Show THE CONVENE delegates APPOINTED AND A to la aba thal democracy Is 13 still alive it wo may judda from tho the convention that was held bold last saturday in social hall tooele and 0 it is evident that abc democrats of tho the county have do da ceded c dad to wago a vigorous this fall having as their motto reduction qa the taxes of tho people and salaries 0 of county 11 WW convention although tho the convention was set for or 10 ot clock it was nearly 11 before Ob chairman airman adamson called the delegates to order and nominated judge do DJ la maro mare for or tomi tom horary chairman and A frad Anderson Grants grantsville ville temporary secretary judge do la maro upon taking the chair and thanking the convention for tho honor conferred con forred upon him mado a rousing speech for the cause camusci of ct ile he denied that his bla party wore were responsible for the financial depression which the country was experiencing claiming that ll it was wag a natural result of republican rule and they were the onea who should about aboul der the blame for it ile he denounced denounce ed the mckinley bill as robbery as aa well as the sugar trusts arraigned tho last republic can call territorial legislature for taking tailing the money from the atis schools and giving it to tho the growers of canal gre root and boots ile iio that wool had bad increased fromi from the passage of the wilson bill and prom ased that it would still continue to increase until the producers of wool would receive a fair price for their product ile he exhorted tho delegates to work for the success su i 0 cess ol of the democratic Democrat lo party both in tho herrl and county elections election stating that thai under the present conditions he be thought thero there was a lair fair for victory in tho county ile ho eulogised eulogized eulogi sed tho the democratic delegate to congress joseph L rawlins reviewing briefly the doings of the deli dele 1 gate while there in closing he be counseled counsel 0 borzony among the dele and told them to go to their homes and concede nothing to the republican party 4 jj the following were the committees appointed by tho chair r on credentials Credentia ln A G Job Johnso nj grantee arit ville villa james rowel honel decate tooele ed dallon ophir E T rice lolie lake point it J shields lake laka alow permanent organization and order af pf of business georgo george hammond Grants villo john A bevan beran thoele tooele david 0 adamson lako lake view 13 11 lake point william bracken ophir platform and resolutions CI C 1 E A wall opher james jamea gowans bowans william Vander charles GrIf fittie lako lake point richard warburton too decate tooele K R 13 S sayers lake view william a exford grantsville grants ville walter ti clover alex fraser frasar tho convention then adjourned until 2 p ro ra AFTERNOON SESSION bESS reassembling assembling re at 3 the ibo convention was called c to order by chairman do de la maro blare and tho report of the committee CommItto 6 on order of business als read tho the following appointments were confirmed by tho convention permanent Por manent chairman col E A wall secretary richard warburton sergeant alarms D G adamson THE PLATFORM the committee Commit tea on platform and resolutions reported the following which was adopted as read in convention assembled wo we the bamo bomo crata of tofele tooele county reaffirm our fealty to the principles of equal rights and freedom cs as established by tho the founders of our great government and enunciated to in tho the national and state platforms of the democratic party and especially the recent platform adopted at salt bait lake city sept 15 1894 by the territorial democracy we brand the sudden and recent reversal of 0 republican sentiment towards tho the mormon people as hypocritical cant and subterfuge only for the suffrage roges of the people we arraign the republican party for their extravagance their imbecility and misappropriation of public monies and we hold held up to tho the people of hecate tecate county tho the late republican legislature as a striking illustration of tho the utter inability of the tha republican party to and administer to tho the needa of the we condemn the partisanship of the republican county court wherein they have unjustly discriminated against dome demo bratle officials and bestowed favors for party gains only wo we favor the ud adoption option of the resolutions resolution protected by judge do la maro blare to the county court on sept 4 1691 wo we favor the reduction of tho the salaries of county wo NY a favor the holding of no DO more meetings by the county court than tho the law and tho the necessities of tho county absolutely require wo we favor the discontinuance of such measures as require unnecessary appropriations from the public funds wo we favor ito to 61 collection lection of no more tax than Is ie absolutely necessary to run tho the county economically adminis i A the party stands pledged to effect these reforms in tile ho interests of 0 the people of county it II WAURI JILTON chairman C A WILLIAM WILLIAM jampa li it hagera 13 ll 11 A WALL on and platform TUE CAN next nest iri in order was waa tho the election of at two dole dol gotO to tha staw constitutional convection vent loo in a neat speech by lid ed dallon col 11 A wall was nominated nud and the rules belag being suspended he bo wits elected by acclamation acciani aHoD john A bovan 0 of was selected as tho the other members mcm teora of Q this delegation dole gatlon tho the following lallio la tuo ticket for county officers aill cors selectmen william bracken Ura olten ophir C A griffith lako laho coln t john Hy llyda dalch luh recorder thomas L I 1 salers clerk D 11 II caldell Cul dell jr clevor sheriff ed dalton dallon asses bor W billam vanderhoof Vender hoo grants villa collector win W sagers lako lake view prosecuting attorney attorneys Attorn eyA A J cocu Treasurer F rancis Francis D harman II orman surveyor Survoy or david branion Bonn Bo anion lon vornon vernon coroner james jamea simpson after a vote rote of thanks being tendered col well wall and secretary warburton War burlon for their servi coso the convention adjourned convention CLACK col wall la Is to in tho the language of the street a tot chairman I 1 there was very little opposition la in tho the conven convention tiong most of the candidates belog befog elected unanimously F 11 lyman was seen seea at the convention Us he was not a delegate however it ills Is evident that ed dalton la Is not on an otheo epco besker but bui he bo had bad to accept the P nomination just the same name john A devon bevan stated that inside of twenty years utah would be the empire sta stale 0 o of the union vico vice now york ro tired right whore where was waa Stock tons aro are democrats so scarce thorp there that they have bava not enough tor for delegates delegat eal when naked asked why they were so quiet in III the convention ono one of tho the delegates re piled 1 still runs runa deep old glory floated to tho breeze from the liberty polo pole on the coop co op corner some people thought because of tho the lack of wrangling and I 1 scrapping common romon fco to political conventions that it was a slate ticket how about it dolega teal |