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Show T ! 7 ' Wednesday, February 12, 1930 THE JOURNAL, LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY, UTAH PAGE SIX Battling Kelson Seeks Comeback New Men Give Aid To Aggies in Hold On Scoring Honors New are largely respon sible for''' the' unexpected strength i of the Utah State Aggie bask- -i etball quint this reason. Conu.igl to ' the Logan institution from all parts of Utah and Idaho they' liave aided tremendously m help- ing Coach Dick Romney solve I At Weilsville Hold Boxing Show ay mu-veter- h. - - Dar-Benm- on ex-hi- gh ft 1 $RYCO AL YoonQ Camera Again Proves Prowess WASATCH DERBY E-- - Fo&MQD- - OGDEN ey 7!. at St. Louis if,- - V F - S, f lnter-toation- . -w St. Louis, Feb. 12 (AP) Prime Camera, Italy's main of magnitude t f . for the fourth time showed his punching ability to an American when dxc sent a swift right to the jaw of Buster Martin, Tulsa, Okla., policeman, and ended a schedule contest after 56 seconds of the second stanza. Martin was on his feet during the nearly four minutes of the two rounds but had to be carried out after Camera made an effective contact. The Behomoth came out slowly for the first round and Martin apparently started with the attitude of staying as long, aa possible. - Primo attempted to add another first round K. O. to his Weber college. He hasn't broken Shires. string" but the policeman kept at With his from .arrival Ihto the regular lineup yet, but', Florida, a distance when possible, earhe has many possibilities,. Pratt Comlskey Is expected to lift the ners failed to display a great first basemans suspen-playis the first Hinckley high school 'lighting amount of effective timing of to perform on the Aggie fion and then mail him a punches and missed frequently, tract 1930 for the well-t-n season, He has performed Martin diving for the big boys was Shires Sumj suspended last a substitute berth. abdomen and hanging on until then Primo wrestled free. tho. t,nni7.tPr hnvpmpr for striking the Blackburne. years of college cmnpeU-- ; Camera landed a few left hooks no more troubles Inn left Thev have imnroved re- - fULnouRU which made Martin wobbly on his to ' settle np,.las. with Commisbaseball thev feet and Instead of dancing out oSSnThJ of range, Thethe 'Tulsan staggered reVCampBSefor 'ini crowd cheered as S bcfore a contract ls away. sUnce Sck3 ;us? aPmtie vigor-, B Martin went to his corner at the A due to his great size and his exbell. Buster made a costly mistake in Uemely youthful age. He has imthe second, after clinching a few proved greatly In every senes and on he Is now getting the Jump ditimes, when he tried to lead with a right to Comeras head, only to every center in the western have the big ones right collide vision. . His shooting eye hasjalso r.iSa.ASii. with his jaw.- - - Martins head hit improved markedly. w s a canvas with the and has i team onlyi thump Romneys young he lay perfectly still during the four more games left on the count. Camera helped Busters schedule, all on the home floor,seconds carry the conquered gladThe B. Y. U. will be met on FriTlie iator Into the comer. of this week.) New York,- Feb. 12 (AP Tud Kent, Ogden, competes in Wasatch Derby, Feb. day and Saturday win one game Brooklyn Robins have made their Should the Aggies first move tie a toward Important thev are certain of at least condition of tbo cow, will be enough to team by Nampa Atop their for the state championship. un-If- strengthening Ocean Never at Real start her on. This should possibly be buying two star infielders. Gor- win two they will, have thev in cow thinner the The as increased ocemf gels it never perfectly smooth. --Htle, jdon Slade and Neal Finn, from dismited possession of this excel" Waves are ainujs encountered, or at Division Heap flesh. A good grain mixture for Utah - the Missions club of the Pacific and thev will also have an conditions is ground oats, ground bar- least a ground swell There are cerCoast league. The Robins paid ley. and bran, equal