely liberal lorcing in words.' Enginein case Pumps, EAST TEMPLE STREET. or lire, etc., price cj, piping eocts. paratively few on the streets. The above is an extract from a month water per foot. to the West ern fit Ion Tel Chicago, 13. The freight depot of the ly correspondence of mine. Fer sample and reference apply to Mr. Geo.Q. Xext Door fiate "Ditie store." Office, grrali Cannon and Mr. Joseph Bull, salt Lalre City. d2162xii M Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Yours truly, Trade. was burned this afternoon; loss, probalAberal IHteount mode to the ' Louis A. Bebtbakd. mn.t 1 nmm two hundred thousand. Three hundred workmen awf thus thrown,: out of em1 U h ployment, 10. After an agriSaratoga, cultural meeting last evening, Governor Seymour was serenaded lat the' Union Hotel by his apolitical friends - He thanked them for. the compliment and said he would ever remember with pleasure his visit to Saratoga, He then introduced Gen. Granger, who said, as SeymouTrWaa .the .foremost .man In the to speak country and had come, on agriculture, it was not proper for him to e peabron politics. He believed the election of Seymour.would bring peace. In the evening there were discussions, When Governor Seymour, who was present, and spoke on the subject. of removing worms from soil. He came here, lie said, in pursuance of an old engagement. He had "felt some hesita tion in doing bo in his present position, out no was glad he had carried out his promise, as the courtesies he had received from persons politically opposed to him were very gratifying: for that day they had laid aside all questions 4 except those of common interest. Matown of Warren, in Detroit. The como county, baa been visited by a de structive tornado, Which damaged proNo perty to the amount of $50,000. ..r f lives werolosti' Madlson.-Wis.Th- e Republicans of the first district havo renominated Gen. Pain, for Congress, in the fourth dis trict, Jj. it , Frisby has been nominated by tit. Paul. The Democrats have nominated Eugene M. Wilson, for Congress. Atlanta. The government has issued a proclamation, warning the people that drilling and exercising in military tactics with arms, by any organized body, except the army of the United States ia unauthorized and unlawful, Is against peace and. order and must be immediately suspended. He says that persons distinguished for hostility to the United States and the state, are promoting said acta of violence, by publicdenouncing the laws as unconstituly tional and void. The result of said acts of violence ano Insurrectionary appeals Is manifest in the rapid spread of a disposition on the part of those who maintain the validity of the laws which Congress and the State government have established, to protect themselves by arms, against such combinations against their civil rights. He quotes Gen. Grant's parole, given to Lee's army, that persons paroled will not be disturbed by the United States' author ities so long sJb they observe the parole and the laws in force where they re N., PDBUSHEB. rrrr: t i VtfrtrvAsl - - - - . " ' -- I ' 1 ' J j Mr j ; JTTST 0lENEDli " j 1 t -- -. .- e . & 4...-,..- ...; 1 iss i I . I side. Peter mr.& : "Chicacro. 11. The Republicans of Kansas have nominated Gen. J. M. Harvey for G vernor. and a full State ticket for the Presidential electors. S. Clark was renominated for Congress. The Republican's special gives n tele gram from Pinchbeck, the 'colored Sen ator in xsew Orleans, denying that he made threats in his recent speech. He says the day before the mob threatened to hang him because he was a Republi cans In his speech ha admonished the public that if the Republicans were wantonly attacked they would be obliged to defend themselves by every means. He says he always deprecated violence. The National Lincoln Monument committee have selected the design of fered by Larkin G. Meade. The archi tectural part of the structure will be of the finest granite, the statuary of bronze. The cost will be about twohun bly seventy thousand, dred thousand. Gen. David Stuart, formerly a promi Concord, 11. President Pierce has nent lawyer of this city, and Colonel of ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES UTAH WANUFACTM passed a comfortable night; the symp the ootn Illinois infantry in the war, BY STAGE. toms are now favorable. died at Detroit, yesterday, of apoplexy. Chicago.