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Show i i The distribution and rural box delivery of The Bulletin" covers the Southeast section of Salt Lake City A BULLETIN OF NEWS AND EVENTS OF INTEREST INDEPENDENT NEWS- - NOTES - NON-PARTISIA- N SPORTS - WARD ACTIVITIES nun a i Mr. and kiln, J. IL Ehlers left of 1732 South Third East Street yesterday morning for Detroit, are the parents of a baby daughMichigan. While there they will ter, born last week. purchase a car in which they will , tour the east before returning Final rites were held in Wells home. Ward Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Catherine Maughn, 59, wife of P. Last Sunday night sneak thie- F. Maughn, who died at the famves took the gasoline and a coat, ily home, 1962 South Fifth East cap and blanket, from the car ol Street, last week. Mr. E. M. Norris while it was parked on the lawn within ten IL BL Taggart of the Sugar feet of the sleeping porch where House Lumber Company spent the family was sleeping. the week end at Mirror Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Oblad left BIr. and Mrs. George Jensen are last week for Lafayette, Indiana, Purwill where they attend the visiting with friends and relaMr. tives in Twin Falls, Idaho. comdue University during the e Sugar-housis Jensen a member of the Mr. Oblad will be a ing year. fire department. part-tim- e instructor in the college. Mr. and Sirs. Arthur Frewin, 1740 South 9th East, and 'their daughter Althea, and Mr. Glen Thomsen returned Sunday tfrom to Calit two weeks .motor .' trip " ' s fornia. FHends of Jim Florence, night watchman of Sugarhouse, will be glad to learn that his health is improved and he will be back to his duties this week. . - . r . - Max Ward, 18, and Harold 18, of 1565 South Ninth East Street, were' given a ten Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Christensen and baby of Cedar City have day jail sentence ,for turning in been the guests of Dr. Christen- false fire alarms last week. sen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Christensen, 931 Wilson Avenue, BIr. and BIrs. Jack Hiller left during the past week. the latter part of1 the week for California. BIr. Hiller is associaBtrs. Aurora H. Duncan has re- ted with the Morgan Motor Co. " turned from Denver, where she was called three months ago on Grant Judd, resident of Highaccount of the illness of her land Park, has returned home daughter. after spending the summer in Gal-lache- r, BIr. and BIrs. Andrew A. Hen- When I was about nineteen or twenty years old, I was a very enthusiastic follower of the sport known os prizefighting. I was at the among spectators every I used to fight held In town. rend every article published in the newspaper about pugs and their scraps, and I could recite from memory the name of every prominent fighter from the days of John P. Sullivan, together with a history of each ones battles. But time changes one's viewpoint about a lot of things and my interest in fighters is now very passive. However in watching boxing matches, I observed one thing that Ive seen its counterpart in a good many other wdlks of life. I've seen many a boxer, who had all the earmarks of a champion,' with the 'one exception that he couldnt take a licking himself. I remember in particular, one local boy who won about ten He would step fights straight. to the center of the ring, box a few seconds, let fly a terrific punch and the fight would be over. The newspapers gave the (Sandy Continued on Page 8) Wyoming. Don and Sherman Oblad, sons of BIr. and Mrs. Alex Oblad re- 8 A son was born last week to turned this week after visiting BIr. and BIrs, Sidney Lyman the exposition in Chicago. Mathews, 1051 Downlngton Ave. Sixteenth East St., derson, announce the engagement o f their daughter, Emma Catherine, to Sherman E. Burt of WashingThe marriage will ton, D. C. take place October 2 In the L. D. S. Chapel In Washington. 1938 Wednesday evening BIr. and Mrs. I. A. Smoot entertained at their home, 1486 Thirteenth East Street, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Llewllyn P. Leigh, whose marriage was solemnized that day in Mrs. the Salt Lake Temple. MarLeigh was formerly Miss garet Young. Monday evening the family of James H. Poulton. 