parts. Mix these tain fS5.000 In cash and a player to be of the const where rough three together and feed according to waterportions Nampa, Idaho, Feb. 11 named later for the youngsters, occurs more frequently than othIs -, the suggestion above. It Impossible basketschool The Nampa high a oft the coast uf Newfoundland it was learned yesterday. Finn was atop the to keep a cow up In flesh If she Is a ers, the const of northern New' England jis a shortstop and Slade the sec- ball team today be same but time at the good pioducer ond baseman of a combination heap in the district competition and careful with ti)e feeding and Cape Hafteras. Cope Henry, oil following a 27 to 22 victory over liberal famed for making double plays. to retain nil the flesh on the the const of Virginia, Is also known to so as the Mountain Home team her cow's body that is possible. have wares of considerable height, last night. Bicycle-Rid- er ve the Nampans an evew iS - Chicago, Teb. 12 stronger lead over Boise than they of established by beating the Braves Tiack" Wilson, fighting-coc- k Race . to Tie Saturday' nfght. the Chicago Cubs, is free at last! C$N-FREjNCfrom aU the troubles his swinging Except for the firft .quarter, the UP i CMcaVo. U I API Four Nampans had it muchwasfjp r own hast, for for first place in way though the play . The final case '.agamsLMm was. teams were tied to- - Mountain Home has a trio of mil-X8CS. cl ec lined "hT "tits hrroryeeKiay iike iightmng: letswtMrpass of a sensational night day, after by a superior Jury which acquitted of assulting Ed iracU5g during which 49 laps were ward Young, "a Chicago milkman, gained, -- Ttio iuns anri rpifHt0d Yountrs su.it for which worst of the race, spill milkman The team Prof. George B. Caine thTt the out- - most nut the Italian-Frenc- h f.eldfr beat him evfrely during of Alfonso Zucchetti and Paul (Utah Extension News' Fall is the best time of tbe year to Despite came Brocardo out for good. ruh-sLouis Thf my dehb-.th- e mL t 192 spill, team Is now tied for have rows freshen from the standpoint! Of total production. The freshening) Debates and Tony period causes a high inillc flow thtn he went to the1 Gerald VS. comes on with fresh grass, other fani man Reggie McNamara and Gae- - spring is which an added nndi stimulation, Winter1'116 Sp,nCer between the two fall freshened cows, in booing Wiisonfor failing to Wal?K jimmy i Franz usually are better producers tlmn cows) and tme vaulted tato n the freshening at any other season of the Deulberg, down' hhn talked f con-Drysd- , ! te. wresli-Idah- nd i t ! Chicago, Feb. 12 (AP) Bhides Goldfield and Reno! Battling Nelson is yearning for a rlrg comeback. former had the No sooner world's champion lightweight read about Charlie Whites cometurust out back campaign than he Do you think Babe Ruth, failing his chest and challenged him. to get the salary he wants, would j If White Is good enough to do a Gene Tunney and retire: come back, so am I, the once There i. asks W. E. S. 'durable Dane said. from baseball? Not so long as the Babe canlmatay a good sock in these fL The Babe 'of mine and the fight promoter toddle up to the plate. has never been a serious holdout. who are digging the cemeteries He is neither foolish nor wealthy for good' fighters, can throw auy enough to quit the game, rather their spades. contract at Nelson want3 to meet White m than take a two-ye, $75,000. the latters comeback try at Jad There is not much basis for Dempseys show at the coliseum Ruths claim he can quit base- February 21. ball with a $25,000 annual Income The Babe would tern ess. assured him. Mitchell kept Corbett find a very rapid decline In his waiting to the ring until the earning powers without the aid latter became chilled, also enragof his dally appearance on the ed. In the second round, Corbett Out of baseball, he hit Mitchell as the Englishman diamond. quickly would become just anoth- was coming up from a knockdown. Jack At the end of the round, Mitchell er corpulent Dempsey can tell him something