-- A special from Fort Wallace, The trade's union of; this city; held a or 11. usternaut ana ladv, To ue East. Kansas, says about 100 Cheyenncs ap conventlou yesterday, and nominated AiciaaRQiin. JNewbure. uenry jacKson. j aliasH.W. Lu A. Sledge, Dr. Perrln. Kerr peared within two miles of Hheridan. candidates for city and county officers. T. Phillips, SHOES 10 me wmu u.j. wonirrom. this morning, a portion of whom made a From the East. D. McDonald. 3Dsry-op.fisdash into the town and stole one horse. From the West. T. PhllUpa, O. The main body went westward and cap II. Fuller, Dr. Perrln, I A. Sledge, W.IHlnt,N. II. W. Kerr, FOREIGN. AT tured stock and killed three men. it., w . naymona. Pesth. The various estates of Prince Messengers sent by the Governor of KaraGorgewitch.In JUST RECEIVED E. K. TRIPP'S Old Nt and, first door uon h have been Colorado, report that there are Indians con seated in lavor Hungary, & Lawrence's Store. or f Kimball oervia, iu the vicinity of nearly all tho settle East now al Street, And at Temple are opening dispatohes published menta south-east- , of Denver. Reports of from the Prussian 'I f - ; of Foreicrn Secretary desk Indian outrages still continue in various Aflairs, announcing that Where yon will fine a first Stock or William Wanted, a few cords of Mountain Mahogany King localities on the frontier. BKO'S. WALKEK has Issued an order for the reduction of Wood at this office, for which a big price will be New lork. It is reported that four the crsTosMiAbk Prussian army to 120,000 men. Tho paid In ready pay men were gored to death on the battery tf dispatch states that the King, by this Dy a mad mm mis morning. Wanted: One hundred and fifty cords of wishes to give a new pledge of mod act, Chicago. A dispatch from the chair eration, red . tf to and show his confidence in pine wood at the Paper Mill man of the Democratic central commit the of adds that he wanted. At this offlce, cleau white cotton prospect peace. ;He tee of Colorado, states that JUeiden, menaces thinks it. Of tlie Best Onallly, nothing nas and colored rags. People In the city who wish to MULE AND HORSE SHOES, to ConDemocrat, jaeen elected London. Minister Johnson formally of on them Mon will please bring them gress. dispose AT' And at the Ijnwest Cash Price.' suitable to Official dispatches waited on .Lord Stanley ontothe Oth; ho days and Fridays. . Washington. HallroaI uI Kaayon bands.- I will submit his credentials tho Queen from Montana. say the Indians are all on BRO'fi. WALKER j ,or Monday. peaceable, and that no disturbance oca Times Tho has three column editor! curred during August. aU devoted irivcit tu Particular attentionBOOTS mainly The "President has directed the ap- the views advanced to the discussion of TS HEREBY CSITEX TO AT WHO ARE the tho by manufacture metropolitan of excourt a of of inquiry to INDKKTKD TO THE DE3ERET NEWS lbs. Choice Bacon tlie flncst Quality of Frcncli andof pointment the American Chi OFFICE lor Subscriptions, Ac., that Payment amine into tho transaction of Gen. journals regarding The writer reviews the of the name after this date. Is to be made to iiese treaty. German Calf and Itip Skins. AT Dyer, chief of ordnance. Q. CANNON, the present Editor. course of British A Good Fit and lie ncKt ol policy in China, which GEORGE The Tennessee committee had a part- lie characterizes as lJj8G8. one of April which peace, work: WALKER BRO6. guaranteed. ing Interview with the' President to- is proven by them submitting to fre irouxoV imiGUAM about ten minutes. day, lasting only aggression, fraud, ill faith, and They left, - apparently well satisfied quent evasion iu disregard of treaties, until with the result. I". : .. j.their JUTEN1XE IXSTRUCTOR. leniency is interpreted at Pekin as New Orleans. There is intense exPRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Chinese diplomacy is. seem LARGE LOT OF citement here over the proposed Repub- fear, until 'Jthave a fno BOUND volumes1 (he First master of the situation and thev