Show tf tf T f T t T y i t t t t t miss luclle lucile merrill who has been staying at jacob N lubberts place anxiously waiting tor for the academy to reopen finally lost all hope and returned to her home in bluebell sue she expects to come back it if school ever does begin again while she is enjoying health and youth there have been no DO now cases ot of the flu 11 reported in naples in the last ter ten days we hope we can keep any more cases from breaking out it everyone would be absolutely careful it seems as if this trouble could be overcome in a week or two mr camark and family of maeser have moved into our midst they are living in the old george bird place mr beuse of ashley ward has haa also moved to naples ward he is in the brad bird place A full campaign is being made throughout the ward to get money for the united war workers the people are making a very good response in general most of us seem to have formed the habit now s so it la a not so BO to give we have found out that we can live even if we do give and we dont miss the gift much after a few days but really if one should write a report of the havoc of war among us it would not amount to much say every six Li oaths it destroyed a turkey for this 1 tta aa or a lamb for that sheep man IN U another man lost a quarter of a pig or a sack of potatoes and still these items would cover the average cost to each family in tho tha dons donations eions this time some few have felt that now the war has stopped there la is no argument for further donations have the sick all become well in those two days are the suffering all lell eved now hae those starving millions already laid in a winter a supply of foode the ragged and naked have of cour course e bound plenty of clothes and are now comfortable foi the winter of course they had art an abundant harvest so now there is no more food shortage surely we ne can all see it will take years to overcome all these great problems and buffering starving humanity needs us to share our stores of plenty more now than ever naples wust go over the top again with our county and state and nation i we are pleased to report that tn in nearly every case the sick people of our ward are all getting better I 1 fuller remington returned home I 1 hurriedly from his work in southern utah to be home to help take care I 1 of his people during kneir inear siege of influenza the sentiment is getting quite general that our schools should rt icart rt next week people seem to feel that the quarantine regulations have been very poorly followed and therefore the disease has spread as much as it if school were running it seems alto gether foolish to close the schools I 1 i and allow sick p people dle to go from town to town with such perfect freedom this has been the trouble and caule of all our sickness here it seems strange that the state organization to is not more effective with regard to travel jacob N lybbert made a trip to lapoint and liberty libert y with tho the federal land appraiser lyman R mart Martl martineau bineau neau several of the farmers there are applying tor for government money and some good loans were made my lybbert reports the trip ad aa very vary suo uc 1 easeful afifi tul i |