suddenly walked over to Corbett's about this single. comer and belted the American There is no parallel between behind the ear, whereupon thev The former slugged each other merrily until Ruth and Tunney. to heavyweight champion never liked pried apart. A right-hand- rr the boxing racket, except as a the Jaw put Michell out cold in means to an etid. Once finan- the third round. . cially clear, Tunney did not hesitate to hang up his gloves for Here abd there: The full Ruth, on the other hand, name of Armys new head football good. smart-enoug- h Is He baseball. lives coach Is Ralph Irvine Sasse now to get all he cab out of it but and his Major that way. dad prefers Idea more of quitting Christian Keener Cagelit has he hds no about than he has of challenging Bobby decided to go into the infantry Jones for the open golf champion- Instead of the air service. . . This ship. will efoable him to return to West coach next Scott-Sharkmatch is the Point . as. a backfield The .Mickey Cochrane toots first heavyweight fgll Amd the a mean saxophone. battle of Importance to be held in favorite razz for the As peppery Florida since Jim Corbett, then Dont call , me out backstop: knocked worlds champion, call me Gordon. Mickey, at of Mitchell England Charley Jacksonvile 9n 1894. Mu! Alwajr Important Scott and Sharkey, working on percentage, each may draw down In spilo- f nil die modem mectmit-Ten- ! ite mule wttripttnmFTf-THrounds or less at Miami. , Corbett still remains imlitiens.iMe to military and Mitchell fought for a purse efficiency, centuries before Utinnibsl of $20,000, winner to take all. m.irclietl on Home The American won on a knock- ami Ms eleii)iints out in the third round of a fight the mule was a r illt.ir. 'actor of lirst' marked by unusual display of bit-- 1 Importance. of fc t t In Dempsey Arena i Mutual Workers the problem w.htch faced, One of tne best amateur boxing lnm at the stai of the season due to the graduation of Glen land wrestling shows ever staged Wade, andn this valley was staged in the Worthington, EiiLs Theron Smart, all long term re-- 1 Weilsville Second ward recreat on became 'ball last evening. The contestants situation gulars. The ere boy scouts of Troop 22, even more accute when a fourth by tuaJ workers and M Men. Men, Hcnrie, Was advised his physician to leave the sport 'women and children from the encity, flocked into tne hall to due to appendicitis. ,tire wal-their these, boys exhibit Pm.r nf tho vn ijhys cril ab!Ut- Therc 7Tp" P11 come along so wcU "hat they 10 makc thc show a good now consmeied itgulars. Heading tiie new men is (he sensational Glen and uliamson started Seth Parkinson from Packs Jun- three fast It has been many the ball roLinq with came ior College. Bank-th- e vears since a new man has snown boxing rounds, then o brilliance of this head and Me Bride wiUi a youngster. Campbell, cen- - hig match. n aLea t ham defeated wrestling match, ter Young and Bennion, guards, Fonpeton hiking one fall in the complete a quartet of new men allotted: Gunnell and Anderson who have taken a regular place Is a 'Parted away for three rounds and in the lineup. Campbell then Wyatt and Pcpplcton milled lengthy voungstcr who lormerly it cut over a similar route. Wyatt Wasatch Academy, played for stronger,, looked 63 if he later for a Los Angeles high much school and whose home now is m Sht make a real boxer with In Los Angeles. Young played for .training. Bar and Larsen wrestled school, center a keen little matrn with the latter SprinRville high 1"npr. Age only made him the lor the Branch A. C and now he better lad. Alton Cooper and Is playing guard for the Aggies. Walker gave an interesting during his bluon performed of boxing followed with school days for Davis high. Other new men who were Erenohley and Leatham in a good named by Coach Romney for this wtj,na bw. bout was between year's squad are Elwood Drysdale and The latter was forward,! Bailey ole Hervilla, piorpe. forward, heavy for his opponent. We Warren forward, Claud Pratt, culd