iugly. lican procession The Governor English treaties, and jockev Volume of fte Juvenile Instructor for California Blankets & Cassimores, will apply to Geni Buchanan for such a lauKh at the into quelling the Tapings; and JAS. L. BUNTING. England disposition of troops as may bo neces- now tney givoner Those icho tcu7t to purcJiase $4. (1246 h sale; as price this AT go by sary to preserve order. Gen. Hatch, of Inni Ifinriinrr nnwar In tliolntheprin fnrlrm the Second Volume, hound in? cloth covers tne ireedmen's iiureau, yesterday ... a to inde- send mission defer WALKER BRO90. To tlie LVHABITAXTS of UTAH they requested Gen. Buchanan, In view of J policy the Instructor, can made tho claim of crjyrcssly for the of Tien treaty finitely ; TERRITORY ! J the excitement existing, to dispose of Tain for the and admit opening Empire me troops so as 10 proven t any assault, tJieir leave have that as nic a few ordcrsj They, must be told. I. which might resulfcUfcreat destruction ting- civilization. JPtf r chasing on Comniission FINEST GIJXFOTTOEIT sale withuia months lean they, want war. that while iciUbe ready for oflife and propertxffThero will bo a however, if desires peace,? actual treaties also large turn out of colored men. who are England AKD furnish covers to those icho Tuxbe preserv W.H. MIXES must be enforced, and! no step further in crowds from the interior. In win oe ta&en arriving Volume tlic to "hetve No. and Second tcish 'it is till that done; then they ed 117, Jolin St., XE1VTOKK, case or any outrage iUs feared they will submit will will and beat China peace. inflict terrible retribution. and Forward with , war between hound. WILL Purchase and Dispatch allklDtlsof Mtbia-eryNew York. A Washington dispatch will not be the theatre of Too m , the result of Jleclianlns' foreign- powers, unless Merchandise, CEORCE Q. CANNON. AT says it is now generally conceded that the Stoek Material. and m The article ends policy. there will be a September session of withAmerican !hd246-t-f lie will guarantee satisfaction to all wtoo" assertion the the rulers that jonly entrust him with their orders. WALKER RRO'0. . Congress. A small commission only will be chargeo cling to exclusion; but the peo The total loss by; tho burning of Phe- of China Re.erences to Geo. GANiror ahd J free intercourse, and it is the Rttt--t lan ACoIlender'a factory is $220,000; the ple want F.miL. Tteseret Nein Offl: Salt L to 3jn -amount of insurance is unknown. The duty of England sustain this wish. of "HOW WAGS THE TIME V City, U.T. r..jijj. tneir rulers. the people against or lcaurnAfi tne off tools of the workmen were lost, making it? If you want your Splendid Asortmcnt of Ottawa. - The trial of Whelan was v. Dnnz.ihem 50 to 100 nu'Aiutiu. the average loss- to ' each from ijj on. Itailroad Men. Huoerintendents or continued yesterday; no evidence of dollars. Workmen, can send br Wei is. funro a o'f much importance was offered. DELAIFJES&FLflfJ T1ELS MECHANICAL DENTISTRY impress; tney win be returned safely packed. TheJffccortcr.ananti-unln- n Halifax. issued $1,280,000 in bonds to the Central paper, publishes a rumor that some genAT ... KEEKS nOJfEEB JEWELnT STORE, Pacinc Hall road. eral the U.S.A. has sent a letter, said Lake Salt A case o sunstroke occurred in Broad-wa- to beofofficial, East City. Temple Street, nfWInfr WALKER BROVq. the heat haa been excessive. from fifteen toto this province. thousand troops The steamer Guiding Star has arrived to Nova Scotia, twenty if necessarv. to inmrA from Asplnwall. She brings the follow- Bcession from the Dominion: th NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF, LARIEJV On tho 13th nlt. a terrible port is ing telegram:visited .75.t0. C&IUMSXSPoV' OS RUBBER, for Fall Set.1 discredited here. nud entirely the cities along the I'ans. ine Emperor: reviewed earthquake, the are Informed that tbe coast of Peru .and OScquador, whereby each regiment TUB Public troops at Chalons; between P. AV. Kisher and Partner, 32.000 lives were lost: nronertv valued nt waa La. BALMORALS & SHOES JIi.City cheered with great enthusiasm. lunde. Blacksmiths, 8th Ward, SAlt Lace lnjr to style or workmanship materia. $300,000,000 was destroyed. A rumbling wJ n dlssolTed.' bnxinraa Is Tbe this wi dar truest of was Victoria Lord the Queen on by J. B.. Lalond, to. whom all onU buuuu earmquaae, and the Lyons, in this city: no ceremony was carried jixeceueu me . riAnnlnn. 