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Show 1 UTAH LEGISLATURE, Halt LV City, Utah. March 13. -the senate worked all day long yesterday, yes-terday, sand did not oloso thel labors until midnight. Tho following bills I worn passed: Senate bill No. 33, by Hideout, creating the office of district attorney; house bill No. 148 passed Iter amending It so that hereafter In all counties the county recorder shall prepare assessor's plats Instead of tho county surveyor; houso bill No. 03, to fix tho salaries of district Judges In districts having a population of 80,000 or more, at 83,000 and In districts of less population, ftt 83,000; house bill No. 100, providing that Indictments for larceny lar-ceny shall contain only ono count; Kvans' bill, providing that railroads shall fence their tracks; house bill No. 1TO, relative to property exempt from luxation; scnalu bill No. 73, providing for extensions of notlres of trials. A good start was mado on tho appropriation appropria-tion bill. The amount allowed for clerical assistants to tho secretary of tnto for tho years 18U0 and Woo was cut down from 80,00 to 83,400. The state auditor's appropriation for clerical cler-ical assistance was Increased from 83,000 to 85,700. and his allowance for contingent expenses was Increased from 81,000 to ? I,. 100. Tho nttomey general's Balary was cut from 53,500 to 83,000, and ho was nljowcd an additional 8500 for asslstnnco In his ofllco Tho salary of tho attorney general's stenographer was increased from 81,800 to 83,000. The appropriation for enforcing the fish nnd gamo laws whs made 8000 Instead In-stead of 8400, and tho deputy warden's fcftlary was Increased from 8700 to81,400. Tho state engineer's snlury was Increased In-creased from 81,000 to 83,000, but his allowance for contingent expenses was cut down from 82.000 to SC00. The su- fire me court was allowed 8140.13, that icing the deficit In the contingent ex-uccount ex-uccount for 1807 and 1808. Tho salary of the supreme court reporter wus Increased In-creased from 81,300 to 31,000. The sum allowed for the maintenance of the statu library and tho purchasu of books was cut down from 83,000 to 81,000. The appropriation for the pencrnl maintenance of the statcjunlvcrslty was cut down from 880,000 to 800,000. The fund for apparatus and hooks was increased in-creased from 810,000 to 810,800. The fund for thu malntcnanco of the agricultural agri-cultural college was Increased from 833,300 to 834,000, and an additional 84,000 was allowed to the extra teachers for the winter courso. Tho fund for buildings and repairs up to tho closo of tho academic year 1000-lSOl, wus fixed al 815. The house aUo did a big day's work The following bills passed; House bill No. 133, providing that contracts for printing, binding and stationery contracts con-tracts for tlie stute or any city or county coun-ty government Bhall be oxecutcd with-Mnc"achT)f',sTcirreiipecllve-aistiiiefT Shcpard'sbtll for a general law on negotiable ne-gotiable Instruments uniform with thu law in other states on thu subject; Stewart's bill, No. 170, relating to convlcl-made goods; tho senate hill Increasing In-creasing thu examination fee of pharmacists; phar-macists; senate joint resolution No. 10, authorizing tho stato treasurer and the statu auditor to transfer tip sum of 8223 paid by Sevier county Into the ?cncrnl fund, instead of Into tho school aud lcaso fund, said sum to bo available availa-ble for refunding; Shepard's houso bill, No. 180, relating to exemption of wages from execution. Salt Lake City, Utah.Morch 13. The senato worked hard yesterday, and passed the appropriation bill. Tho total of tho appropriations will reach 81,500,000. For tho National Guard, 810,500 was appropriated; for stato land board contingent expenses, 842,-G00; 842,-G00; contingent expenses state equalization equali-zation board, 83,000; for rent of legls-tlve legls-tlve hall, 81.000; for the extermination of outlaws, 83,000; Tribune Job Printing Print-ing company, for lcglslattvo prlntiug, 84,553.03; for Salt Lake City salt palace, pal-ace, 810,000; for the maintenance of the stato hoard of health, 83,100; for the Stuto Industrial school 838,500; Senator Sena-tor Ilennlon's motion to Insert an appropriation ap-propriation 87,500 for Interest on thu amount to be borrowed for the university univer-sity was carried, as was also one of 830,000 for the state's share of salaries of county officers; house bill No. 103, relating to fruit tree Inspection, was fiassed, as was houso bill No. 78, relet-n relet-n g to tho sorvlco of summons on corporations. cor-porations. T.nL. tttfir. n itn.nn niAmlu).. n( (tin UIBS UJUIl UUtCU Illl'lUUl'in Ul UIO houso congregated in the chamber at 10 o'clock yesterday, and after over an hour's wait for a quorum to materialize they sauntered until this morning, Salt Lako City, Utah, March 14. Tho senate put In a long day yesterday, working until midnight. Fifteen hills were passed nnd ono was killed. The bills passed were as follows: Relating to the probata of wills; regarding costs on dismissal of appeals; to preveut the publication of names of corporations; relating to witnesses In criminal cases In Justice courts; praying congress to restore to thu public domain certain portions of tho forestry reserve In Uintah county; relating to tho method of appeals to the supreme court; In. eluding attorney's fees In mechanics' Hen cases In tho cost bill; relating to procedure for now trials; making salaries sal-aries of district attorney for Third district. dis-trict. 