suggest the matching of Allsop, guard, Gilbert Moeslnper, , end Wvatt and a, real Thorpe Vrara-sguard John and forward, is a speedy youngster, tp; t would be the result. and has played in several games as has Allsop at guard." Drysdale played on the Tnatchcr, Idaho, Ills home is In high school team. Ogden. Allsop Is another Idahoan. He was a star guard for Grace, high school. Ilervilla and Vranes are the first representatives from Bing-- 1 school who have' ham high The come to the Aggies in several1 Chicago, Feb. 12 (AP) Charles A. years. They are both excellent old Roman" was and Hervilla is regarded iskey of the White Sox as the most accurate shooter on due back In club headquarters to settle with entlre Farmer squad, Mofstn-fnhrThe Great' ger was a great - performer - at Charles c . v -- , Com-playe- to-t- nd al j - W rs, he ht rf er con-squa- d. man-sever- al -- if HUSBANDS Your Wives Admitted FREE TO DANSANTE PERFORMANCE WRESTLING BOUTS TO FINISH George Nelson versus Andrew Adoree Charlie Strack versus Casey Berger TWO - 15-1- 6., , ; Los Angeles - 4 - - m" iSimS? Puny Anderson versus Harold Wiser MiHrille 146 lbs. Lewiston Basasactte 140 lbs. - - tcre ttU me . IS 8:15 admission General LADIES NIGHT FREE Admittance be- ' IMm-atlo- .' ! .. SC.. M ed i.Y.HJ. CoEEgas German-America- opiy one lap - Utah State - year. . - a result, he 'claimea WS ' Itp rhmd the leaders. , 7 was bruised and his back wrench- - j ed so severely that he was InSorely Green A department store executive capacitated for weeks. reWilson admitted starting after lates: We put a green boy in the Young with intent to silence his shoe department yesterday. A Jady taunts, but denied striking him. nr. Enid he fell while.enjroute to came Ins'- and said she wanted to see niuIeaT T don't thick Mrs. Young's seat and that Young pro- ViiRseSlides works here, said the boy. nounced upon and struck him. The Cub outfielder, who was Journal of brought before President John Hcydler of the National league Iiow About Sock? last summer tea fighting with Women are becoming expert In cf Donohue and Pete Ray Kolp says an auto adverthe Cincinnati Reds, was elated patching shook hands tisement, llmv about some new type verdict. He with the Kochester Democrat with the jurors and even wanted of rubber and Chronicle. to be friends with Youtag. As GAMES j Cows should be handled carefully during the first few weeks after should be care freshening and taken) to avoid alfalfa fields and bloating as! tbe cow Is producing heavily and naturally has a keen appetite. If the pastures are dry feed these row all the hay they will eat in ad-- , e dittos to asm grain. Lo not cow get ran down immediately and exhaust all d her stored up energy or she will not Inst through the year. When the cow is fresh her appetite will be keener than at a later period he- canse of her production and if she is expected to continue through high production her feed will have to 1k) watched very enreftdly. One pound of) grain to each 3 to 6 pounds of milk SM ART..G.Y M L FRIDAY AND t SATURDAY February 14 and IS , let-th- Friday Game Saturday Game I Tickets on sale pef day, depending on the I at Logan Hardware 4 $20 to San Francisco, For Further Particulars Consult F. L, SCOFIELD, Agent Afryiei can win State championship in this scries. ) produced - 3:15 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Every Day 'During March Flan now to take advantage of this bargain fare. Comfortable chair car and coach .service, with convenient station Cafe meal service en route. In effect dunhg March from Salt Lake City, Ogden and intermediate points to Tam AngeieR, Pasadena, Barstow, Pomona, San Bernardino, Daggett, Riverside, Yermo. Proportionately low fares to other ' California points. t -- A a- - - i ... . Lg&aa p. m. THURS. NIGHT, FEBRUARY 13 BJSEEXIBA'LIL! Care ofF resh Cows Beck-inm- i V E ! : Salt Lake FOUR ROUNDS (AP)-Lew- I boxin(T1bouts George Trenkel versus Brick Stevens - j Irish Grappler Olympic Champ -- " French Champ Logan The Overland Route |