2248 Seventh East Street, gave a reception In honor of his eightieth birthday in the Memorial Memory House, Grove. m season, business matters were discussed following the luncheon. Hostesses Included Mrs. Morris, Mrs. M. B. Olson, Mrs. O. D. Crockett, Mrs. IL F. Harding, Mrs. P. A. Clark, Mrs. A. B. Trayner, Mrs. J. A. Nelson, Mrs. J. V. Olson, Mrs. J. D. Terrell and Mrs. C. M. Ferron. Honoring Mrs. Robert Young, mother of Mrs. Rada Vernon, 1247 South Street East Twenty-firSunday, members of her family entertained at a family party at A long table was Liberty Park. st set with Black-eye- d Susans formcenter the piece. Silver holding ers held yellow canales at each Places were end of the table. Mrs. and Mrs. Vernon marked for Indra Young, daughters, W. S. young, son; eight grand children child. Mrs. and one great-gran- d H. McCormick of Wanship was Mrs. Young is also a guest. with BIrs. weeks few a spending Vernon. .... .. .... . , ... , ! , Announcement -- is 'made marriage of Vivian L Hansen, Cheholo Theda Rho girls met Fred and Bin. Mr. of daughter Wednesday evening in the L O. Hansen, and Sharon D. Pack, son O. F. Hall In Sugarhouse. of BIrs. Emma L. Pack, 913 East South. The ceremony Twenty-firBIr. and BIrs. J. IL Von Elm took place August 24th at the announce' the marriage of their home of the brides parents. daughter Samantha, to Bartlett R. Parkinson, son of BIrs. W. C. Sat....Of interest to people of tno Parkinson, which took place southeast la the announcement of urday morning. BIr. Parkinson Followthe marriage of Bliss Margaret resides in the southeast to Glacier a wedding BIrs. trip ing Belle Quinn, daughter of Lake and Louise, Park Clarence T. Quinn of Indepen- National The Canada. young couple will dence, Mo., and Seymour S. Tayto make return their home in lor, son of Mr. and BIrs. George F. Taylor of East Blillcreek. The Salt Lake. marriage took place in the Lb D. S. Church in Independence. After Bit Olympus Rebekah lodge a short honeymoon trip the met Thursday evening at the young couple will come to Salt lodge hall in Sugarhouse. i.nu where they will make their of-th- e st home. Funeral services were ed Monday for Mrs. Clara Brown, 62, wife of O. BL Brown, 611 Roosevelt Avenue, who died last week following a long illness. L. N. Thors tenberg and family 1378 Westminster Avenue spent the week in Montana and Yellowstone National Park. BIr. Thorstenberg is employed at the Sugar House Lumber Company. Mr. and BIrs. K. G. Whitmore, (Locals Continued on Page 4) Among autumn of . Elder Stephen Coulam Richards KEEPING YOU IN TOUCH WITH The farewell testimonial to Elder Stephen Coulam Richards, will be held this evening September 7th, in the Lincoln Ward Chapel at 8:15 p. m. There will be a splendid program followed by dancing. WORLD EVENTS you i condensed, editorial interpretaWednesday evening, September tion of the events of each week that are 12, at 8 p. m. in the Sprague Branch Library, Dr. Frederick J. making world history. It is a syndicated Pack will speak on Salt Lake newspaper feature prepared by Edward Citys Water Supply. He will W. Pickard, one of the highly trained treat the subject from the legal as well as the geolognewspaper observers of the nation. standpoint No newspaper can offer its readers any ical. All residents of the Southeast, better foundation for their intelligent particularly . of the East BIlli Creek discussion of the history-makinand Holliday districts, are events to attend. uigod of the world. We consider ourselves forDr. Packs talk' is in connection tunate in being one of the newspapers with the regular meeting of the able to secure this valuable feature. Sugarhouse Business Mens ... . carefully from week to week g You will find it interesting nd helpful in pour discus, ion of world events with pour neighbors slid friends. . Jfc. a shv as . A van. V it was the first meeting of the wedding trip to Southern Utah. ATTENTION! Our WEEKLY NEWS REVIEW gives READ IT nuptials was BIrs. R. V. BIorrta, 1678 Roose- the marriage of Bliss Marian velt Avenue, was hostess to Russell, daughter of BIr. and Mrs. members of the Salt Lake City John H. Russell of Yale Avenue, auxiliary to the National Associ- to Joseph David, son of Mrs. F. ation of Letter Carriers, at her B. David of 2827 South Tenth Luncheon East Street, last week. The young home this afternoon. was served at 1 o'clock and since couple left immediately for a League Meeting i To be held at the Library September 12th. at 8 p.m. Dr. Fred J. Pack Will speak |