83,000; for Second district, 83,000, and for the other districts, 81,300; providing pro-viding for revenue for the state for 1809 and 1000; relating to the branding of convlct-mado goods; providing for nnntfiliinent far nffttiiaca emmnlttpil at primaries; rovlslng thu law lu regard to negotiable Instruments; to permit the United States government to purchase pur-chase a site for thu new federal building; build-ing; prohibiting the adulteration of vinegar; the Initiative and refcrundum resolution; aud making tho supremo court hold four terms Instead of three. The bill relating to the publication of notices in newspapers wus killed. The house passed the fullowlngbllls: Directing election judges In the outside out-side counties to scud election returns by registered mall, in order to save the lsrgt erpenitt. cf special messengers; H relating to state Institutions drawing H their biennial appropriations; fixing B the salaries of district attorneys; au- H thorlzlng the United States to purchase H site for federal building; relating to H the recording of marks and brands on H live stock; joint resolution for the sub- H mission of an amendment to the con- H stltutlon In relation to changing coun H ty boundaries; joint memorial relating H to tho selection of state school lands In H fractions of sections away from the H original section; relating to the duties H of the state board of equalization; ex- H tending from ten days to thirty days H the time fordefendants to answer when summons Is personally nerved outside -H of tho state; providing for the pay H incnt of expense of assessing and col- H lcctlng taxes in cities, Including cities H of tho third class. The house con- H currcd In the senate amendments to H houso bill No. 53 relating to new trials. H Salt Lake City, Utah, March 15. The H senato was In session all day, but so- complUhcd very little business. The H following bills were passed; Substl- H tutu for senato bill No. 3, relating to H the service of summons from justices' H courts; house bill 173, relating to the H duties of tho stato auditor; the roads -H and bridges bill; house bill No. 153, H providing for having all state printing H dono In the state and county wlthla H tho limits of the county; houso bill No. H 171, making some minor changes In the H forms of treasurer's receipts; house bill No. 175, making changes In the H method of collecting state taxes'. The H evening session was passed in consld- B crlng tho governors appointments. H The house passed the following bills: H Senate bill No. 07, to Increase the sal- arles of county surveyorslnthesmaller counties from 8100 to 8250 and 8330; H No. 03, prescribing the method of con- ducting primary elections by polltlual H parties; house bill No. 138, to require county recorders to furnish county H treasurers with certified records and B abstracts of tax sales. While waiting for tho general appropriation bill to H como from tho conference aommlttee, H tho house's afternoon session was com- menced by having a llttlo fun with senato bill 41, by Kvans, to prevent persons under tho age of 18 years smoking or chewing tobacco, the bill H having been rejected on Monday. A H motion by N. J. Harris to substitute H the word "over" for "under,"precedlng H thu phrase "the age of 18 years," was H carried, on the ground that old age H should be punished first. The appro- H Srlatlon bill was finished during the H ay and sent to the senato for Its con- H currencc. The total of appropriations H Is 81,114,580. M Salt Lake City, Utah, March 10. M After spending mostot the day in Idle- H noss the senate cleaned Its table yes- tcrday and this morning will meet to perform Its last.oQlclal,iunctIon of the - l session witnessing the signing of the pJH appropriation bill by tho president. H Tho conference committee reached an H agreement on tho appropriation bill; H a compromlso fixing the salt palace op- H proprlatlon at 88,000 and tho uppropri- H atlon for the militia at 810,000. The M following bills wero passed: House H bill No. 01, relating to the duties of H officers of cities; house bill- No. 70, re H latlng to records of tax sales. H The house transacted but very little H business, none- of any groat lmpor- H anco, and adjourned till 9:30 this morn- H Ing. lloth the senate and house expect H to adjourn sine dlo today. H Salt Lake City, Utah, March 17. Tho H Third session of Utah's state lcglsla- H ture camo to a closo yesterday. The H houso adjourned sine die at 13:15 p. m., H whllo tho senate expired at 13:50. The H motion for final adjournment of the H house was made by Mrs. Horn, whllo H Senator Kvans performed alike service H in the senate. H Tho last official act performed by the H ouuts was the reconsideration of the voto by which It had refused to confirm H the appointment of W.W. Rlter as one H of tho regents of the University of H Utah. Mr. Smoot, who had opposed H Hlter's confirmation, withdrew his ob- '"H jectlou aud the appointment was con- H firmed, Mr. Tanner and W G. Nebekcr H voting against it. H Senato bill No. 88, rejected on Mon- H day, was recalled by the house and H passod by a vote of 31 ayes. The bill H provides for easements of highways H across public lands prior to Issuance of H patents to purchasers. H The sixtieth "day" of the session H lasted Just seven days. H |