1?llln( find Extract- sea . was terribly agi tated, and' flooded observed by her majesty, privacy being standing debts must be paid. the land for a great distance.; At equina strictly maintained. . - ' W.1LKER BQO'fl, Ine Tecllit dX42 Arranging Irregular J. , r,. 1 i Tectli; . City, containing 35,000 Inhabitants pass-e- d lie porta are circulated mat the Em there away, being scarcely a vestige peror nas consented to an interview -ynr Assortment 1 eomnleta in nurr 'Ail wnr mhA Afthe best material in se" left. There were hundred with the Queen of Spain. four, STBATED, only; department,' and we aro preparoclV to and warranted to give satisfactions lives here. Arlca, a town: of; 23,000 In- . Florence. It Ja reported that Garibay MARE, horse shoe brand on oOer our larr and rarled Stoek at nn. A8MAIX, ' i When was last seen. wshT also habitants, Oanrflr far Vanlu left baldi has leaving destroyed,on the between! Low thproeedentod mountain, not a house standing; fixe all will do Watches and Clacks repaired JewelrT Kates, and ti well hundred pera Congress of Democrats in that Brunnlng to est call made to order. and ished here. The tidal - wave 'was forty attend cxubIsk' sriren 01 wm a dot animal to K. a FoaiitS feet high, andrvlUdrlth; terrific, roar City. !J WALKER Rrift'fl- - or the 3Xarkes r?1 ft r I - ; ! : ! RS to-nig- ht i J. 4nei-cnaii- li - anti-freezin- g ; ; I 1 ! , i f . I d251-t- f i i i 5 Op Pachages BOOTS AND I 11 Paris.-Oillci- ' " Jlrrth Jeseret . JVr. IX-enin- p Self graph. - I lature committee had over an hour's interview with the President. Reporters were excluded. The chairman of the committee read an address, prepared since their arrival in Washington, seta forth series of grievances, outrages, ting etc., based on the report made to the Tennessee Legislature. They declare that all these statements "are susceptible of proof, and urged the Presldentto send at the earliest possible moment a eufll elent Federal force to aid tho civil authorities, n4 to act with them in suppressing thase wrongs, and iu bringing to trial the guilty parties, thus giving assurance to all that the laws will be enforced, crimes punished and protection extended to such officers and as may attempt to execute the laws or prosecute them for their violation. The President gave his views on the subject, when the parties entered into a conversation, fully canvassing the political atlairs of Tennessee. The committee will havo another interview. Atlanta. The Senate passed a resoluthe negroes. one tion, hour to make agiving defense on the question of eligibility, other members participating for thirty minutes. The day was consumed in discussion. The impression is that the negroes will be declared ineligible by a small majority. New York. A recent severe hailstorm in Connecticut did much injury to the 5 citl-ze- us i y, tobacco. Chteago, 12. A Nashville special says the Tennessee Legislature have finally passed the militia bill. This law gives the Governor ample power to protect all citizens in thelrjust rights, and they Ku-klu- x may now hope for a cessation of . . outrages. Fifteen of the passengers and crew of tne propeller Jlippocampas escaped recked vessel clinging to portions bf the wreclf, andbywere picked up by a passing vessel and breojcht to J . i I3 , " to-da- 1 I " GENERAL. Cincinnati, 11. A quarrel occurred between two workmen at tho rail mill; one seized a red hot iron rod, six feet long, and raa.lt through the body of the other, killing him instantly. Tjie murderer was arrested. Washingtou.The Tennessee Legis' i 1 ? New York Phelan Callendi ;large billiard table factory fl2?t m! cmf.nnJ morning, and was neay 'rS?-together with Its content ed 400 furnlhd umaterial Tor aT - 200 Kegs 3ail - 4 1 NOTICE j 10,000 . : , . I " - - . -- to-nigh- t. ; i 1-- I UYSOKO . - I TEAS, - - 'Jf J . fsi ! ; ' i. : y, to-da-y; r r. : -- .. 1 to-da- ! y; 1 1 -- j I , i ; - . i - 4 -- n- v .v.- . : . . . ; $twiurj :f t V: rr " . ow I 1 l! t |